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13-Jan-09, 13:00
After the "Tonight" programme on the great car rip-off ,will you change to a smaller car ..

13-Jan-09, 13:07
My car is small enough....it's called a Mountain Bike :lol:

13-Jan-09, 13:09
My car is small enough....it's called a Mountain Bike :lol:

Mines is my legs! :lol:

Or public transport but i just get angry on trains/buses! beware of me! Lol!

13-Jan-09, 13:36
Nope, if anything upsizing, as we struggle to get everything we need in our wee car when we're out with the kids, going shopping or whatever.:roll:

I felt the examples he gave on the show (putting a fancy 4x4 driver in a wee Peugeot, which couldn't even hold his regular shopping, and putting the family man with two kids in a tiny wee city car) did produce startling financial savings, but did not fulfill both customers lifestyle requirements.

I would have been more impressed if it was a little more realistic... give 4x4 man an MPV - not so cool, but cheaper to run, with all the space he needs. Give family man a newer model family car with a smaller engine - cheaper to run, and less upkeep costs. Both would still see good savings, but it would be a more practical change.:confused

percy toboggan
13-Jan-09, 18:36
Saw it, thought about it...and I'm sticking with the auld Audi.
Apart from MOT's (and servicing) it's cost me nowt in three years.

New ticket due soon though so I should be careful - tempting providence and all that.

I do love the two litre feel when I floor it...not that I do that often. She's fourteen years old now and t'other day when we exited the local cinema at neet - under much sodium light she looked like she'd had just rolled off the conveyer belt.

I know where Quentin's coming from but for the moment I'm not going there ;-)

(eh up!! what an a difference an apostrophe makes - th'auld Audi was almost a 'shed' :-)

mums angels
13-Jan-09, 18:58
If anything we'd be upsizing , i'm happy with my Galaxy but hubby wants something bigger like 7 seater 4x4 ....usually i get my way though :lol:

13-Jan-09, 19:30
I am so used to driving a people carrier that i dont think I could go "down low" again. The view from "up top" is far better than in a car.Its the height and all round vision that I like.When we had our vectra she would go like greased weasel poo and faster than a speeding gazelle but the view wasnt that hot. Will stick in the people carrier bracket,purely for comfort and vision.

Alice in Blunderland
13-Jan-09, 19:55
I have to say we have two cars one for me and the hubby and the Galaxy for when we have the troops. I love the Galaxy for the same reasons given as hotrod4 you sit much higher from the Tar in a seven seater and its a far better feeling when on the motorway with all those lorries around. :)