View Full Version : politically correct

10-Aug-03, 18:17

10-Aug-03, 18:45
You will have to change your bait if you want to get a bite, this reply was only a nibble,


Dave the Rave :cool:

10-Aug-03, 19:50
just swimming round an sniffing your bait......decided no worth bitting

10-Aug-03, 20:49

10-Aug-03, 20:50

You should take the bait. This message board could use livening up. What happened to it?

11-Aug-03, 07:52
It's not bait! I am sick to death of all the "politically correct". There is a thread a bit further down about the homeless situation in Caithness. Everyone is enjoying themselves and then a few killjoys jump in and point out how it is not a funny situation. I don't think anyone thinks being homeless is funny .

Could I ask what is joyous about poking malicious fun at some of the most disadvantaged people in our society? You must think it joyous as you call people who object “killjoys”.

If “no one” thinks being homeless is funny why do you approve of those who make fun out of it?

This message board could use livening up. What happened to it?

It occurs to me that many compassionate, witty and thoughtful correspondents probably have stopped contributing because of the small-minded postings of the “free speechers” who themselves have few gifts or talents.

Long live the "killjoys"

11-Aug-03, 10:01
Fair enough. As I'm obviously not a compassionate, witty or thoughtful enough person for Caithness.org I won't be bothering you again.

11-Aug-03, 17:10
This is silly

This is a message board folks - its not real life!!!!

Lots of situation which are abhorrant are also amusing. Shocking and horrifying as they might be humour lightens them and also gives us the chance to show our relief that we are not in that situation. Making light of or a joke about a situation is not the same as thinking that something is acceptable or even desireable. In point of fact the giggles at the "thurso homeless man" appears to be humour directed at society and its acceptance of this situation rather than a dig at the homeless themselves. I took all comments as ironic and not meant to be taken seriously. When it appeared that my comments had been offensive to others i apologised - no one wants to offend.

Just for the record i have recently stared homelessness right in the face. I know all too well the desperation that goes with not knowing whether you will have a roof over your head tomorrow next week next month. I have had the whole nights of sleeplessness wondering where i was going to be and whether i would be able to keep my children with me or not. I have had to wait for decisions made by faceless beaurocrats about my housing situation and i have had to face that fact that bed and breakfast accomodation is all that stands between me and the street. Melodramatic? Nope, scary worrying, depressing yes I came within 4 days of having nowhere to live.

I have earned the right to make light of this with a huge sigh of relief and I think you should all get off your moral high horses. Unless of course you have earned YOUR right to be indignant about this by volunteering your free time to work at a shelter, taking a homeless person into your home to occupy that spare room you have or Cooking meals for the man who begs outside the train station. That doesnt include giving the turkey you got from work at Christnmas to the sally army hostel, or dropping a pound into the bowl because you feel guilty or even buying the BIG Issue. Strikes me some people scowl more than they smile around here.

11-Aug-03, 18:14
Fair enough. As I'm obviously not a compassionate, witty or thoughtful enough person for Caithness.org I won't be bothering you again.

The thread you began on Political Correctness is interesting. It's a pity that you have now quit the message board, I believe you have answered your own question in doing so. It seems that many folks, myself included, are hesitant to post here anymore, because of the negative reactions of others. None of us like to be put down or ridiculed.

Debates can be fascinating even if we don't agree with one side or the other, or both or none, sometimes I don't even believe the side I myself am arguing. Conversation and differences of opinion and enlightenment are always worthwhile.

11-Aug-03, 18:46
Hmmm… I seem to remember a certain 'Heblix' who had a childish tantrum and replaced all his posts with smilies! Why start the thread if you aren't prepared to have anybody disagree with you???

I know that I am often the first to jump up on my high horse and tell people they are being rude/ignorant/hurtful, but it seems that people are sometimes more concerned with being seen to be politically correct than they are with actually doing the right thing.

The post that started all this off was a light-hearted fantasy. I don't think that anybody involved thinks of being homeless as funny. I don't think anybody would wish it on their worst enemy. I took the whole thread to be part reminiscing, part escapism from the fragility of our own happiness, but mostly just fantasy.

And whilst we're on the subject --

It occurs to me that many compassionate, witty and thoughtful correspondents probably have stopped contributing because of the small-minded postings of the “free speechers” who themselves have few gifts or talents.

-- Politically correct or not, that was just plain rude. [disgust]

11-Aug-03, 19:25
Yo satcomguy and others;

Debate or should that be “de Bait”, :evil is a means of communication of different ideas/thoughts/beliefs/culture etc… Humour is okay, however, if someone comments on your type of humour, one should either justify it or be contrite, not to make statements such as; “Fair enough. As I'm obviously not a compassionate, witty or thoughtful enough person for Caithness.org I won't be bothering you again”. Sounds a bit petulant to be honest, or are you used to having all your own way in life? You will always find that where there is an “action”, you will always get a “re-action”, how you cope with it, is up to you. We need everybody’s input here on caithness.org. That means the “kill-joys” as well as the “free speecher’s”, the young and the old etc…

It was stated earlier; "The thread you began on Political Correctness is interesting. It's a pity that you have now quit the message board, I believe you have answered your own question in doing so. It seems that many folks, myself included, are hesitant to post here anymore, because of the negative reactions of others. None of us like to be put down or ridiculed.

Nobody is putting you down, just disagreeing with the content of your meanderings.


Dave the Rave :cool:

Free speecher’s are criticised as well you know, but we don’t go running off to the woods, do we! :eek:

So stick around and make it interesting, if it’s worth talking about, :p then it’s worth listening to…

11-Aug-03, 20:37
I just want to say that it was not the disagreement that had me wanting to leave (I was looking forward to that)(the disagreement, not the leaving :confused ). It was the insinuation that decent people didn't post here because of my (and others) small-minded and witless messages.

As for childishly editing my messages.....they had already been reprinted anyway. And, no I don't always get my own way. I have a husband and two small children, I NEVER get my own way ;)

I'm sure that some one is saying "I thought you were never going to bother us again?" But really this is a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation, isn't it?

11-Aug-03, 20:40
Well as I am one of the 'killjoys' I felt I should reply!

Surely one of the great things about living in this country is the fact that we have 'free speech' and can debate matters without fear.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's all I was giving when I disagreed with the content of this particular thread.
As I said I have a great sense of humour and love to laugh (no, I'm not scowling! :D ) but when 'humour' is aimed at the 'less fortunate' in society then I have a right to disagree.

I am sure that the people involved are decent, caring people and my 'complaint' wasn't aimed at individuals just the content matter.
I did not want to spoil anyone's fun but,at the risk of repeating myself, I am entitled to my opinion.

Let's just all be adults about this and agree to disagree!

Take a chill pill!!!

:Razz :) :o)

I don't like being called a "killjoy" but I won't take the huff!

11-Aug-03, 22:29
Seems like the best thread for yonks and i missed it. What was satcomguy saying that liz gurned at and did liz's post get removed? wow

11-Aug-03, 22:44
OK i get it now, well some of it. There are blinking killjoys everywhere these days. Good job too cos there would probably be no homelessness if there wernt. As for that politically correct geezers......

11-Aug-03, 23:16
gosh gleeber dinna be so nosey :roll:

12-Aug-03, 01:21
Yo satcomguy,

would you like to recant your initial statement ;) "You should take the bait. This message board could use livening up. What happened to it?" :( as it would seem quite lively on this topic now.

Personal emails will be taken at

:evil [email protected] :evil


Dave the Rave :cool:

12-Aug-03, 12:53
I have no problem with you complaining about the humor but for people to say it is not funny when obviously it is for some people... I feel sorry for people who have to censor humor. I do not understand how you can say jokes about a paticular subject is not funny. How would you know until you have heard every homeless person joke. Anyway the content was not aimed at homeless people and was not meant to cause offence. If you took any offence to it - Tough Luck, you may have the right to post complaints but I have the right to post jokes.

12-Aug-03, 20:14

I have the greatest sympathy for the crisis you found yourself in and it is to your credit that you fought through it and probably became a stronger person because of it.

You will have noted that my initial posting in this thread was made after you posted your apology so anything I said there did not refer to you.

You are absolutely right to say:

I have earned the right to make light of this…
but don’t you agree that does not give you the right to make light of other peoples’ crises?

You also suggest that you:

took all comments as ironic and not meant to be taken seriously.
You will surely accept that irony is a difficult technique and a dangerous tool unless used carefully. (I thought your contribution to be a straightforward reminiscence and not ironic.) That is why I try not to use that particular form of speech although I must confess to occasional transgressions!

You asserted that:

Unless of course you have earned YOUR right to be indignant about this by … get off your moral high horse
I don’t think it would be useful for us to parade their credentials here – it can come down to “My Dad’s bigger than your Dad, so there!”

By the way, I never scowl! I occasionally gurn and can be crabbit. Generally. I am a ray of sunshine!


You said:

It seems that many folks, myself included, are hesitant to post here anymore, because of the negative reactions of others. None of us like to be put down or ridiculed.
I have always regarded you as one of the “compassionate, witty and thoughtful correspondents” who have been hesitant to post here recently because of intemperate comments from others. If I am one of those whose negative reactions have upset you, I am truly sorry.


You said:
Partan, politically correct or not, that was just plain rude.


13-Aug-03, 13:30
I think you are a better chap after all that

13-Aug-03, 19:13
I think you are a better chap after all that

Weel Golach min, ah think ye'd hev been wicer til hev waited til efter five o'clock on Sunday :evil

Partan the Jambo