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26-Nov-08, 22:31
i hed ma first pretend drivin test aday wi ma instructor - failed o' course...miserably!!

15 minors, 2 semi serious an i only nearly killed us once :lol:

so am sittin here wi ma highway code an a gless o' wine. theory test is shortly, nobody kens when tho :p

i wis planin getin those green L plates when i pass so that all ye's more experienced drivers wilna gie me any road rage when am no doin'ed rite...

any ither advice for me?

an dina tell me til ditch 'e wine...plenty o' time for 'at ;)

26-Nov-08, 22:50
No advice, cos know I would fail the theory test miserably, and no chance of ever passing a driving test again. Have been driving since I was 17, as long as you could reverse round a corner without taking a pedestian with you and read a number plate two feet away they deemed you roadworthy. you could always try giving some of that wine to the examiner cloud his judgement slightly:)

26-Nov-08, 22:51
maybe e wid be better taking more lessons on yer bike [lol] tony

26-Nov-08, 23:10
maybe e wid be better taking more lessons on yer bike [lol] tony

yer probly rite tony...

did ye hev til do all 'e airm signals when ye done yer test?

back yonder, in 'e black an white days...when there were no orange indicators :Razz

26-Nov-08, 23:30
well I am not the best person to give advice as I have failed both my tests (first one very close, second one failed badly lol) but the best tip I always got was do not think you have failed until you are told you have! (i.e. don't make a stupid mistake once you have decided what is the point in carrying on)
Good luck, try to relax! xx

27-Nov-08, 00:30
i hed ma first pretend drivin test aday wi ma instructor - failed o' course...miserably!!

15 minors, 2 semi serious an i only nearly killed us once

so am sittin here wi ma highway code an a gless o' wine. theory test is shortly, nobody kens when tho :p

i wis planin getin those green L plates when i pass so that all ye's more experienced drivers wilna gie me any road rage when am no doin'ed rite...

any ither advice for me?

an dina tell me til ditch 'e wine...plenty o' time for 'at ;)

Aye, stay off my roads. Thank you!:D

27-Nov-08, 08:12
good luck when you go it for real. i passed the theory with flying colours, then failed the practical twice! at least with the test sheet you can see what things need more practice on.

as for green L or P plates for after? waste of time and money. i put P plates on and after a couple of weeks found out the P stands for "Please ignore me!" or "Prats Please Pass me at stupid speed and place!"

Bad Manners
27-Nov-08, 10:02
When you pass your test you are deamed fit to drive on the queens highway and as such have no need for the P plate. on passing your test you will have reached the standard required and that shoud give you sufficent confidence.
There are many many driver out there that have passed their tests but still drive like idiots just try not to be like them.
Good luck with your tests

27-Nov-08, 11:44
i hed ma first pretend drivin test aday wi ma instructor - failed o' course...miserably!!

15 minors, 2 semi serious an i only nearly killed us once :lol:

so am sittin here wi ma highway code an a gless o' wine. theory test is shortly, nobody kens when tho :p

i wis planin getin those green L plates when i pass so that all ye's more experienced drivers wilna gie me any road rage when am no doin'ed rite...

any ither advice for me?

an dina tell me til ditch 'e wine...plenty o' time for 'at ;)

Im in same boat as you trix although ive not had the mock test with my instructor yet and in dreading when its time. Im at the highway code as well and doing mock tests on the cd rom but not geting far but just booked my theory so beter pull my finger out so to speak..

27-Nov-08, 17:23
Im in same boat as you trix although ive not had the mock test with my instructor yet and in dreading when its time. Im at the highway code as well and doing mock tests on the cd rom but not geting far but just booked my theory so beter pull my finger out so to speak..
i m lucky i passed my test! but it s theory test i passed! i passed it on the sixth time!

27-Nov-08, 17:28
Thank goodness I passed mine before separate theory tests came in!

Although sitting in the test car on the Harbour Hill, trying to remember which side of the motorway the green lights were on, as NB studied me intently was still intimidating! :confused

Just stay cool Trix - you'll be fine!! :cool:

27-Nov-08, 18:26
Well done you for trying.

Cant offer any advice as I dont drive but friends I've supported through it have said its easier if you can keep your nerve,treat it as another lesson and really believe you've passed.

I'm sure you'll get there.:D

27-Nov-08, 19:45
cheers for all 'e support guys.

sittin 'at 'e highway code ifanow but i hev 'e attention span o' a gnat :roll:

......thinkin o' puttin a colour thro ma hair an goin oot......:lol:

still a week or so til go yet.....an i work better under pressure ;)

27-Nov-08, 20:05
yer probly rite tony...

did ye hev til do all 'e airm signals when ye done yer test?

back yonder, in 'e black an white days...when there were no orange indicators :Razz
last test i passrd wiz two years ago and it eisna nb. they caame all e way from edinburgh with a cargo van but got the all clear
if e hev hed anything wrong wi e you hev dvla on yer back
best of luck tony

27-Nov-08, 20:33
last test i passrd wiz two years ago and it eisna nb. they caame all e way from edinburgh with a cargo van but got the all clear
if e hev hed anything wrong wi e you hev dvla on yer back
best of luck tony

guid for ye tony....i raise ma gless til ye - respect ma friend ;)

aye, ye'd be fair vext, ye'd miss yer runny oot til 'e stax.....at half 6...every nite ;)

eyes everywhere tony :Razz

27-Nov-08, 20:40
[quote=trix;463914]cheers for all 'e support guys.

sittin 'at 'e highway code ifanow but i hev 'e attention span o' a gnat

......thinkin o' puttin a colour thro ma hair an goin oot......

still a week or so til go yet.....an i work better under pressure

mmmmm so only a week or so til go trix ..... my lips are sealed:roll:
think ill start wearing wur yellow reflective waistcoat when walking to work ...just to make sure i am visible to 'P' drivers:lol:

27-Nov-08, 21:32
mmmmm so only a week or so til go trix ..... my lips are sealed:roll:
think ill start wearing wur yellow reflective waistcoat when walking to work ...just to make sure i am visible to 'P' drivers:lol:

da be cheeky...or il be gien ye a wave, an a 'beep beep' as a drive past ye :Razz

27-Nov-08, 21:40
................ an a 'beep beep' as a drive past ye :Razz

You've just got yourel' a Less Serious Fault for incorrect use of the horn......;)

When's the only time you should sound your horn, Trix?

27-Nov-08, 21:43
Why not practice here - http://www.freemocktheory.co.uk/ (http://www.freemocktheory.co.uk/)

it has a question bank of 70 questions and is free to use over and over but the questions may not differ much.

27-Nov-08, 22:00
for heaven's sakes you shouldn't be having to drive yourself. Get a chauffeur. :)

28-Nov-08, 00:31
When's the only time you should sound your horn, Trix?

til let people ken that am ayre - up yer a** miranda [lol]

for heaven's sakes you shouldn't be having to drive yourself. Get a chauffeur. :)

at's 'e doon side til passin 'iss test...ma auld cheil phones me at least twice a week til ask if am wantin anythin oot o' tescos :lol:

i get picked up, dropped off, takin here, takin ayre....its bin great!

end o' an era, if ye ask me....

28-Nov-08, 18:36
for heaven's sakes you shouldn't be having to drive yourself. Get a chauffeur. :)
ye would think that that someone with a title would hev one [lol] tony

rs 2k
28-Nov-08, 19:03
Why not practice here - http://www.freemocktheory.co.uk/ (http://www.freemocktheory.co.uk/)

it has a question bank of 70 questions and is free to use over and over but the questions may not differ much.


I just did that test and the pass mark was 43 out of 50 and i scored 40 :eek:

I passed my driving test 15 years ago, so i am ok phew

Glad i don't have to do it now

28-Nov-08, 22:50
No advice, cos know I would fail the theory test miserably, and no chance of ever passing a driving test again. Have been driving since I was 17, as long as you could reverse round a corner without taking a pedestian with you and read a number plate two feet away they deemed you roadworthy. you could always try giving some of that wine to the examiner cloud his judgement slightly:) i ile make sure my car is always in a the drive when u pick herself up wink wink lol ..........lol.........:lol:

28-Nov-08, 22:52
You will be fine trix, just keep calm and follow the instructions given to you. I've passed numerous driving tests in my time for one thing or another, none of them were easy, but I had confidence in my instructor and this seemed to pass on to me. Somebody advised earlier in this thread to throw away you P or green L plates as you were deemed to be an expert if you passed. I can assure you that is not true, you only really learn to drive after you have passed your test. The test gives you confidence to drive safely and share the road with other road users, and credits you with enough sense to realise your limits. Don't get too carried away with the power and speed of your car, use them wisely and you will enjoy many years of driving, it is great fun, but requires your full attention 100% of the time your are sitting behind that wheel. The confidence comes from putting in the miles in all sorts of driving conditions. I don't think you need to use the P or green L plates though, they will only draw attention to yourself, the last thing you want when you are negotiating difficult driving conditions.

29-Nov-08, 19:14
cheers whitewater, still condemplatin' them P plates but thanks for 'e advice an 'e support.....

at 'e highwaycode ifanow but, really....its 'e weekend...:cool:

still anither few days...

work better under pressure an al 'at...

lets say i open a bottle o' wine eh?

.................helps me study.............:D

30-Nov-08, 04:46
paying for taxi by working harder and longer, then nothing to worry about the theory test or driving test.:Razz :D

30-Nov-08, 16:10
paying for taxi by working harder and longer, then nothing to worry about the theory test or driving test.:Razz :D

i cana work any harder or longer.....7 days a week i work!

as for public transport - way too cool for 'at ;)

05-Dec-08, 20:22
choost til let everyone ken that i PASSED ma theory test - fair delited wi masel :lol:

cheers for all 'e support guys ;)

05-Dec-08, 20:41
choost til let everyone ken that i PASSED ma theory test - fair delited wi masel :lol:

cheers for all 'e support guys ;)

Well done trix. Any tips im up for mine soon and in needing all the help i can get.

05-Dec-08, 20:58
well done! really pleased for you. Have a fab weekend!! :)

05-Dec-08, 21:44
congrats trix:lol: canna wait til ye pass the practical!!! well should i say i bet Tommy cannae wait till ye pass the next step!!!!! then ye can make yer own way til work and pick me up as weel:lol: now i will have the guessing game of the next test!!!!:eek:

05-Dec-08, 23:05
Congratulations Trix, well donexx:D

Thomas Farmer
05-Dec-08, 23:18
she wid hev known weeks ago if she'd passed, its in e' cairds.
she probably knows when she is going till pass her practicle.

Get a bicycle, its much safer, if you live; Mark Twain

06-Dec-08, 00:33
did you read your cards before you went. :lol:

06-Dec-08, 00:48
she wid hev known weeks ago if she'd passed, its in e' cairds.
she probably knows when she is going till pass her practicle.

Get a bicycle, its much safer, if you live; Mark Twain

aye yer right Tommy am no wishing her any luck again cos she kent already it wis in the bag !!!
go yersel trix!!!!!:eek:

Kevin Milkins
06-Dec-08, 02:02
Well done Trix

I bet you are like a dog with 2 tails to wag. :Razz

I may pop in ,in the morning and see what the future holds for me.:eek::confused

Anne x
06-Dec-08, 02:12
well done Trix now how did the cards no tell ye it be okay :lol:

06-Dec-08, 02:33
Well done Trix, i'm delighted for ye. :)

06-Dec-08, 03:06
I did my test 11 years ago, learned with the woman from Broadhaven.

She took me out for half an hour before my test for a "mock" one, I failed miserably.

I remember her shouting at me to "check my mirrors", I "didn't have a hope in hell" if I drove like that etc.

Needless to say 45 minutes later I had a "real" pass, with only 3 minors.

I still don't think I'd have passed if she hadn't shouted at me so much. It really did focus the concentration.

06-Dec-08, 10:18
choost til let everyone ken that i PASSED ma theory test - fair delited wi masel :lol:

cheers for all 'e support guys ;)

Now all you have to do is pass the driving test.
Make sure you book your test when the moons in the right position.;)

06-Dec-08, 21:33
choost til let everyone ken that i PASSED ma theory test - fair delited wi masel :lol:

cheers for all 'e support guys ;)
do more practice on your driving, then you will pass your pratical test for sure! good luck!

07-Dec-08, 01:05
well I am not the best person to give advice as I have failed both my tests (first one very close, second one failed badly lol) but the best tip I always got was do not think you have failed until you are told you have! (i.e. don't make a stupid mistake once you have decided what is the point in carrying on)
Good luck, try to relax! xx
I passed my theroy first time but failed my test and never tryed again do regret it must say

07-Dec-08, 05:06
Passed my test in my late twenties, before that a man that tried to teach me told me I was no good and it knocked my confidence. Then I passed the theory no bother but 2 attempts at the test. The guy that was the tester made me feel like crap and I failed, next time, he was on holiday and I got throguh no bother, tester was ace!
Never looked back, G knows what I did before I could drive.:)

07-Dec-08, 13:08
cheers everybody :D

course i did ma cairds beforehan' an' gave masel some blessins over ma cauldron...but ye cana be too cocky!!

telford, i say choost take yer time. get 'e book an then 'e disk for yer questions. i wis getin full marks on ma questions but wis doin rubbish at 'e hazard an awareness.....

i really thought i failed on 'e last part....15 clips!

passed wi a percentage o' 59% when ye needed 76%.
pass mark is 44%

anyway, wis on 'e champagne on friday nite ;)

one step closer til bein a fully fledged, properly growd up adult :eek:

07-Dec-08, 14:24
cheers everybody :D

course i did ma cairds beforehan' an' gave masel some blessins over ma cauldron...but ye cana be too cocky!!

telford, i say choost take yer time. get 'e book an then 'e disk for yer questions. i wis getin full marks on ma questions but wis doin rubbish at 'e hazard an awareness.....

i really thought i failed on 'e last part....15 clips!

passed wi a percentage o' 59% when ye needed 76%.
pass mark is 44%

anyway, wis on 'e champagne on friday nite ;)

one step closer til bein a fully fledged, properly growd up adult :eek:

Cheers trix thats what im doing at the mo never seem to be away fae the disk but dont seem to be getting any further on fingers crossed. Havna even oked at the hazzard perception pat but now im a celebs done ive no excuse better get cracking.

08-Dec-08, 03:11
I passed my theroy first time but failed my test and never tryed again do regret it must say
if you not like give it up forever, you better pick it up sooner since the fees is up and up all the time!