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07-Dec-08, 18:59
Calling all Archers. Attendance at Keiss Archery is dwindling. Those members who have paid thier membership fees come along and use what you`ve paid for. If you don`t use it we could lose it! Any people who would like to join us should come along on a wednesday evening at 6.30pm.If enough people show an interest then we may be able to do another beginners course.

07-Dec-08, 19:16
Can I ask a stupid question, but, where is this Keiss Archery?

I would be interested but dont have a clue where about you are. Is it just the hall?? Also, what are the fees like?

Many thanks

07-Dec-08, 19:48
It is held in Keiss Hall (http://www.gmrhenderson.co.uk/images/4f2large.jpg) (here (http://maps.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF8&ll=58.534437,-3.123304&spn=0.002957,0.009613&z=17) - about 50 yards along High Street from the A99).

First session is free, subsequent ones are £3 for adults and £2 for juniors (10 years upwards).

Hope to see some new faces on Wednesday :D

07-Dec-08, 22:53
I really hope the club prospers, I enjoyed my 'sessions' (albeit only briefly) before business got in the way.

If I could get the time off again, I'd be there like a shot....but only a shot from a Long or Flat bow...none of this ponsey 'modern' mularkey.;)

07-Dec-08, 23:43
Archery is good fun, I remember many moons ago, er about 30 years ago, I used a Quicks T101 Recurve Bow. Never was in an actual club but I still had fun.

I am now way past it and I could not even draw it back half way, even if I still had it, which I dont.

But if anyone fancies Archery I can recommend it and going along to Keiss Archery would be a great way to start I am sure. :D

19-Dec-08, 18:01
Just to let everyone know that the Club now has it's own website which can be found at www.keissarchery.co.uk (http://www.keissarchery.co.uk) :D

percy toboggan
19-Dec-08, 20:49
Godh! I wish I was closer...would love to try my hand at this Arching.
Wife has bought me 'Azincourt' for Xmas.

19-Dec-08, 21:15
My son and I took up the challenge and have been for the last two Wed evenings...and its been great! Everyone has been friendly to a pair of newcomers, and helpful with advice (especially since I have some hand difficulties and often have to improvise equipment and technique with various things), and its a nice and relaxed atmosphere for a couple of newbies.

My (Very fit, 15 year-old) lad is quite keen and has been for a while, and hopefully shows some promise. I'm along for the enjoyment, and to sort of challenge myself a bit...dont know if I'll ever amount to anything, but heres hoping! :lol:

And the website looks great. :)

19-Dec-08, 22:13
Godh! I wish I was closer...would love to try my hand at this Arching.
Wife has bought me 'Azincourt' for Xmas.

Having just read the rave reviews I think I'll treat myself :D
Thanks for that PT

19-Dec-08, 22:21
Godh! I wish I was closer...would love to try my hand at this Arching.
Wife has bought me 'Azincourt' for Xmas.

Percy! Have you been peekin at yer presents!

Nice pic o' Mik Bob! [lol] (Well I think it is Mik but I didna think he was goin baldy! :Razz)

percy toboggan
19-Dec-08, 22:59
No: I was with her when she bought it!

Elenna - your Lad's the right age for 2012 - Good luck!

Bob: 8,000 arrows a second raining down on the French - absolutely amazing.I heard the author on 5live.