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View Full Version : Ormlie Award Expenses

29-Jan-06, 10:50
What do you think about the Ormlie projects awards. Well done to them for achieving so many and for the recognition they get. However I was well and truly hacked off when I read in the local press last week, that their most recent trip to London to pick up an award was funded by the Highland Council. This involved about 6 individuals flights, 2 nights accommodation and even tickets to Phantom of the Opera (probably about £40-£50 per ticket!). As a council tax payer I object to this spend, when the council always moan that they cannot make ends meet, and they are in debt. Consider this when you get your payment demand for the tax year 2006/7 in the next month or so, and see how much the increase is. Lots of people and organisations get awards but get no glorified trip to London at the councils expense, and also lots of people do things voluntarily but get no recognition.

29-Jan-06, 12:43
We do things for our kids all the time here on a voluntary bases and never seem to get these perks etc.
It does make us very angry[evil]
We managed to get a respite unit on Skye for our kids but werent invited to the official big opening with the big high flyers from Headquaters
I'd boar you to tears so I'll stop......(i'm not a stirrer just an activist)Kitkat:confused:

29-Jan-06, 14:16
And its always the same loafers that seem to go on council funded trips too...grrrrrr!!

29-Jan-06, 14:32
The award was only for something like £700 too.. It's ridiculous [mad]

29-Jan-06, 14:55
By all accounts Ormlie was in danger of turning into a bit of a ghetto. I applaud whoever was responsible for its turnaround.
I dont mind some public money being spent as a token of thanks to people who have taken their community in a different direction.
Children, who before this initiative, who may have been classed as under privelaged, can now see theres a new climate operating in Ormlie where community is a key word and the responsability of the individual is paramount in the overall picture. Simple words but not something your average under privelaged child is necessary aware of.

29-Jan-06, 17:26
And its always the same loafers that seem to go on council funded trips too...grrrrrr!!


I never get on any council jaunts, by the way!!!! LOL

The Loafer

30-Jan-06, 10:15
Just a quick reply to Gleeber, as my thoughts on the OCA have been aired in an other post. Ormlie was no more a gheto than the glebe or any other local authority housing estate. I must just add an obsevation made during the xmass light switch on. A local man just back from a long spell at her maj's pleasure, asked quite seriously when seeing the people who are employed to take the kids clubs I thought this was a community center not a rehab.

30-Jan-06, 11:22
The award was only for something like £700 too.. It's ridiculous

I have to agree with you connie why should our council tax pay for there trips[mad] and for there trip to the opera grrrrrrr [disgust] [mad] That make my blood boil[mad]

30-Jan-06, 12:04
What a waste of council tax payers money .