View Full Version : How can I remove sick from a car (carpet and inside door)

22-Dec-08, 17:16
I had someone sick in my car on thursday. That person was not drunk before you think that!

The person went to lean out the car window and started to shout hughy, little did I know that person missed the first part and some landed on the floor of the car. I had to stop but by the time the car had haulted, the mess was there.

The car stinks to high heaven.

The person was being sick whilst the door was closed with the window down but the sick went in between the the door where the window should have been.

I have been told that febreeze gets rid of the smell so I tried it. The can of febreeze didn't tell you how to use and what for but i sprayed it on the area of the car. It was smelling fine last night but it is back again, worse than it was!

Please help me because I have to drive my car wearing a gas mask!

22-Dec-08, 17:30
Try spinkling the carpet and upholstery with bicarbonate of soda, leave overnight, and vacuum off next day. Bicarb is great for getting rid of unwanted odours.

22-Dec-08, 17:38
I used vinegar and hot water.... and the person that did mine WAS drunk! but I made them clean it up so they never did it again.

22-Dec-08, 17:42
this happened to me once..child sick in back[not my child..never had any]...tried everything..no joy...sold car ,bought another.

a car valeter might have an answer...hope so.good luck.:roll:

22-Dec-08, 18:13
Try steaming it with a hand held steamer,I did that when my son was sick all over the carpet and it worked a treat!Just steam a small bit and then blot it was paper towels then repeat loads of times,it takes the sick up to the top and should get rid of the smell x

22-Dec-08, 19:00
Baby wipes............. Brilliant invention. Cleans up the mess and takes away the odour.

22-Dec-08, 19:01
my answer to everything is Flash! The purple spray you get! I use it on everything and it smells nice and covers all odours brilliantly!

22-Dec-08, 19:02
I have a UV light thingy which is supposed to get rid of smells and you are very welcome to have a loan to try to see whether it will work?

PM me if you are interested.

22-Dec-08, 20:04
Once its cleaned the vets have a spray/solution with enzymes in it to digest the smelly stuff f4rom pet accidents.
Milk has a similar smell after a while longer it works fine on that.
Good luck

Mister Squiggle
22-Dec-08, 22:11
I've consulted my cleaning Bible (yes, sad I know that I have such a thing) and it suggests nappy wipes as per Poppet's suggestion. I've found the pink ones (J&J) work really well on pet accidents and vomit on our carpets so it may work in your car.
Difficult at this time of year, but it might be worth garaging the car and leave the windows down for a day or two (making sure that the cats etc cannot get in) after you try the wipes, as if the stain is wet it needs to dry really well or will smell musty.
If the offending vomit is down between the door and window, you could wrap a wipe around a knitting needle and thread this down for a bit of a wipe around.
Here's to a smelly-free Christmas! :)

22-Dec-08, 23:53
I know it's the depths of winter but if you can leave all the windows open for a while this should help a lot as you're getting rid of the smell, not just masking it. Do you have a garage you could do this in? Failing that, just outside your house on a dry day should help. Good luck!

22-Dec-08, 23:56
Should have read the last post - sorry. Trying to do too many things at once.

23-Dec-08, 09:17
I don't know if it will help now but the local taxi drivers always go to the nearest petrol station and use the car vacuum cleaner to suck it all out.

23-Dec-08, 11:15
And don't forget to take your door panel off to get out whatever went down there or it'll still stink lol

Bad Manners
23-Dec-08, 15:27
Been suggested already by Steam Cleaning works every time there has been a multitude of items spilt or **** on the car seat and floor and the steam cleaner works every time.
Best of luck

23-Dec-08, 15:35
Any luck so far with removing this??

Highland lad
23-Dec-08, 16:20
Do you know anyone that has a carpet cleaner/vax? My kids have been sick in the car and we used the works one, and all of the smell was gone.

23-Dec-08, 17:50
I can confirm a bicarb solution works a treat on vomit in cars. Clean up the mess, then spray with the solution, leave it to dry overnight, brush of the residue in the morning, then hoover thoroughly.

Miss Mack
24-Dec-08, 21:14
Baby wipes............. Brilliant invention. Cleans up the mess and takes away the odour.your dead right, did the trick, try it, hope it works 4 youX