View Full Version : bikers

30-Jan-06, 22:34
hey. wot does every1 think bout bikers?? i know caithness is v popular with summer time bikers, goin landsend 2 johnogroats. any1 done it who comes from up here?
cocoa -x-

30-Jan-06, 22:51
hi cocoa, no i don't like bikers at all
they scare horses lol ;)

31-Jan-06, 10:22
Hello cocoa(Elizabeth) and welmoB(Rachel) I see you are both back on with different names can you not talk to each other at home?, anyway hello!
As for bikers there are lots of people who love cycling and if your horse is road safe which it should be if you are going on the road your horse wont be bothered by them! :lol:

31-Jan-06, 10:36
hi cocoa, no i don't like bikers at all
they scare horses lol ;)

Wait a minuite there! alot of bikers have horses aswell and do respect other road users so dont even go there. and yes im a biker, have been for years AND a horse owner.

31-Jan-06, 11:38
Wait a minuite there! alot of bikers have horses aswell and do respect other road users so dont even go there. and yes im a biker, have been for years AND a horse owner.
keep ya knick knacks on

31-Jan-06, 13:43
i am a biker too and i do give horses space and respect on the road.
if you doing groats to land end, dont do it all in one day as if you do it in about 12 hours one way they disqualify you as you have obviously broken the speed limit to do it

31-Jan-06, 14:20
hi everyone, OK OK!! Bikers can be considerate towards horses i was only joking LOL :lol: :lol: its good to know peoples experience & thoughts regarding bikers.
valentine?????????? have i lost the plot here? why are you naming people when you don't even know who everyone is? that's the second time you've been hinting that you know who i am - WHAT are you on about????
maybe i resemble someone who's previously been on this forum???:confused: :confused:

31-Jan-06, 16:04
I sold my Kawasaki 800 Drifter (Indian chief looka-alike) last year. I'd owned biggish bikes for ten years. My wife and I took to 'em late - our early forties. For a few years it was fantastic. Drunken weekends in muddy fields with, for the most part a great crowd of friendly folk.

We rode all over the UK, including the Isle of Skye & Inverness, even going deep into France in 2003 in search of the sun - we didn't find it.

I might get another bike eventually but am in no rush.

The roads are ever more hostile and I find age is bringing an increasing sense of vulnerability. The number of car drivers I saw using the phone on the move was beginning to unsettle me.

We had a good run - probably 60,000 miles together. On a fine, warm & sunny day thereis, quite simply, no better way to travel.

We were going to 'do' route 66 and the western states of the US on a hired Harley in 2000 but common sense kicked in and we rented a Mustang instead. (4,500 miles in 3 weeks - too much even for seasoned campaigners)

Bikers are like any other group. Mostly good, a few bad. The bad are testosterone charged numpty's with limited imaginations.

31-Jan-06, 16:10
hi cocoa, no i don't like bikers at all
they scare horses lol ;)what about the mess horses leave on the road,a real hazard for bikers,have you considered that? maybe you should try putting the blinkers on the horses head instead of your own next time.

31-Jan-06, 16:13
OK everyone, please calm down!! i can feel bad rep coming on...it was only a JOKE guys - bikers are OK! i just meant that motor bikes could scare some horses i'm not against bikers or anything lol :D

31-Jan-06, 17:11
I sold my Kawasaki 800 Drifter (Indian chief looka-alike) last year. I'd owned biggish bikes for ten years. My wife and I took to 'em late - our early forties. For a few years it was fantastic. Drunken weekends in muddy fields with, for the most part a great crowd of friendly folk.

We rode all over the UK, including the Isle of Skye & Inverness, even going deep into France in 2003 in search of the sun - we didn't find it.

I might get another bike eventually but am in no rush.

The roads are ever more hostile and I find age is bringing an increasing sense of vulnerability. The number of car drivers I saw using the phone on the move was beginning to unsettle me.

We had a good run - probably 60,000 miles together. On a fine, warm & sunny day thereis, quite simply, no better way to travel.

We were going to 'do' route 66 and the western states of the US on a hired Harley in 2000 but common sense kicked in and we rented a Mustang instead. (4,500 miles in 3 weeks - too much even for seasoned campaigners)

Bikers are like any other group. Mostly good, a few bad. The bad are testosterone charged numpty's with limited imaginations.

Landmarker... WEYHEY ! we have a kawasaki drifter1500 vn but have modified it to our own design. Lots more black leather and studs ect. Brilliant bikes. weve also got a Triumph bonny 750 t140 but only use it when we want to look like hooligans LOL. Friends of ours are doing the route 66 on a hired harley this summer. Did you go to many bike rallys?

31-Jan-06, 17:12
what about the mess horses leave on the road,a real hazard for bikers,have you considered that? maybe you should try putting the blinkers on the horses head instead of your own next time.

looking out for mess on the road is just one of the joys for bikers, and not just from horses i may add.

31-Jan-06, 17:35
hi everyone, OK OK!! Bikers can be considerate towards horses i was only joking LOL :lol: :lol: its good to know peoples experience & thoughts regarding bikers.
valentine?????????? have i lost the plot here? why are you naming people when you don't even know who everyone is? that's the second time you've been hinting that you know who i am - WHAT are you on about????
maybe i resemble someone who's previously been on this forum???:confused: :confused:

What do you mean "Bikers CAN be considerate towards horses " Let me tell you they are, funny thing is you say you were only joking, whats so funny about it.
The real funny thing is I know who you are!!!

31-Jan-06, 17:52
Did you go to many bike rallys?

In the mid-nineties mostly. Some of the big ones like Rock & Blues a few times, then the smaller club rallies like Swingin' Monks 'Bashing the Bishop'
and a few MAG do's.

The Drifter is a gorgeous machine. I have notdrooled over any vehicle quite so much as that classic, curvey shape. It's even better looking than the old Indian.

You have excellent taste. Not sure about the studs etc. but to each their own eh ? We were always a bit minimalist and understated - as much as one can be 'understated' on a Drifter anyway. Previous bikes were all old imports from Japan via the US & Canada. An XS 1100 was probably the best. Sixteen years old with 8k on the clock. Looked like it had just rolled off the line - Californian owner, little or no damp. Pulled like a train and was drop dead gorgeous.....ahhh

31-Jan-06, 17:52
LOOK, WHAT are you on about??? Now you've started like everyone else -
WHO am I supposed to be?????:confused:
Will you please stop going on about names anyway - i'm welmoB on this forum and it's none of anyone's business what my real name is.
yes, bikers CAN be considerate, there could be one or two who don't care to slow down for horses, but on the whole they're quite good with horseys. and yes it was only a joke, like trust me to be thinking about horses, so please dont take it seriously. :confused

31-Jan-06, 18:01
We've been bikers since the early 70s and this is the first jap bike we've had. Our others were a Norton 850, A10 chop, 250 grieves, American import bonny 750, triumph 650, and i had 3 tiger cubs when i was a 16yr old which used to be ridden in the hop fields in kent. Oh they were the days. Doing the soggy moggy rally, pissed Indian rally, rock & blues, Americana, just to mention a few this year not forgetting our tour of caithness.

31-Jan-06, 18:54
If whoever pm me was out in the bike world you would understand some of these rallys have weird and wounderfull names, Its nothing to do with swearing... thats what its called.

31-Jan-06, 19:10
Whether or not that's the name of it, I agree with whoever rated you that it's still rude to post that word on a forum.

31-Jan-06, 19:16
Am i bovvverrrred NO . As i said it IS the name of the event and i cant change that... Go toThe Renagades biker website and see for yourself, rally for 2005 last year.

31-Jan-06, 19:18
i love motorbikes gone are those days now there ain't one big enough to carry 20 stone:(

31-Jan-06, 19:24
what about the mess horses leave on the road,a real hazard for bikers,have you considered that? maybe you should try putting the blinkers on the horses head instead of your own next time.Apparently this is a nasty,argumentative untrue comment......according to a certain cretin that repped me. Well i dont know or have never heard of anyone picking up after their horse,so i can assure you it aint untrue,it certainly is a hazard for two wheelers.

31-Jan-06, 19:27
Belive me darling your never to old or big to have a bike. Some of our friends are all around the 20st mark and it sure dont stop them.

31-Jan-06, 19:31
Belive me darling your never to old or big to have a bike. Some of our friends are all around the 20st mark and it sure dont stop them.

thanks for the post paris its been that long since i rode a bike:( maybe i'll give it a go in the summer:grin:

31-Jan-06, 19:43
what was the bad word you said paris. i sure cant see one.

a.smith. believe me, there is big enough bikes out there.

31-Jan-06, 19:47
thanks for the post paris its been that long since i rode a bike:( maybe i'll give it a go in the summer:grin:

you should give it a go again, there is nothing like it.
i have only managed to get out on mine once since sep 2003 as either been pregnant, or child attached to me or the weather aint in it. and i aint going to get out til next year probably. miss it so much

31-Jan-06, 20:20
you should give it a go again, there is nothing like it.
i have only managed to get out on mine once since sep 2003 as either been pregnant, or child attached to me or the weather aint in it. and i aint going to get out til next year probably. miss it so much

YIPPI ! another biker chick, Ive waited a good few years to get back out there as well so i totally understand what you mean.

31-Jan-06, 20:23
what was the bad word you said paris. i sure cant see one.

a.smith. believe me, there is big enough bikes out there.

I referred to a certain event well know on the bikers calendar which was offensive to someone.... an i boovvveeerreed .

31-Jan-06, 20:24
This time last year i went for a ride on the back of a motorbike for the first time in my life!!!!!

It was BRILLIANT unfortunately i havent had the opportunity to repeat the experience but if a certain gentleman of my acquaintance achieves his plan by september I'll be getting another shot!!!!!whooooooooooooooooooo

I found a poem about motorbikes - ill post it tomorrow

31-Jan-06, 20:47
paris dont be bothered. was it the work that also means for someone using a toilet. some do take the pett on here.
i have always been into bikes, in the blood as they say. i have a zxr400. would love a 600 but cant warrant it the now when i cant get out on the bike i have. i love biking. luckily my hubby is wel into bikes too and my live in mechanic. i have been to assen, isle of man and a few rallies up this way and some race meets at knockhill.
i will get back on the bike hopefully in 2007.

31-Jan-06, 20:47
oops that is suppose to say word and not work

31-Jan-06, 20:49
squidge, do i sense a little something here other than a ride on a motor bike?
Cant wait for this poem.

31-Jan-06, 20:58
Don't mention the Cormerant! :Razz

31-Jan-06, 21:02
paris dont be bothered. was it the work that also means for someone using a toilet. some do take the pett on here.
i have always been into bikes, in the blood as they say. i have a zxr400. would love a 600 but cant warrant it the now when i cant get out on the bike i have. i love biking. luckily my hubby is wel into bikes too and my live in mechanic. i have been to assen, isle of man and a few rallies up this way and some race meets at knockhill.
i will get back on the bike hopefully in 2007.

It sure was that word ,wee wee LOL

31-Jan-06, 21:03
Don't mention the Cormerant! :Razz

ME im totally lost AGAIN .lol Im a bit slow at all this HA HA

31-Jan-06, 21:15
well paris i am totally lost on this one too! but again that could be the wine!!
We have a Virago before that we had an xj650 import but I have to admit the virago is brill had to change the sissy bar thou cos before it was going to break my back but now just pure bliss!
Maybe thinking of have a bikers campin week end this year cos we have the land to justify it and it would be great fun what do you think paris maybe could tie it in to when you come up.

31-Jan-06, 21:20
Sounds 1st class, if were up when you have it would love to come. will have about 4 others with us all on BIG bikes, harleys ect If i remember rightly nicnaks hubby has a bike aswell.

31-Jan-06, 21:27
yeah sounds good to me will email nicnak see if she and her hubby are up for it anyone else interested up ?

31-Jan-06, 21:31
saddly later in the year i am more than liable going to have a baby joined to me 24/7

my dad used to have a harley paris, it was great. wakening up the neighbours at half 7 every morning to go to work

31-Jan-06, 21:37
Ours is a 1500 kawasaki( harley look-a-like) to those who dont know there bikes, we had new pipes put on it 4 months ago and boy does it sound good. The whole road hears us coming.

31-Jan-06, 21:41
emszxr doesnt matter if you have a baby bring him /her with you, come in the car and then you wont miss out and I'm sure that you will have plenty of biker chicks there to look after baby for a whil so you can have a good natter and a bevy or two.

31-Jan-06, 21:46
I passed my test on a Suzuki GP125, that was a good bike for its cc. I then moved up to a BSA B44 Shooting star with a side car. I only had that for 12 months then sold it. With the money I bought a Kawasaki GPZ600R which was a flying m/c. It could do 140mph but I bottled at 130mph(in my crazy biker days). I had a break from biking for 10 years then I bought a Triumph Trident 750cc which I still have. Oh, btw, I still have an Ariel Arrow as well which I am supposed to be doing up but never get around to doing.

I love going biking but the oil leak on the Triumph severely limits my range.

31-Jan-06, 21:52
cheers valentine, i will have to see nearer the time. have you met many of the bikers in caithness. i have friends at the top of watten that are into bikes although they dont get out much.

31-Jan-06, 23:49
Whether or not that's the name of it, I agree with whoever rated you that it's still rude to post that word on a forum.

is that word considered a bad word??????? I am persumin the one starting with p and goes infront of rain??
Surely not is it? OOOh i must use foul language alot hahhaha

oops and just realised i posted before reading other 2 pages sorry

Apparently this is a nasty,argumentative untrue comment......according to a certain cretin that repped me. Well i dont know or have never heard of anyone picking up after their horse,so i can assure you it aint untrue,it certainly is a hazard for two wheelers.

I being a horse rider totally agree dung can be dangerous to bikers and cyclists and pram pushers. And just to let ya know i have been known to pick up my horse poo which seemed to upset the lady who was also comin out to with her shovel for her roses hahaha! Seriously though if my horse dungs on pavement (only on pavement on allowed areas where dangerous) or road i dismount and kick it into grass. If it is potentially unsafe to do that i head home and come back out with car & shovel :)). Unfortunately I can see why many riders could not do that though as yee canni get back on... but it is also possible to encourage your horse not to do toilet on road and encourage to use grass verge etc or they can also phone a friend!! ps i dinni know how to do this reppin yet so it wasni me :)

Also sorry for going off thread content ...

01-Feb-06, 11:44
squidge, do i sense a little something here other than a ride on a motor bike?
Cant wait for this poem.

Here you go Paris


On a right hand bend, hanging off your seat,
With your knee right down much lower than your feet.
Then straightening up heading into the wind
At a speed that might make your licence rescind.
And then hard on the brakes and veer to the left
With the tiniest flick cause the handling is deft;
Then screaming along to an engine roar
That leaves you still hungry and begging for more.

If you’re out on a sports bike and racing along,
Or cruising through town but not stuck in the throng,
Or messing about in the dirt and the muck,
You will know that a biker will seldom get stuck.
Cause bikers will help any time of the day.
With so many around never too far away.
These bikers are like that with such simple unity
It’s what makes them into a thriving community.

And a wild bunch they are that ev'ryday grows,
The reasons for that no-one really knows.
Perhaps its congestion charges immunity?
Or wheelies past Gatos - illegal impunity?
On a dry winter’s day, under summer’s sun
You open her up and you have your fun,
And heaven must be pretty much like this,
Cause this kind of weather makes riding bikes bliss.

By John Lyons

01-Feb-06, 12:10
No problem with bikers. I do have a quiet moan about the one who goes by our house so fast he/she's long gone by the time you look up. If a cow or sheep ran out from one of the fields what a mess there would be.

I like the idea of motorbikes but have never ridden one properly. When I was a kid I had a brief go on one in a back alley. It was the next door neighbour's and when he was on holiday his wee brother took it out the back! All I remember is a smell of petrol and an immense surge of power and acceleration. :) If memory serves it was a Yamaha LC or RD 250 which were I think quite speedy for their time. For some reason I alway liked the Honda Superdream, but it didn't have much of a reputation.

Must be a wonderful feeling, heading out on beautiful day, no destination planned, just to go see what's out there.

01-Feb-06, 13:20
I passed my test on a Suzuki GP125, that was a good bike for its cc. I then moved up to a BSA B44 Shooting star with a side car. I only had that for 12 months then sold it. With the money I bought a Kawasaki GPZ600R which was a flying m/c. It could do 140mph but I bottled at 130mph(in my crazy biker days). I had a break from biking for 10 years then I bought a Triumph Trident 750cc which I still have. Oh, btw, I still have an Ariel Arrow as well which I am supposed to be doing up but never get around to doing.

I love going biking but the oil leak on the Triumph severely limits my range.

YIPPI another british biker ! How come when we lived in lybster we never saw you about? we always went out and about on our triumph, never saw any other bikers only the summer ones.LOL

01-Feb-06, 21:46
Cant wait for the good(ahem!) weather to get back out on two wheels. Between my friends and myself there are about11 of us that have bikes, some of us have had them in scrambler form before we could go on the road. To heck with it im going ot a blast on the scrambler now, nowt like mud!

03-Feb-06, 00:18
I wrote a short story about a biker once. 'Unclever Trevor'. A biggish man with a small machine. A trifle Dark, hopefully humorous, certificate fifteenish.

If anyone wants a link send an email to [email protected]

05-Feb-06, 20:16
hi landmarker see you are from my neck of the woods before I moved up here having read the nick name thing see you did some of the landmarks did you visit Devils Bridge at Kirkby Lonsdale much? I miss runs there and a really good brew and bacon and egg buttie you really couldnt beat em!

05-Feb-06, 21:30
hi landmarker see you are from my neck of the woods before I moved up here having read the nick name thing see you did some of the landmarks did you visit Devils Bridge at Kirkby Lonsdale much? I miss runs there and a really good brew and bacon and egg buttie you really couldnt beat em!

Yes,hello. Devil's Bridge was a 'landmark' in '94 I think, we did it on the way up to Skye on an old XV 750, via Hadrians Wall & Fort George.

Great bacon butties as you say. Loads of bikers too, mostly of the race replica variety but by and large a friendly bunch all the same. Some seemed uncomprehending when we told 'em where we were going and why.