View Full Version : Recycling

11-Jan-09, 21:12
I am all for recycling and just last month got the new recycling bins from the council.It is amazing what can be recycled. One problem....., after 2 weeks it is full and cannot get anything else in it! My neighbors are the same.
I think the counsel have to rethink their refuse collection as normal waste is still collected once a week, but recycling is once every 4 weeks. I recycle more now and all other waste less. I think it should be done alternate weeks.
What does anyone else think?

11-Jan-09, 21:24
We get our normal bins collected weekly on a Tuesday, mine is now usually half full. We have garden waste and recycling collected alternate weeks on Friday. Not sure why your collection weekly is four weekly.

11-Jan-09, 22:14
Our recycing bin is full too.

It would be overflowing if I could work out whether the shampoo, bubble bath and cleaning stuff bottles can be recycled if I can get the tops off them!

12-Jan-09, 11:31
I would imagine its probably due to funding (as is the case with most things when it comes to the council!). If you email [email protected] they should be able to give you an answer.

12-Jan-09, 11:38
Is that full despite jumping on cans and bottles. We survive 4 weeks but only with step ladder and big boots dancing in the recycling bin!

12-Jan-09, 12:58
We have found the same since we got our recycling bin. I always quash the cans, milk cartons etc but still need to get in the bin to pack it all down. What a difference to wheelie bin though. Every week our bin would be fit to burst now we are lucky if it's half full. I would say an uplift of each bin once every 2 weeks would be more than enough.

12-Jan-09, 19:26
Dadie - if you look at the base of the shampoo bottles etc if it has a 1 or a 2 inside a triangle with an arrow on it then it can be recycled.

12-Jan-09, 23:24
Is that full despite jumping on cans and bottles. We survive 4 weeks but only with step ladder and big boots dancing in the recycling bin!

It's the same with us. OH has to do the jumping up and down though. :)

13-Jan-09, 00:10
Hey guys good on ya doin the recyclin. Tell the council that the bins are full and they might change the uplift times! They can only do it if they know! Before anyone shouts at me I know they may not do anything but it is surely worth a shot!

13-Jan-09, 02:36
on the subject of recycling why doesnt the postie recycle his elastic bands instead of dumping them on my doorstep.are they to heavy to carry back to the sorting office?!!!;)

13-Jan-09, 11:35
Our recycling bin fills up after 2 weeks so we have to make a trip to the recycling centre every now and then. But we have to do that with the glass anyway as you cannot put that in the recycling bin. However the best thing to do would be to work out how to minimise the amount of stuff that you get in the first place so you dont have to recycle it in the first place. IE we have started buying concentrated stuff for the washing machine and it last twice as long for the same amount of packaging. Tescos have strted doing double concentrate diluting juices again twice as long for the same packaging. That is the best way to do your bit.

13-Jan-09, 12:13
on the subject of recycling why doesnt the postie recycle his elastic bands instead of dumping them on my doorstep.are they to heavy to carry back to the sorting office?!!!;)

same here, always lying on the pavement!!

13-Jan-09, 12:47
on the subject of recycling why doesnt the postie recycle his elastic bands instead of dumping them on my doorstep.are they to heavy to carry back to the sorting office?!!!;)Exactly the same here, would save the PO a fortune[lol].

Bad Manners
13-Jan-09, 12:52
Our recycling bin fills up after 2 weeks so we have to make a trip to the recycling centre every now and then. But we have to do that with the glass anyway as you cannot put that in the recycling bin. However the best thing to do would be to work out how to minimise the amount of stuff that you get in the first place so you dont have to recycle it in the first place. IE we have started buying concentrated stuff for the washing machine and it last twice as long for the same amount of packaging. Tescos have strted doing double concentrate diluting juices again twice as long for the same packaging. That is the best way to do your bit.
have to agree with you we buy or meat from the butcher therefore we do not have all these plastic trays that the supermarkets use we try to avoid things that or overly packaged it's not uncommon to find things in a plastic tray in a box with a cardboard sleeve I feel this is unnessesery packaging recycling is a good thing and to be commended buying without to much packaging is better.

13-Jan-09, 14:11
have to agree with you we buy or meat from the butcher therefore we do not have all these plastic trays that the supermarkets use we try to avoid things that or overly packaged it's not uncommon to find things in a plastic tray in a box with a cardboard sleeve I feel this is unnessesery packaging recycling is a good thing and to be commended buying without to much packaging is better.

I agree, there are far too much packaging on a lot of things nowadays. Not sure if people are aware, but if you think a producer uses too much packaging you can report them to Valpak (www.valpak.co.uk (http://www.valpak.co.uk)) who will investigate. Many producers have obligations regarding how much packaging they put on their goods and Valpak can make sure they are meeting this.

Recycling is a great thing to do, but I agree with badmanners - buying stuff with less packaging is a better solution.

15-Jan-09, 09:45
Thank you for the info guys been really helpfull :D