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View Full Version : sam lost his first tooth!(pic)

05-Jan-09, 08:42
omg sam lost his first tooth! *gush* hes to little i refuse to belive he is growing up! hes only 5!
the little brat *G* came in the toilet and said look mom .. i was like what.. he pointed to his mouth and said "i pulled it out"
what did you pull out? my poor just awake confused brain was not working!
my tooth! he replies...
i said "WHAT?!"
he then grins cheekily and sure enough bottom front tooth is GONE!
wheres your tooth i sqeek,
i threw it in the bin, pointing to the toilet side bin.
You THREW it Away, i say dumbfounded..
he nods, yes i pulled it out and put it in there...
lets find it hunny, if you have a wobbly tooth you tell mummy not pull it out and throw it away!
why, he replies?
flabergasted, i tell him, so we can put it under your pillow and the toothfairy can come and leave you a penny...
then he just gives me a discusted look of... why in the world would some fairy want to leave a penny and a gold penny at that for a old tooth that dosent even work anymore!
ahhh bless!
and on another note the one beside it is wobbly as well! so hes gonna look interesting soon!

05-Jan-09, 11:08
awww just found this... this is a pic of sam with his first tooth.. funnily enough the one he lost! i had just blown dried his hair.. so no he didnt stick his finger in a socket.. he will so hate me for these pics oneday!

05-Jan-09, 11:11
What is the going rate for the toothfairy this year ... has the prices gone up in line with inflation or have they been reduced with the credit crunch?:lol:

05-Jan-09, 12:08
i think since its a bright white shiny tooth... and in mint condition, then the tooth fairy will either give him a pound or two... im saying 1 dad is saying two.. but we will figure it out later on.... it may have more value as its a first tooth as well.... *G*

05-Jan-09, 15:09
Wow thats great i think they look fab when there tooth comes out. My daughter who is also 5 and was in playgroup with sam has 4 teeth out and 2 adult teeth already through.

Going rate in out house is £1 for small but £2 for bigger ones didna have the heart to knock the vat of:lol:

05-Jan-09, 17:47
I used to get 50p when i was little.

Think with the credit crunch the tooth fairy has had to put it up a wee bit.