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View Full Version : Sudoku Hai Yah!

26-Jan-06, 16:39
So it`s just over a year since these really hit the world by storm!
I remeber all last summer sitting in the garden with a bottle of red and carol voderman`s book all holiday long!
So are we still doing to the obsessive like we all used to back in ole 2005........ there certainly are loads on line!



and for the hardcore sudoku folk>>>>>>>>>>> THE DION CUBE

Granty - (All I can manage these days is the sun sudoku)
Green Belt Sudoku

26-Jan-06, 16:42
I absolutely love doing sudoku and I'm as hooked as I ever was. :o)

moose and Lindsay
26-Jan-06, 16:44
ITV2 2am quiz channel sudoku something

Quite good but a lot easier seeing it on a screen then in a book etc