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21-Dec-08, 12:48
If i was to give out a wee medal it will have to go to tuggmistress for all her her weather warnings, thanks tuggs its good to get some proper local info weather forecasts.

21-Dec-08, 13:21
I'll second that one Highlander, she helps to keep us all safe.

21-Dec-08, 13:34
yes i agree but for her hard work she has got a day off today [lol] tony

21-Dec-08, 13:40
Make that Four Votes for Tugmistress, her forcasts have made my life a lot easier and that is a Huge bonus in my state of health.

So Thanks Tugs :D

21-Dec-08, 14:02
Now look here - we never had all these weather problems until Tugmistress came along with her tealeaves and weather station. It was always warm and sunny in Caithness - hang the woman I say !!

21-Dec-08, 14:12
Thanks everyone :o i just like to feel i am doing a little bit for the whole community and i am glad you like it.

21-Dec-08, 14:13
Now look here - we never had all these weather problems until Tugmistress came along with her tealeaves and weather station. It was always warm and sunny in Caithness - hang the woman I say !!

hehe you wait til i catch up with you ;)

21-Dec-08, 14:31
you get my vote as well,as this time of year ,look up your
web site every night,before start work, your doing very good job,many thanks.

21-Dec-08, 14:38
Another vote here....................great work...keep it up much appreciated.:Razz

21-Dec-08, 15:05
Keep up the good work Tuggs.Better than the other rubbishy forecasts we get

21-Dec-08, 15:24
Not just you locals she sorts out. She has recently kept me right in the Fife area - the woman is a wonder I tell you! Michael Fish should have consulted her years ago and the poor man would not be pilloried every time a stupid clips programme comes out! [lol]

mums angels
21-Dec-08, 15:42
Another vote from me too ...

21-Dec-08, 16:22
Maybe my pal Lizzie could send her a real one from buck pal?
That sound Ok to me.:D

22-Dec-08, 19:16
Count my vote too. Nomination form available from the Cabinet Office in London. Just google "Queens birthday honour" for full information.

I can`t nominate as I have a nomination in the pipeline already but if someone else wants to try I am willing to write in support of the nomination, that would be ok.

22-Dec-08, 19:32
Great website Tugmistress, such a help to know exactly how many layers of wool and waterproofing to wear. Or whether to go out at all!

22-Dec-08, 20:23
I vote for Hotrod, would like to see him do the hokey cokey as resistance is futile :Razz

23-Dec-08, 03:57
There are more threads similar to this on page 6 9th december posted by Mccaugn headed new years honours list.

12-Jan-09, 17:28
If i was to give out a wee medal it will have to go to tuggmistress for all her her weather warnings, thanks tuggs its good to get some proper local info weather forecasts.

You could always nominate her for a community award. See front page of Caithness org. where you can read about it and download a form to complete.

12-Jan-09, 18:22
You could always nominate her for a community award. See front page of Caithness org. where you can read about it and download a form to complete.
thats a great idea, i never look at the forecast now, always go by tuggs, i always get the washing dry to with her windy days!! fantastic :lol:

kitty kat
12-Jan-09, 21:05
i would have to say fran for locating lost items