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20-Dec-08, 15:28
Just found this on the Highland Council website. Don't think this has been in the paper, so might be useful for some.

Highland Council’s refuse collection service, and kerbside collection for recycling boxes, will continue as normal over the Christmas/New Year period, with the exception of the following dates:

Monday 22 December uplifted on Saturday 20 December
Thursday 25 December uplifted on Monday 22 December
Monday 29 December uplifted on Saturday 27 December
Thursday 1 January uplifted on Monday 29 December
Friday 2 January uplifted on Saturday 3 January
Please put your bin or box out for collection before 7.30am.
No black bags or boxes will be collected.

Brown bin collection and Bulky collection services will be suspended between 22 December 2008 and 2 January 2009 inclusive. Normal service will resume from Monday 5 January 2009.

Christmas trees will be uplifted with brown bins from Monday 5 January 2009. For those who do not have a brown bin collection, Christmas trees should be put out with normal household bin from Monday 5 January until Friday 23 January 2009.

20-Dec-08, 15:38
Thanks for that, certainly useful to me :)

20-Dec-08, 16:11
Yes this really caught me out. The First I knew that they had changed the collection times was early this Morning.

I was awoken by the sound of the Bin Lorry and I looked out my Window and there they were. Not knowing that they had changed the collection times I did not have my Bin out.

I tried to get dressed and to get my bin out but I was too late. (I am not as fast as I used to be) Did they empty my Bin since it was only about 5 feet from the gate? No they did not!

They were very quick in emptying the Bins, mainly because only a Very few People had their Bins out. So by the time I got outside they were well gone.

At least I now know to put my Bin out on Saturday 27th now, So thank you stekar for this information it is Very Helpful indeed. :D

20-Dec-08, 17:04
i didnt know this either!!!!
my bin day is monday!

20-Dec-08, 17:18
cant beleive they are not collecting bags or boxes this year, with all the kids toys etc. not so handy for the people who havent got cars to get to the dump!

20-Dec-08, 17:50
i agree igglepiggle! I have alot of boxes for toys (not just the kids :lol:) and i have no car to get things out to the skip! Along with wrapping paper i can not probably get that much in the bin!! I know its gonna be a messy one!

20-Dec-08, 17:53
Was at the shop and noticed a neighbour's bin out when I returned so I'm another who was caught out by the strange change of collection day. Best of it is I just cleared out the freezer last night and the bin's now
¾ full.[mad] Thought we'd be OK this year with Christmas being a Thursday and bin day a Monday, but NO! Wouldn't it just have been simpler to change the Thursday collection to Saturday? :confused Or couldn't they have stuck a note on the bins last Monday telling us. (BTW did spot the notice in the Groat when I was reading it this afternoon)

20-Dec-08, 18:04
Putting a note in the Groat is NOT good enough. Not everyone buys a Groat, I don't and I am sure there are many people in the same position.

20-Dec-08, 19:04
last thursday[our bin day] they had printed notices which they attached to the wheelie bins when they emptied them,must have run out of notices [lol]tony

20-Dec-08, 19:11
Never even thought that our bin day on a monday would be changed so our bin wasn't put out for today and didn't see any of the neighbours bins out. Just had a huge clear out as well so bin is full. Thought this year we would be ok with Christmas being a thursday.

20-Dec-08, 19:52
We missed our bin today too, the first we heard was at 1500hrs on mfr telling us the bin changes!! Not much use then!! !!

Neverheed theres always next week, we'l just have to make a couple o trips to the recycling centre!

Anybody without a car should maybe give the council a ring on monday or tuesday and let them know, maybe they'll let you put out extra bags next sat!! Just a thought anyway

21-Dec-08, 15:53
I got a timetable of Christmas collections hooked on to my bin last Thursday which was very helpful. Obviously not everyone did.

21-Dec-08, 16:00
Got caught out by this the other year! They were very speedy, as there weren't many bins out. Think they were racing round the route trying to catch as many people out as possible.

They really should advertise the changes more.

21-Dec-08, 17:05
Putting a note in the Groat is NOT good enough. Not everyone buys a Groat, I don't and I am sure there are many people in the same position.

Aye they go round and knock on everyone's door and tell them. Pity you don'y have a computer to check the Council's website :-)

21-Dec-08, 19:54
Got a notice on ma bin and put it out at 08:45 but even that was too late as they had already passed . Their normal time is about 11:00.

21-Dec-08, 19:56
I had no notice on my bin this last week, and with being a bit thick i just assumed our collection which is normally a thursday would just have been delayed a day, never even thought about checking the council website, wouldn't have a clue where to look anyway lol
my bin now out for tomorrow morning, had a good clear out of rubbish lol.

Billy Boy
21-Dec-08, 19:58
Got a notice on ma bin and put it out at 08:45 but even that was too late as they had already passed . Their normal time is about 11:00.

Did your notice not tell you to have your bin out at 7.30am :confused Or did you by pass that bit.

21-Dec-08, 20:03
thanks for the reminder stekar. we are thursday collection and had a notice left last week on our bins re the holiday arrangements, but i had totally forgotten about the changes!

22-Dec-08, 20:38
Did your notice not tell you to have your bin out at 7.30am :confused Or did you by pass that bit.

NO on my notice there is no times mentioned just a change of days.

22-Dec-08, 21:30
Aye they go round and knock on everyone's door and tell them. Pity you don'y have a computer to check the Council's website :-)

Why would or Should I check their Web Site when my normal collection day is a MONDAY and this is NOT a Holiday or even close to Christmas Day.

So to bring the Collection date two days earlier with NO Notification at all is just not on. The worst thing about this is that every week I wait for the Bin men to came around and I give them my BIN. I also speak to them and did they tell me that the following week they would be round two days earlier on Saturday, no they did not. So it would seem to me that at that time they did not know themselves. This is just Bad planning by who ever thought this up.

Where I live at least 60% of Bins have Not been emptied and I know some are overflowing already. To say that I and everyone else should go to the Council's website to check on collections is silly, especially when we already have a list of the collection dates from the Council which does NOT mention any change of date/s over the Christmas Period and our normal collection date is Not a Holiday.

I will manage as I do not create a lot of Rubbish, but that is not the point. This change of Collection Date/s has been quite clearly a last minute decision and not thought through properly.

22-Dec-08, 22:42
why have they changed the collection days for the start of the week, but they havent
mentioned wednesday(xmas eve)

22-Dec-08, 22:50
There was a notice in the paper, a notice on the website, a notice on the radio and sticker/hanger things on the bins (Although I'm guessing some of them may have blown off if some folk never got them???) What more could they have done to let people know?

big kahuna
22-Dec-08, 22:53
surely everyone knows that over christmas and new year the bin collection days are subject to change (unless this is your first christmas with a bin)

everyone is responsible for finding out when their bin gets collected, just the same as everyone is responsible for finding out what times the post office or tescos is open

And why is it that people with kids think that the world revolves around them. Maybe people with kids should get an extra wheelie bin and an increase on their council tax

morale of this story
'next year find out for yourself when your bin is being collected, and stop blaming the council for your lazyness'

Billy Boy
22-Dec-08, 22:57
why have they changed the collection days for the start of the week, but they havent
mentioned wednesday(xmas eve)

Thats because they work on xmas eve

22-Dec-08, 23:00
Thats because they work on xmas eve
aye i know that, but why change the start of the week thats what a dont understand.

Billy Boy
22-Dec-08, 23:03
aye i know that, but why change the start of the week thats what a dont understand.

because if they left the thursday bins till the following saturday there would be excess rubish due to all the rubbish from presents at xmas, but since they are being lifted on the monday there wont be nearly as much. you can only fit so much rubbish in the back of the lorry lol even with double trips to the tip.

22-Dec-08, 23:25
ok thanks for clearing that up for me i think

22-Dec-08, 23:38
because if they left the thursday bins till the following saturday there would be excess rubish due to all the rubbish from presents at xmas, but since they are being lifted on the monday there wont be nearly as much. you can only fit so much rubbish in the back of the lorry lol even with double trips to the tip.

And what do you think is going to happen now since several Hundred houses around me have not had their Bins emptied this week. There is going to far more rubbish in the streets as most Bins are already full and no room for Christmas Rubbish.

No matter what you say it is VERY bad Planning and far too few people were notified.

It is NOT a case of Laziness are big kahuna states, is is a matter of good service. I like all of you are Paying for a service through our Council Tax and this is what we are NOT Getting.

If this was a Private enterprise and you were paying for something to be Uplifted and then without waring they arrived 2 Days Early then you have every right to complain. This is exactly the same, we are the customers and it is NOT up to us to out of our way to check all the time when collections of Rubbish will be. It is up to the Council to advise us of any changes they make and to so in a timely manner. They did advise some people but not enough and that is just not good enough!!!!!!!

22-Dec-08, 23:40
surely everyone knows that over christmas and new year the bin collection days are subject to change (unless this is your first christmas with a bin)

everyone is responsible for finding out when their bin gets collected, just the same as everyone is responsible for finding out what times the post office or tescos is open

And why is it that people with kids think that the world revolves around them. Maybe people with kids should get an extra wheelie bin and an increase on their council tax

morale of this story
'next year find out for yourself when your bin is being collected, and stop blaming the council for your lazyness'

What a stupid post! You got a serious problem there, if you think that all people with children think the world revolves around them.

What a really stupid thing to say this post was'nt even about people with children[disgust]

You are obvously a great beeg edjit!!

22-Dec-08, 23:43
What a stupid post! You got a serious problem there, if you think that all people with children think the world revolves around them.

What a really stupid thing to say this post was'nt even about people with children[disgust]
have to agree with you there, what a numpty to say something stupid like that, dont think any one mentioned kids, wasnt the thread about bin collection times.

22-Dec-08, 23:45
have to agree with you there, what a numpty to say something stupid like that, dont think any one mentioned kids, wasnt the thread about bin collection times.

Exactly glad am not the only one that noticed:D

22-Dec-08, 23:46
surely everyone knows that over christmas and new year the bin collection days are subject to change (unless this is your first christmas with a bin)

everyone is responsible for finding out when their bin gets collected, just the same as everyone is responsible for finding out what times the post office or tescos is open

And why is it that people with kids think that the world revolves around them. Maybe people with kids should get an extra wheelie bin and an increase on their council tax

morale of this story
'next year find out for yourself when your bin is being collected, and stop blaming the council for your lazyness'
what a load of clap trap you do speak, why should people with kids be made to pay more council tax to get a extra bin,. no-one mentioned kids un till you did, the point to the thread was the bin collection dates, not which sector of the community we should pick on. shame on you.:(:(

Billy Boy
22-Dec-08, 23:55
And what do you think is going to happen now since several Hundred houses around me have not had their Bins emptied this week. There is going to far more rubbish in the streets as most Bins are already full and no room for Christmas Rubbish.

No matter what you say it is VERY bad Planning and far too few people were notified.

It is NOT a case of Laziness are big kahuna states, is is a matter of good service. I like all of you are Paying for a service through our Council Tax and this is what we are NOT Getting.

If this was a Private enterprise and you were paying for something to be Uplifted and then without waring they arrived 2 Days Early then you have every right to complain. This is exactly the same, we are the customers and it is NOT up to us to out of our way to check all the time when collections of Rubbish will be. It is up to the Council to advise us of any changes they make and to so in a timely manner. They did advise some people but not enough and that is just not good enough!!!!!!!

so why not complain to the council lol, dont you think it would make more sense that coming on here complaining about it.:confused
Have you spoke to your councillor Donny Mackay? I bet he had his bin out on time lol [lol]

23-Dec-08, 00:20
so why not complain to the council lol, dont you think it would make more sense that coming on here complaining about it.:confused
Have you spoke to your councillor Donny Mackay? I bet he had his bin out on time lol [lol]

Who said I have not complained to the Council, I never said that I had Not.

All I am doing is trying, in vain it seems, is to try and enlighten people like you who do not understnd that the majority of people who would normally get their bins emptied on a Monday were Not advised that their Bins would be emptied 2 days early.

By what you state you also think that I have no right to express my opinion here. On this you are entirely incorrect and I will keep on expressing my opinion with or without your permission. !!!

big kahuna
23-Dec-08, 00:27
oh dear, are we all upset

23-Dec-08, 00:35
oh dear, are we all upset

I am so Sorry to hear that you are Upset big kahuna, you should try and be a bit more like me and have a bit more fun in life. You should not take everything so seriously, relax a bit. :lol:

big kahuna
23-Dec-08, 00:40
who said anything about me being upset?

i think you need to learn to read things properly

i'm not the one moaning about not getting my bin collected

big kahuna
23-Dec-08, 00:45
have to agree with you there, what a numpty to say something stupid like that, dont think any one mentioned kids, wasnt the thread about bin collection times.

really did no-one mention kids (try looking at page one)

23-Dec-08, 00:57
who said anything about me being upset?

i think you need to learn to read things properly

i'm not the one moaning about not getting my bin collected

Lighten up, its almost christmas, You take things way too serious, where is your Funny Bone?

If you make a sarcastic remark you can only expect for an equally Sarcastic reply. If you can't take it don't try to dish it out.

23-Dec-08, 01:12
There was a notice in the paper, a notice on the website, a notice on the radio and sticker/hanger things on the bins (Although I'm guessing some of them may have blown off if some folk never got them???) What more could they have done to let people know?

Personally I think it would have been a good idea to have a notice in the groat the week before.

My bin day is normally a Monday and was away last minute shopping at the weekend so didn't get a chance to read the Groat until Sunday night by which time i was too late to find out, now am nearing an overflowing bin!!! There was no note on my bin the previous week and it didn't enter my head to check if my bin day had been changed!!!

23-Dec-08, 09:49
who said anything about me being upset?

i think you need to learn to read things properly

i'm not the one moaning about not getting my bin collected

No i think you need to read things properly!!

I think you will find i never said anything about my bin not being collected!

You are the one that seems to be doing the moaning round here. Even moaning about things that have nothing to do with the original post!

23-Dec-08, 09:50
Having followed this thread it really amuses me that most folk are having a go at the bin men with the exception of a few, Do those of you who are having a go not understand that its not the bin men who make the rules but the pen pushers, so give them a break.

Every year there is moaning about bin days being moved over the festive period, so as someone has already stated the obvious why not check just before to see if your day is being changed, I heard it on moray firth radio nearly every day last week and it was in the local paper granted not everyone listens to the radio or reads the paper, so for those of you that dont a simple phone call would make a big difference, Yes i know it could of been more organised but why does everyone expect things to be done for them all the time sometimes we have to get of our backsides and do for ourselfs its no hardship.
So much for the season of Goodwill to all men, I suppose it is the org after all, It just give's an embarressing reflection of the Caithness people[disgust]

23-Dec-08, 11:24
really did no-one mention kids (try looking at page one)
aye. but i doubt kids are the only ones that get presents at xmas.

lynne duncan
23-Dec-08, 13:32
if you're really desperate to get the bins emptied before xmas, and can get to the refuse depot why don't you leave a note for the bin men to empty your bin tomorrow (maybe they'll take pity and have a bit of xmas spirit and empty them for you) just a thought

23-Dec-08, 16:32
at the end of the day, we all survived in the summer, when the bin men went on strike, so this really shouldnt be a problem should it.

23-Dec-08, 16:39
No i think you need to read things properly!!

I think you will find i never said anything about my bin not being collected!

You are the one that seems to be doing the moaning round here. Even moaning about things that have nothing to do with the original post!

Tis the season to be jolly, no?

23-Dec-08, 16:46
Tis the season to be jolly, no?

Dunno about that but it appears Tis the season to get yer bin emptied on a different day :lol:

23-Dec-08, 16:50
Dunno about that but it appears Tis the season to get yer bin emptied on a different day :lol:

Good one :lol:

Seems to me alot on the org dina know how to be jolly, picky and smartypants yes but certinly not jolly.

23-Dec-08, 18:48
Good one :lol:

Seems to me alot on the org dina know how to be jolly, picky and smartypants yes but certinly not jolly.

I am extremely jolly;)

23-Dec-08, 18:50
Good one :lol:

Seems to me alot on the org dina know how to be jolly, picky and smartypants yes but certinly not jolly.

Think there might be a wee mistake in there?? not that i am being picky or anything:D

23-Dec-08, 19:27
Think there might be a wee mistake in there?? not that i am being picky or anything:D

Ooooops stupid me better get that sorted before the punctuation police come :lol::lol:

02-Jan-09, 14:29

02-Jan-09, 15:56

Hey Bodster, leave it out at least it'll get emptied in the morning!

03-Jan-09, 23:13
Why would or Should I check their Web Site when my normal collection day is a MONDAY and this is NOT a Holiday or even close to Christmas Day.

Well at least you know that you have 51 weeks to check when your collection will be next christmas.

03-Jan-09, 23:30
I didnt realise this and had cleared out alot of junk on the Sunday.

Never got my new laptop until Tuesday and dont buy the papers ( lesson leared )

Only when i went to work on Monday was i told that the bins were collected on the Saturday.

Had black bags everywhere till after christmas and relatives staying too.

Was very annoyed. They could have done more to make people aware

03-Jan-09, 23:45
I didnt realise this and had cleared out alot of junk on the Sunday.

Never got my new laptop until Tuesday and dont buy the papers ( lesson leared )

Only when i went to work on Monday was i told that the bins were collected on the Saturday.

Had black bags everywhere till after christmas and relatives staying too.

Was very annoyed. They could have done more to make people aware

Tryin to brag about yer new laptop! :roll:

See alana it is no all bad going to work...they tell u information!! lol!

03-Jan-09, 23:57
Tryin to brag about yer new laptop! :roll:

See alana it is no all bad going to work...they tell u information!! lol!

yea loop 2 days lol

04-Jan-09, 00:01
yea loop 2 days lol

2 days late u mean!

04-Jan-09, 00:05
2 days late u mean!

Yes... its getting late.