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View Full Version : Lost and found thread

12-Jan-09, 06:07
I love the bit of fun we have been having this last while with the "found" thread etc.I can understand why It was pulled,shame though. So I'd just like to thank everybody that put some effort into it. It was one of the best laughs on here for a long while. Its just a shame that all who contributed werent so positive.(toys,pram etc)
Seeing as it got a bit of a slagging (and still is)thought Id "Big it up" as it was a decent thread that some still see fit to belittle.

The FOUND thread may have been LOST but it was good while it lasted. I personally am walking with my head down to see if I can find anything that I can report on here!!!![lol]

12-Jan-09, 15:13
Thank you very much for that. I was surprised that after 4,000 people had viewed it and 200 had replied, it turned out that an orger had complained and it was closed . I think this was unfair and I am appealing as the facts for the closure are not true.
Meantime, my apologies to everyone, I am sorry to anyone who was offended by this post. I have never been told off before!!. To save any more upset or problems, i have decided not to post on here any more but i will still "look". Thankyou to everyone for your comments about the fun you had on the found post. some must have found it funny and enjoyed it due to the number on it. Fran x

Big Jean
12-Jan-09, 16:12
I too, enjoyed your post Fran, and had a good many laughs while reading it .
It is a shame though, that some folk take it upon themselves to be so negative, when all they have to do is ... avoid the thread if it is going to bother them so much. It is not that difficult to do.
Don't however, let anyone make you feel you should stop posting, and keep a watchful eye, you never know what you might come across next, or who might have lost it .

12-Jan-09, 17:31
It would be a shame if you stopped posting Fran. You have brought sunshine into many lives despite the big black clouds in your own. If you don`t change your mind about posting on the forum, I hope you will still keep in touch with your friends with a pm now and again.

12-Jan-09, 18:31
fran dont let them get to you, i think most people enjoyed your post, i kept on having a look for the answer anyway!! if other people dont like it they just have to do what Big Jean said and avoid it. dont let others spoil your good laughs and friendship on the org!!

12-Jan-09, 19:03
Fran dont go! :eek: I dont even know u but dont go! I had many laughs at your Found thread and many more comments of yours!

How are we supposed to know if u have found something! U know the power of this place!

I will pay you


Does that help?

12-Jan-09, 20:37
Am I the only one that thinks that Fran should put her toys back in her pram.

She made fun out of an old mans misery and got her knuckles rapped for it, accept that you can't alus get it right and move on from it.

12-Jan-09, 21:02
Having been on the receiving end of seeing a post about a family member on here that has caused me distress in the past then I can completely see why the thread was removed.
As changi says we all make mistakes but need to move on from them.

12-Jan-09, 21:43
Am I the only one that thinks that Fran should put her toys back in her pram.

She made fun out of an old mans misery and got her knuckles rapped for it, accept that you can't alus get it right and move on from it.

i am with u on this...but fran should stay...i think lessons may have been learnt:roll:

12-Jan-09, 22:23
have no axe to grind in this whatsoever but it seems some care must be taken
its not all that long ago that a post got out in the public domain and the forom was closed altogether for a couple of days and if i remember arightit was even considered closing it feneto
theres no need for fran to take it personally as the last couple of posts bears out what im trying to say
why not forget it and lets all move on together regards tony

12-Jan-09, 23:44
seem to remember i got a slagging from a new member to do with woolies and all that happened was the post was closed and i know for a fact i was not the only one who complained about this person so why remove frans but not the one that caused distress to and my family x

12-Jan-09, 23:46
just want to add Fran was only having a laugh for goodness sake but wish had seen the answer x

13-Jan-09, 00:13
Am I the only one that thinks that Fran should put her toys back in her pram.

She made fun out of an old mans misery and got her knuckles rapped for it, accept that you can't alus get it right and move on from it.

Your facts are wrong. It was not an old man and he was not misreable.I did not make fun of him at all. In fact it was a good job i found him or he could have drowned or died from hyperthermia.
I expect this will all be removed.

13-Jan-09, 00:14
Having been on the receiving end of seeing a post about a family member on here that has caused me distress in the past then I can completely see why the thread was removed.
As changi says we all make mistakes but need to move on from them.

I could not have caused distress to anyone as no one would have known who the man was, no desription or details were given.
I have moved on, most definetly.

13-Jan-09, 00:19
I could not have caused distress to anyone as no one would have known who the man was, no desription or details were given.
I have moved on, most definetly.

Good for u Fran! Get your say! You know i was kidding about the £9999999999999999999999999 i was going to give u! :lol:

If we had read this in the paper, seen it on the news...would we phone and complain?!

Alice in Blunderland
13-Jan-09, 00:39
Its a fact that what one person deems acceptable another finds it insensitive or offensive thats what makes us all individuals. :)

This is a community forum and is viewed by a wide variety of people.

The found thread was to many a great laugh with lots of views and posts. Not for one momment did Fran have any intention of poking fun at anyone but .........herself ............for always finding things. :)

Chin up Fran keep posting some will agree and some wont we all have differences of oppinion and thats what gives cause to such great debates on the org.

I for one find many of the topics close to me personally but if needed
I can post my oppinion. Yes we have all been reminded to take more care in posting what may be considered insensitive or embarassing posts but its a case of one mans feast could be another mans poison. :)

This is a small community where a lot of people do know each other and in this case care has to be taken but knowing Fran her intentions were not in any way meant to have had this kind of reaction.

Alice in Blunderland
13-Jan-09, 00:47
Hey Fran I just noticed your post.

Glad to see your still posting. :D

13-Jan-09, 01:04
Hey Fran I just noticed your post.

Glad to see your still posting. :D

Completely agree! :)

13-Jan-09, 01:32
The "Found" thread was removed on the consensus of the Moderators following several complaints. Whilst the initial post and replies may have provided some fun speculation, the outcome was very different and caused upset to several people.

As has been pointed out on this thread, we need to remember that we live in small community so we need to be careful what we post.

To avoid any further speculation, this thread is now closed.