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31-Dec-08, 00:00
Well today was well and truly the end of an era, ad to go into work(woolies) to fill in all the forms you have to when you are made redundant, and the shop in near enogh a shell, all fittings are going, such a shame it has come to this. can i just also take the opportunity to wish all my friends at woolies all the best for the furure and it was great working with you all. Now all together we will meet again, dont know where, dont know when, but i know we will meet again some sunny day.:(:(:(

31-Dec-08, 00:03
The shop and all the staff will be missed balto, hopefully we will see the staff elsewhere around the county soon. :)

31-Dec-08, 00:05
The shop and all the staff will be missed balto, hopefully we will see the staff elsewhere around the county soon. :)
aye most likely in tesco, lol but hey it will be a job and thats all that matters.

31-Dec-08, 18:03
aye most likely in tesco, lol but hey it will be a job and thats all that matters.
good luck hun you deserve to find something you are a good kind hearted person and thank you for your support last week you know what i mean x

percy toboggan
31-Dec-08, 18:21
The blunder of Woolies was the way the management seemed to lose focus about twenty years ago, and also lies in the easy way the big four supermarkets can compete so easily , encroaching upon rivals territory with the captive 'weekly shop' audience.

Balto: I wish you and your colleagues well in the New Year....I used to love the local Woolworth's store as a child and though the founder was American the brand name has embroidered itself into the retail fabric of the nation and will be sorely missed by those who think about these things in any depth. The others will continue to swell the coffers of conglomerates without thought for its passing.

Good Luck.

31-Dec-08, 18:30
With Woolies new closed and nearly empty the market square looks desolate, and while looking down Bridge St from The Royal Bank Of Scotland i couldn't help but think, god it looks awful, what the hell has happened to this town :(

31-Dec-08, 18:48
It will get worse before it gets better (hopefully). By the end of 2009 the Council staff will be moving to the DSS premises and the building will be gutted and refurbished. All those who might have visited the remaining shops while going to the Council to pay their rent etc. will probably give the Square a miss all togeher. No more popping into Woolies for a look at what's on offer.:(

31-Dec-08, 18:55
It will get worse before it gets better (hopefully). By the end of 2009 the Council staff will be moving to the DSS premises and the building will be gutted and refurbished. All those who might have visited the remaining shops while going to the Council to pay their rent etc. will probably give the Square a miss all togeher. No more popping into Woolies for a look at what's on offer.:(

It's been on a downward spiral for quite some time, but now it really does feel like the heart and soul has been ripped out of the town centre, there is no character to it anymore and it's quite depressing to walk through.

31-Dec-08, 18:59
I agree with you entirely. The main street is busy with cars (not people) all heading for Tescos. The place was like a mad house today. You wouldn't think it was only going to be closed for a day. I wonder how different things would be if Tescos had never come.

Big G
31-Dec-08, 19:05
Just walked past Woolies in Thurso and it is so sad to see it empty! :O

I couldn't believe how big the building is, they got rid of all the shelves and all that's left are the tills and their surroundings! :(

I will miss Woolies!

31-Dec-08, 19:09
Me too....loved the shop. Used to love going to the one in Dingwall with my little sister when I was really little. Well before the advent of massive supermarkets.

31-Dec-08, 19:09
Last night I dreamt I was in Wick (haven't been for a few years now) and it was totally desolate with huge birdlike creatures wheeling around.

A bit like the trailer that's showing for the upcoming TV series Tale of The City (I think) with dragons flying about a deserted London....so I imagine that's partly where the dream came from.

Then I woke up with a start -it was 4 a.m. and the blooming cat had jumped on me and dug her claws in! :mad:

It was a very sad and disturbing dream tho':(.... I hope when I next get up to Wick it won't be like that! :~(

31-Dec-08, 19:27
I too will miss Woolies,I always went in a wander when I was in town and usually came out with something or other and usually at a bargain price! x

wee machine
31-Dec-08, 19:40
Well today was official our last day in Wick store today and it was so sad and hard i just wanted to stay in the place. . . there r so many memories i have taken away with me and not only friends but everyone is like my family . . .U have all help me through difficult times and been there to laugh and cry with me. . . Thank u all so so much . . . ull all have a place in my heart and to all the customers who have made my time workin for Woolies good times

It hard to beleive i had been there for over 5 years straight from school. . .Having everyone looking out for me and mothering me (quite often on sunday due to hangovers lol) Thank u.

Woolies will always have a place in my heart and i will always b a woolies girlie!!!


31-Dec-08, 20:32
Well today was official our last day in Wick store today and it was so sad and hard i just wanted to stay in the place. . . there r so many memories i have taken away with me and not only friends but everyone is like my family . . .U have all help me through difficult times and been there to laugh and cry with me. . . Thank u all so so much . . . ull all have a place in my heart and to all the customers who have made my time workin for Woolies good times

It hard to beleive i had been there for over 5 years straight from school. . .Having everyone looking out for me and mothering me (quite often on sunday due to hangovers lol) Thank u.

Woolies will always have a place in my heart and i will always b a woolies girlie!!!

xxxxxthink i know who you are hun but will not say but the 5 yrs gave it away you are a great girl and i wish you all the best in all you do xxxxxxxxxx

01-Jan-09, 17:52
SO, SO, SO sad, not only for our community but to all the staff in both Wick and Thurso to lose such an iconic building in shopping!

Would just like to pass on my bestest of wishes to one of the lassies who worked in Woollies in Wick. Wendy, you were in my class at High School, and I want to say that you were always very helpful at the counter and I want to wish you and your family all The Very Best For 2009 - heres hoping that an employer will see the potential you have and give you a really good career - you deserve the best lassie !!

01-Jan-09, 18:00
I did feel sad today when I got out my new 2009 diary. I've always got my diaries from Woollies, and as I was putting in the birthday dates I noticed the page at the end of October that says 'Woolworth's 2010 Diaries Available Now!'.:( Sadly they won't be.

I'll really miss my local Woollies, but I'm sure that the Wick and Thurso shops will be much more sorely missed than a city branch like mine.

I do feel for everyone who's lost their job and I'd like to wish you all the very best in finding a new job very soon.

01-Jan-09, 18:44
nice to see so many lovely comments, just a pity they wouldnt stand for anything in real life, reckon woolies will be missed by the majority of people. i loved my time there, working on the record bar with my good friend alison, who i wish all the luck in the world, as i do most of them, with just the odd exception.

01-Jan-09, 19:23
I agree with you entirely. The main street is busy with cars (not people) all heading for Tescos. The place was like a mad house today. You wouldn't think it was only going to be closed for a day. I wonder how different things would be if Tescos had never come.

Would've been stuck with somerfield:D
At the end of the day tesco is just a supermarket like all the rest. Speaking as someone who works there you can take my word on that.

01-Jan-09, 19:33
Thank you to every one for the kind comments about woolies and staff.I did not work there for long but the short time I was there we had some laughs!!!! Balto I must have worked with you ???????? PM if you want.Good luck to you all and looking forward to our night out.:D

01-Jan-09, 19:46
Life without Woolies is going to be very strange. Even though it has struggled for a while, somehow I never thought it would go and can't help wondering even now if they tried hard enough to rescue it. Good luck to all who worked there and hope you find new jobs very soon.

With big name stores going down nearly every day, it's a scary world just now.

Highland lad
01-Jan-09, 21:28
It was really sad on Monday woolies last day. We went in to have a look and I could'nt believe how rude some people were being shoving past other customers never mind flattening the staff while they were doing their jobs.

I always found the staff very helpful and friendly and would like to wish them all well.

Now with no woolies I don't know where we are supposed to get back to school stuff. Woolies was the best for bags, pencil cases, pens, etc..

01-Jan-09, 21:30
Now with no woolies I don't know where we are supposed to get back to school stuff. Woolies was the best for bags, pencil cases, pens, etc..

How about Tesco?

02-Jan-09, 10:42
Thank you to every one for the kind comments about woolies and staff.I did not work there for long but the short time I was there we had some laughs!!!! Balto I must have worked with you ???????? PM if you want.Good luck to you all and looking forward to our night out.:D
just sent you a pm

Highland lad
02-Jan-09, 20:14
Tesco is ok but Woolies was much better. The quality of the pencils ,rubbers and sharpeners etc were better at Woolies.

02-Jan-09, 20:18
I miss woolies! :(

It used to get me oot o the house, looked forward to going to see new releases of games, cd's and dvd's!

Now i just cana be bothered going down the street unless i really extremelly have to!

02-Jan-09, 23:37
I miss woolies! :(

It used to get me oot o the house, looked forward to going to see new releases of games, cd's and dvd's!

Now i just cana be bothered going down the street unless i really extremelly have to!
must say i am the same,used to be a trip to the coop then to woolies, even on my days of, so doubt i will go down the st as much.

03-Jan-09, 00:42
Had to disappoint the kids today :(! They mentioned that tomorrow would be pocket money day which invariably meant a trip to Woolies. I explained to them that it was now shut and we'd have to go elsewhere instead. They have decided to save up and go to Tesco in Wick next time we're through :confused.

03-Jan-09, 00:44
Had to disappoint the kids today :(! They mentioned that tomorrow would be pocket money day which invariably meant a trip to Woolies. I explained to them that it was now shut and we'd have to go elsewhere instead. They have decided to save up and go to Tesco in Wick next time we're through :confused.
it really is going to leave a hole in the community thats for sure.

04-Jan-09, 17:28
woolies are gone now and it looks strange to see the shop lying empty,the market square used to be such a busy place.but we still have morags and her tasty home baking and a pint in the crown if need be.:D