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05-Dec-08, 21:16
Today the SNP government published its climate change bill.

To quote the Government website:

The Scottish Government today published its Climate Change Bill which if passed will mean Scotland has the most ambitious climate change legislation anywhere in the world.
Speaking following the publication, Stewart Stevenson said:
"The measures set out in the Bill show that Scotland is at the forefront of global efforts to tackle climate change.
"This Government has taken the bold decision to include all six Greenhouse gases and emissions from international aviation and shipping within an ambitious 80 per cent target. We are also setting rigorous annual targets to ensure that the Government now and in the future is held to account.
"Setting targets is not an end in itself, it is delivery that matters. This is why we are developing a range of short, medium and long term policy options to drive the changes needed to meet our ambitious targets. These options will be published next year.
"As a Government we are determined to have carbon assessment at the heart of our decision making. We are breaking new ground with our Carbon assessment project which will ensure climate change impacts are considered in future budgets and spending decisions.
"Achieving these targets will be challenging. But I am confident that Government, business and the people of Scotland are ready to rise to the challenge of climate change."
Over 21,000 responses were received to the Scottish Government's consultation on a climate change bill.
The Bill will establish a legal framework for emissions reductions in the run up to 2050.
The Scottish Government will now be developing a range of short, medium and long term policy options to drive the changes needed to meet our ambitious targets. These options will be published next year.

So when are we getting our glass bubble? Without one, and without any other countries doing much if anything about this problem, the whole thing is a complete waste of time, money and scenery. Air is a world resource, not limited to Scottish shores. And Scotland's CO2 emissions are an insignificant fraction of those world-wide.

Through our hydro power stations, we have been setting an example on environmentally-friendly power to the rest of the UK - indeed the world - for over 50 years. Have they taken any notice? Not really - only the Canadians followed suite to any extent, and that's because of their strong ties to Scotland. So why should anyone really take notice now?

This is political posturing at its worst, being paid for by future generations, with no regard to how it can truly be achieved or how we or future generations can afford it.

Anyone else feel the same or do you think its a good thing?


05-Dec-08, 21:22
Today the SNP government published its climate change bill.

To quote the Government website:

The Scottish Government today published its Climate Change Bill which if passed will mean Scotland has the most ambitious climate change legislation anywhere in the world.
Speaking following the publication, Stewart Stevenson said:
"The measures set out in the Bill show that Scotland is at the forefront of global efforts to tackle climate change.
"This Government has taken the bold decision to include all six Greenhouse gases and emissions from international aviation and shipping within an ambitious 80 per cent target. We are also setting rigorous annual targets to ensure that the Government now and in the future is held to account.
"Setting targets is not an end in itself, it is delivery that matters. This is why we are developing a range of short, medium and long term policy options to drive the changes needed to meet our ambitious targets. These options will be published next year.
"As a Government we are determined to have carbon assessment at the heart of our decision making. We are breaking new ground with our Carbon assessment project which will ensure climate change impacts are considered in future budgets and spending decisions.
"Achieving these targets will be challenging. But I am confident that Government, business and the people of Scotland are ready to rise to the challenge of climate change."
Over 21,000 responses were received to the Scottish Government's consultation on a climate change bill.
The Bill will establish a legal framework for emissions reductions in the run up to 2050.
The Scottish Government will now be developing a range of short, medium and long term policy options to drive the changes needed to meet our ambitious targets. These options will be published next year.

So when are we getting our glass bubble? Without one, and without any other countries doing much if anything about this problem, the whole thing is a complete waste of time, money and scenery. Air is a world resource, not limited to Scottish shores. And Scotland's CO2 emissions are an insignificant fraction of those world-wide.

Through our hydro power stations, we have been setting an example on environmentally-friendly power to the rest of the UK - indeed the world - for over 50 years. Have they taken any notice? Not really - only the Canadians followed suite to any extent, and that's because of their strong ties to Scotland. So why should anyone really take notice now?

This is political posturing at its worst, being paid for by future generations, with no regard to how it can truly be achieved or how we or future generations can afford it.

Anyone else feel the same or do you think its a good thing?

GNGSo, because some countries do not give a damn about the environment then Scotland should just give up?

05-Dec-08, 22:22
To be perfectly honest I don't believe any politician - they are all after the same thing - votes and ergo power - any way they can get it! This bill would be fantastic if it could be possible or believed because someone has to start the ball rolling. If every small country took the view that they were too tiny to make a difference then nothing would change, would it? I think politicians and should grow up and wise up and the people who sit and moan and do nothing about them should get off their rear ends and get some action. Rant over - I thank you! :)

05-Dec-08, 22:32
So, because some countries do not give a damn about the environment then Scotland should just give up?

No - but all countries need to adopt similar targets otherwise it just gets silly. With the USA, China and India doing precious little, there is a lot for Europe and the rest of the world to do. But why should Scotland exceed European or UK targets? It makes absolutely no sense at all - all it does is add to Scottish business and personal costs which damages our economy and quality of life. And for what? So some smarmy politician can go up to Gordon Brown and say "mines bigger that yours..." Its political posturing at its absolute worst.

05-Dec-08, 22:57
No - but all countries need to adopt similar targets otherwise it just gets silly. With the USA, China and India doing precious little, there is a lot for Europe and the rest of the world to do. But why should Scotland exceed European or UK targets? It makes absolutely no sense at all - all it does is add to Scottish business and personal costs which damages our economy and quality of life. And for what? So some smarmy politician can go up to Gordon Brown and say "mines bigger that yours..." Its political posturing at its absolute worst.Of course it gets silly but what can we do? We cannot force two of the most powerful countries in the world to bend to our will so we just live by our own principles. maybe they will change tack, maybe they wont, but we will be living our lives in a way that will contribute to well-being of our planet, shame befalls the rest.

05-Dec-08, 23:17
Of course it gets silly but what can we do? We cannot force two of the most powerful countries in the world to bend to our will so we just live by our own principles. maybe they will change tack, maybe they wont, but we will be living our lives in a way that will contribute to well-being of our planet, shame befalls the rest.

Well said! At least - if it is true and passed - Scotland is trying!

06-Dec-08, 10:45
In answer to your question GNG, IMO it's the usual drivel from our dear little Scottish government that likes to be seen to be doing something when all it's doing is producing politik-speak reports.

I'm putting my money on our new boyo in the White House turning things around a bit, though with the US now so deep in hock to China it remains to be seen what he can do.

Bad Manners
06-Dec-08, 10:51
We can only try and set an example. Ghandi was only one small man against a large country we are a small country against a world problem. the more people set an example the more will follow.

08-Dec-08, 23:13
Well said! At least - if it is true and passed - Scotland is trying!

The Scottish Climate Change Bill is following the pattern set over the last few years by UK Government, and “bettered” by Scottish Government, in coming up with the Policy long before the Plan.

Abolish House of Lords, then think what to replace it with.
Agree to carbon reduction targets then wonder how to achieve them.
Set a Renewables Obligation without thinking how it will be met.
Allow free access to the countryside then wonder how to manage it.

The Scottish Government have published a Bill with ambitious targets, and next year, it will work out how to achieve them. The House of Lords Select Committee on the Economics of Renewable Energy finds that the existing targets are unachievable, so how will we meet even more ambitious ones?

It is all very well to have “ambitious targets” for environmental improvements, but what is much more useful is to have challenging but achievable targets.

There is an order to doing things:

Have an idea.
Check if it is a good one.
Make sure it can be done.
Plan how to do it.
Plan how to do it as best you can.
Do it.

The Scottish Government Climate Change Model is:

Have an idea.
Double it.
Order it up.
Wonder how to make it work.
Give up and leave it to the punters to sort it out.

I am not convinced by the argument that climate change is largely man-made, but I do believe that we should all do our bit to ensure that our own environmental contribution is as responsible as we can reasonably and proportionately make it.

There is a problem of world population growth. The notion that we should do our bit to help it regardless of our contribution to it should prompt Alex Salmond into a policy of voluntary euthanasia to show that Scotland leads the way in combatting world population growth.

After you Alex.