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View Full Version : Xbox helpline

14-Jan-09, 01:05
My son's Xbox 360 has the 'Red Ring of Death' and I need to contact Microsoft to have it repaired. Unfortunately he can't find the paperwork that came with the machine so can anyone provide me with the helpline number please? Cheers, Jox.

14-Jan-09, 01:07
My son's Xbox 360 has the 'Red Ring of Death' and I need to contact Microsoft to have it repaired. Unfortunately he can't find the paperwork that came with the machine so can anyone provide me with the helpline number please? Cheers, Jox.

www.xbox.com/support (http://www.xbox.com/support)

Register online and do it from there! Its so much easier! Saves speaking to "foreign" people.

Thats where my partner done ours! ;)

14-Jan-09, 01:11
0800 587 1102

14-Jan-09, 01:18
Thanks to you both for the quick replies, I'll contact them in the morning.

Kevin Milkins
14-Jan-09, 01:19
www.xbox.com/support (http://www.xbox.com/support)

Register online and do it from there! Its so much easier! Saves speaking to "foreign" people.

Thats where my partner done ours! ;)

Are we allowed to say the "F" word in these scarey times of walls have ears.:confused

14-Jan-09, 01:23
Are we allowed to say the "F" word in these scarey times of walls have ears.:confused

Im sorry i didna know what other word to say....its late! :confused

Em i will say different languaged people then!

14-Jan-09, 01:25
You have probably read this but too bad, here it is again:[lol]


14-Jan-09, 01:43
Im sorry i didna know what other word to say....its late! :confused

Em i will say different languaged people then!

I didna realise Xbox Support was based in Glasgow :lol:

14-Jan-09, 01:46
I didna realise Xbox Support was based in Glasgow :lol:

Lol me neither til i phoned em! ;)

14-Jan-09, 01:56
Ok i have woken up a bit now (went out to the cold kitchen) and ist he "f" word...."foreign" or "French" Cos i am no sure now! :lol:

Kev...i know u know i know u know i was joking....if u know what i mean! U will defo know! LOL!

Confused? :lol:

14-Jan-09, 01:58
Ok i have woken up a bit now (went out to the cold kitchen) and ist he "f" word...."foreign" or "French" Cos i am no sure now! :lol:

Kev...i know u know i know u know i was joking....if u know what i mean! U will defo know! LOL!

Confused? :lol:

Are you sure you have woken up? :lol:

14-Jan-09, 02:04
Are you sure you have woken up? :lol:

Em....had on....OUCH! Yup am awake! Just pinched myself..really i did! I always seem to get a bit hyper at this time o night! I have the power to talk 5000000 words in 5 seconds! My OH cant keep up!! :lol:

Im ready for doin something....might play a bit of "your in the movies" for the xbox!! Cudna ask for more energetic at this time o night! :Razz

Bring on the trumpets?

14-Jan-09, 02:24
I'm wide awake in wonderland as well, i fell asleep on the couch between 8 and 10, i might crack on the Xbox as well, i've become obsessed with Lego:Indiana Jones, an utterly fantastic game, and anyone who has played any of the Lego games knows that completing the 'story' mode is only a small part of the whole game, i have it 78% completed now, and i think i must have racked up somewhere around 30hrs gameplay....it's just soooo bloomin addictive.

14-Jan-09, 12:03
I'm wide awake in wonderland as well, i fell asleep on the couch between 8 and 10, i might crack on the Xbox as well, i've become obsessed with Lego:Indiana Jones, an utterly fantastic game, and anyone who has played any of the Lego games knows that completing the 'story' mode is only a small part of the whole game, i have it 78% completed now, and i think i must have racked up somewhere around 30hrs gameplay....it's just soooo bloomin addictive.

I have completed all the lego starwars! :Razz Love starwars! Im such a geek! Lol!

I got addicted to Fable 2 for AGES! Would play it for at least 8 hours a day! Lol! And Viva Pinata, GH, Rockband, Halo, Monopoly (addictive)

There is loads o games i like! :)

15-Jan-09, 21:06
my sons xbox360 has been off for repair now 3 times and is ready to go again because of freezing.when its on and working we have to turn of the radiator in my sons room because there is such a heat comming of the machine that there is no need for the radiator to be on.when i told the helpline that we want our money back they said it must continue to go off for repair before we get to the compensation stage.this is the last time i will be sending it back after this i will demand the money back because it has been more bother than it is worth.i was led to believe by the helpline it was a faulty batch but now i have discovered that they are all like this.[evil]

16-Jan-09, 05:54
Sorry to hear about that. I bought my 360 when it first came out quite a while ago. Never had any problems wit hit yet. I use it nearly every day for quite a while. Dunno, maybe i'm just one of the lucky ones.

16-Jan-09, 09:53
Sorry to hear about that. I bought my 360 when it first came out quite a while ago. Never had any problems wit hit yet. I use it nearly every day for quite a while. Dunno, maybe i'm just one of the lucky ones.

Pretty much every single person i know that owns an Xbox 360 has had the red ring of death so you must be one of the very lucky ones, it really is a very poorly designed piece of kit.

16-Jan-09, 11:11
Sadly yea it probably is poorly designed! Im on my 3rd xbox. Been fixed twice aswell! When we just had the 1 xbox it broke 1 week before the release of Halo 3! So went straight oot and bought another. Then that one broke (3 red lights) so sent it to microsoft. Went and bought another one until we got the broken one back. So now we have 2. One each! :Razz

Me and my OH are often on them! We have a PS3 aswell. I dont play it much but the OH enjoys MGS4 and Haze etc etc etc!

And when we got our xbox back from Microsoft it was still broken! :confused They forgot to put fans back in!

16-Jan-09, 11:17
Forgot Xbox360's they are absolute crap.. excuse my "F"rench lol....

Its made by Microsoft.. what else can you expect from them..

16-Jan-09, 13:47
Forgot Xbox360's they are absolute crap.. excuse my "F"rench lol....

Its made by Microsoft.. what else can you expect from them..

well said.

16-Jan-09, 13:53
I preger the games for the xbox! Not that many i enjoy for the PS3.

16-Jan-09, 16:00
Give the ps3 games time and you will see a big difference.
The collection of xbox games will be smaller than ps3

16-Jan-09, 20:18
I have sent mine back 3 times also, the build is crap yes, but when they work there great......tips, DON'T have them on a carpet !!!! Excess Heat KILLS them....don't keep them beside any other source of heat (radiator is a bad place for it)......

Courier picks it up and i got mine back within 2 weeks......

Good luck with yours

16-Jan-09, 20:51
ours is not near a radiator but sitting on a unit away from any heat source in my sons bedroom but it still heats the room up.this cant be right can it for a machine to heat a double room!:(

16-Jan-09, 21:54
Forgot Xbox360's they are absolute crap.. excuse my "F"rench lol....

Its made by Microsoft.. what else can you expect from them..
You say, "they are absolute crap", how so exactly?

16-Jan-09, 22:34
You say, "they are absolute crap", how so exactly?

The Xbox 360 has a faliure rate as high as 33%, it's a poorly designed and manufactured machine, it's flimsy and the CPU has a high failure rate, Microsoft extended the manufacturers warranty to 3yrs for the 'red ring of death' hardware failure and is reported to have cost Microsoft one billion dollars, it's a great games machine, but it's a shoddy piece of workmanship.

16-Jan-09, 23:19
Hey we're talking about M$ here - say no more! [disgust]

16-Jan-09, 23:26
I far prefer the interface of the 360 to the PS3....maybe its just what i am used too! But i have a PSP and hardly used it ever! It sits upstairs in a drawer now! Lol! I think its just the games i enjoy are for the 360! Im a solid Halo fan (Roll on ODST and Halo Wars). GOW aswell...and shameful to say im a huge Viva Pinata fan (totally addictive)!

On the PS3 side...i do love Little Big Planet! Funniest wee creature ever! The wee sack people! :Razz

17-Jan-09, 02:31
The Xbox 360 has a faliure rate as high as 33%, it's a poorly designed and manufactured machine, it's flimsy and the CPU has a high failure rate, Microsoft extended the manufacturers warranty to 3yrs for the 'red ring of death' hardware failure and is reported to have cost Microsoft one billion dollars, it's a great games machine, but it's a shoddy piece of workmanship.
have to agee with you gizmo,we got extended warantry and to think it cost 1 billion dollars!would it not have been cheaper for microsoft to just recall their machines back,would have saved on the bad press too?:mad:

17-Jan-09, 22:59
I noted the details on the machine then phoned the support service. After going through the usual hassle you get with call centres they accepted the machine was faulty and would need to go in for repair. I gave the serial number, postcode and house number only to be told that the machine was registered to another address and the warranty ran out on 20-Nov-2007!!

I responded by saying it's impossible because my ex-wife bought it in Argos two weeks before Xmas 2007. The penny dropped with me and I got angry with him, pointing out thats why the manufacture date on machine says 2006-09-08 and the only way it's registered to another address is because it had previously been sold and gone back for repair, only to be re-packaged and sold as new. The line immediately went quiet for a couple of minutes then he came back on and said Microsoft would honour the warranty from the date of purchase, and that because it's a known fault it would be extended for a further two years.

I've received the confirmation email however they mis-spelt my surname so do I call them again or leave it as it is, explaining the mis-spelling to AJG when they call to collect it? I think I'll leave it as it is, I can't stand going through the rigmarole of the helpline options and that God-awful American voice again.

So beware any of you who have a machine that has not yet developed a fault and check it's manufacture date against your purchase date.

devil's sidekick
20-Jan-09, 13:07
get a ps3 xbox 360's aren't designed to last i know loads of people who are on there 3rd or 4th one because that stupid red ring of death, microsoft are crap, i'v had my ps3 since the release date and fair enough i'm on my second one because the blue ray lense knackered on my first one but in that time i know a lot of people with xbox 360's that are on there 3rd or 4th they just ain't designed properly end of. Waste your money if you wish lol

20-Jan-09, 20:58
get a ps3 xbox 360's aren't designed to last i know loads of people who are on there 3rd or 4th one because that stupid red ring of death, microsoft are crap, i'v had my ps3 since the release date and fair enough i'm on my second one because the blue ray lense knackered on my first one but in that time i know a lot of people with xbox 360's that are on there 3rd or 4th they just ain't designed properly end of. Waste your money if you wish lol

Trust u til say that! Ur no sidekick, ur the devil himself!! [lol]