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View Full Version : Pulteneytown Pharmacy, Macarthur St, Wick

09-Jan-09, 21:40
Hi everyone

Just to let you know that the pharmacy will be open for business as normal (well, as near to normal as possible) from tomorrow (Saturday). Thank you to everyone for their concern, support, patience and understanding after today's incident. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Thanks again


09-Jan-09, 22:05
Incident? May I be cheeky and ask what happened?

09-Jan-09, 23:03
umm well there was two firetrucks there today at just before two! but as i dont know what happened i didnt want to say anything!

10-Jan-09, 00:13
was wondering myself what had happened to x

10-Jan-09, 00:20
Incident? May I be cheeky and ask what happened?

Tut, tut, Julia. Remember no fishing allowed. ;)

10-Jan-09, 00:36
yes there was a fire that caused some damage as they do. Started by a heater I beleive.

10-Jan-09, 15:02
Hi all

After assessing the damage this morning, shifting stock, and an all hands on deck gutting/cleaning/tidying effort, Pulteneytown Pharmacy will be open for prescriptions as usual from Monday onwards. Awaiting a visit and instruction from the insurance assessors before doing much more after Friday's fire (from an electric heater/wire).

Once again, a big thank you to everyone for their hard work, concern and patience: in particular to the emergency services for their prompt and efficient efforts when dealing with the incident.

Cheers c[[]]

12-Jan-09, 17:15
Tut, tut, Julia. Remember no fishing allowed. ;)

I must apologise for asking about the incident, I did wonder what you meant by your fishing comment at the time but my sister who is not even registered has just informed me about 'fishing'! Sorry!

12-Jan-09, 17:47
Thanks for the bad rep 'Router', that's what I get for apologising! Why on earth would I bother apologising days after my post if I had any idea what fishing meant!!

12-Jan-09, 17:59
Thanks for the bad rep 'Router', that's what I get for apologising! Why on earth would I bother apologising days after my post if I had any idea what fishing meant!!

oh he is good a dishing it out the bad rep

12-Jan-09, 18:11
Thanks for the bad rep 'Router', that's what I get for apologising! Why on earth would I bother apologising days after my post if I had any idea what fishing meant!!

definitely not fair to u...[disgust]some folk are bad rep happy...[lol]

13-Jan-09, 07:20
Thanks for the bad rep 'Router', that's what I get for apologising! Why on earth would I bother apologising days after my post if I had any idea what fishing meant!!
I too didnt know what happened and I only live round the corner!!!.
Bad reppin for that is a tad too bad for my liking,maybe you need to agree with people more and you'll get loads of love (oops that doesnt sound right does it!!).:lol:

13-Jan-09, 23:27
i wid hardly say it wis fishin....since 'e manie brought up 'e 'incident' in 'e first place.

Alice in Blunderland
13-Jan-09, 23:31
I just love his org name it couldnt be more appropriate :lol:

Good thinking there David. He also gave his real name so Im not letting the cata out there. ;)

14-Jan-09, 00:09
I hope the damage is sorted out quickly as it really s a gem of a wee shop!
I found nappy pins in there when I had been trawling through Thurso and Wick without finding them.
Also the staff are very helpfull and polite and take time with you!

14-Jan-09, 00:25
i hope 'e people that live up 'e stairs get over 'e 'incident' asweel....

a truely horrifyin thought o' what could o' happened :eek:

14-Jan-09, 00:59
i wid hardly say it wis fishin....since 'e manie brought up 'e 'incident' in 'e first place.

Exactly what i thought, ye joost canna win aroon here sometimes.