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15-Nov-08, 22:52
I have no bone to pick with people who are trying to raise money for charity. I have done it enough in the past, know how much work goes into it and how much the charities appreciate it.


When I am at the checkout in a supermarket and someone starts grabbing my shopping and shoving it into bags, it REALLY annoys me! To the stage now where I say nothing but "Thank you" and take my shopping without leaving a donation. I am fed up asking the bag packers to ask the customer if they want their shopping packed! If nothing else at least you know that someone is not going off with your shopping! If they ask you have the option of saying no, chances are you will smile and feed good that you are doing your bit to help and will make a donation. But when the shopping is just grabbed, charity bucket hidden under bags, no uniform of any sort on the person doing the grabbing........ well...... IMO it's just wrong.

So please, please, bag packers, smile, ask and make the customer pleased to make the donation.

15-Nov-08, 22:57
When I have done bag packing, I have enjoyed the experience and have ALWAYS asked people if they wish their bags packed. I would not expect someone to give but let them choose its their money after all.

I like my bags being packed as its a service I appreciate as I have a four year old who can be unpredictable.

15-Nov-08, 23:01
WELL SAID, Dorrie! I totally agree with you.
I too am fed up with bag-packers who insist on grabbing my shopping. If only they'd ask first. When I do get one that asks (and that is extremely rare) I always say "no thanks" but give a donation anyway. But the grabbers get nothing. [mad]

15-Nov-08, 23:11
I must admit I am always grateful to see Bag Packers and to get my shopping packed for me.

So I usually give them the go ahead before they have a chance to ask so I have never had the same problem as the rest of you.

15-Nov-08, 23:12
I think I've made my feelings about bag-packing known before on the Org, and have been duly slaughtered, so I'll not put myself up for the ritual humiliation again [lol]...

15-Nov-08, 23:27
I don't mind bag packers who can pack! I really object to the ones who just throw stuff into the bags and if you don't notice, by the time you get home, bread etc is squashed out of all recognition!

Aw - go on weeburd - let rip!

15-Nov-08, 23:30
There is steam coming outta my ears just thinking about it.

I won't even let hubby pack bags, so the thought of some stranger grabbing my groceries and then expecting me to be happy about it just does not compute.

I give money to those charities of my choosing, certainly not those who hold my shopping hostage.

15-Nov-08, 23:35
I don't mind bag packers who can pack! I really object to the ones who just throw stuff into the bags and if you don't notice, by the time you get home, bread etc is squashed out of all recognition!

Aw - go on weeburd - let rip!

I could let rip, Laguna2, but it widna help me deal with my feelings on bag-packers, boom boom [lol]!

Actually, I'm feeling a whole lot better with this thread, it seems I'm no longer in the minority! :D

15-Nov-08, 23:42
I have no bone to pick with people who are trying to raise money for charity. I have done it enough in the past, know how much work goes into it and how much the charities appreciate it.


When I am at the checkout in a supermarket and someone starts grabbing my shopping and shoving it into bags, it REALLY annoys me! To the stage now where I say nothing but "Thank you" and take my shopping without leaving a donation. I am fed up asking the bag packers to ask the customer if they want their shopping packed! If nothing else at least you know that someone is not going off with your shopping! If they ask you have the option of saying no, chances are you will smile and feed good that you are doing your bit to help and will make a donation. But when the shopping is just grabbed, charity bucket hidden under bags, no uniform of any sort on the person doing the grabbing........ well...... IMO it's just wrong.

So please, please, bag packers, smile, ask and make the customer pleased to make the donation.

Totally agree with u
Bag packers are a complete pest and shouldnt be allowed to be there and they make u feel if u have to donate and if anyone needs assistance with packing its actually the check out operators job to help u
I have no problems donating but for me thats a cheeky way of doing it sorry but thats how i feel.

15-Nov-08, 23:48
I could let rip, Laguna2, but it widna help me deal with my feelings on bag-packers, boom boom !

Actually, I'm feeling a whole lot better with this thread, it seems I'm no longer in the minority!

Make the most of it WeeBurd, we're in the majority at the moment on this thread, though I'm sure the pro-baggers are lurking ready to pounce. [para]

16-Nov-08, 00:03
Anybody touches my shopping and I will Keeeeeel them slowly.[disgust]:lol:

16-Nov-08, 00:04
I would just keel them! Hate bag packers - I say NO NO NO!

16-Nov-08, 00:05
I hate if anyone tries to bag pack for me - always say no thanks, prefer to pack for myself, even to checkout operators, who still reach for their plastic bags to stuff things in willynilly!

I have taken my own bags to shops for many years, hate plastic bags with a vengance - used to have security called because I would refuse their bag, always told I had to have a bag to prove I had bought it - I had a receipt? Now I can refuse bag without hassles.

I do bag pack to raise funds for various organisations but would never pack without consent and I do think I am a very careful bag packer - heavy solid things below, soft above, likely to be smelly or leaky things separately. Some folk appreciate my bag packing, some like me refuse - I then clear away to help another volunteer until that person has packed their bags. I always give a donation if the person stands back to allow me to do my own packing but if they try to insist - simple there is no donation.

16-Nov-08, 00:24
Yes I agree they should ask first.

16-Nov-08, 00:31
Don't get me started!http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon8.gifhttp://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon8.gifhttp://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon8.gif

16-Nov-08, 00:45
Bring back the noose for bag-packers.[lol]
That was a joke incase anyone gets their kecks in a twist, no animals, human or otherwise were harmed during the execution of that quip.:D

16-Nov-08, 02:46

16-Nov-08, 03:39
You wont be able to get carrier bags in wick either - Tescoare doing away with them next week, so remember to take your own bagw with you, and you will get points for doing that too!

16-Nov-08, 10:20
I have no problem with having my bags packed - so long as I'm asked first (after all it is only polite) and that its done well. I try and put my shopping on the conveyor in a logical order to make the packing that much easier too!

I bought some of Tesco's Small Green Bags - they had no big ones left at the time. I was pleasantly surprised how reasonably priced they were and just how much you could put in them - they are deceptively cavernous! Now keep them in the boot of the car ready for action.

I did wonder though what's to stop someone putting a couple in their trolley & surreptitiously removing the tags on their way round the store to make it look as though they had been bought previously?

16-Nov-08, 11:12
I agree with Bobinovich and put my stuff up in logical order so if I do get bags packed the stuff ends up in the right room of the house and all the smellies together.

I like the smaller bags for heavier goods as the big ones are ok for paper products, but once loaded with a mixture of stuff are almost impossible to lift out of the trolley.

Some years ago I had two bags from a huge shop stolen from my trolley once the goods had been scanned and paid for while it was sitting beside the checkout while I paid. The shop management (no longer in business I may add) did not want to know as they were ok, they had their money. Stood my ground and went to the payphone and had the police there to investigate the theft....... turned out there had been a lot of folk lost stuff, but no body else bothered. Therefore I like to keep an eye on my own shopping.

Have been known to help pack for someone in the queue behind me if they are elderly, disabled or have a child more in need of their attention than the checkout operator getting stuff rattled through in the shortest space of time, but I always ask first, and think I am a careful packer.

16-Nov-08, 11:22
You wont be able to get carrier bags in wick either - Tescoare doing away with them next week, so remember to take your own bagw with you, and you will get points for doing that too!

actually..tesco are just removing them from sight..u can still askn for them...they will be under the counter.i was told that by the checkout girl last week.
i love anyone who will help pack my bags as it is very difficult to try and do with crutches.:D
of however,i do understand the frustrations of those who are dealt volunteer bagpackers too.

16-Nov-08, 11:28
I dont need the services of a bag packer as Mrs Rod does it for me![lol]
She is like a rotweiler chewing a wasp if someone touches HER shopping. Woe betide any who touch her Super noodles!:lol:

What is more embaressing is when a male buys some sanitary towels for his partner and the lady packing looks at him and he feels about 2in tall and all guilty!!!

16-Nov-08, 17:17
I did wonder though what's to stop someone putting a couple in their trolley & surreptitiously removing the tags on their way round the store to make it look as though they had been bought previously?

The law of the land and common decency?

kitty kat
16-Nov-08, 18:23
i buy online hehe

but i do agree they should ask first

16-Nov-08, 18:39
I did wonder though what's to stop someone putting a couple in their trolley & surreptitiously removing the tags on their way round the store to make it look as though they had been bought previously?

I have the opposite...

I walk around with my bags in the trolley worrying that someone will think I'm stealing them. :lol:

16-Nov-08, 19:56
I'm on the hate it side here and nearly always say no when the checkout person offers as well. What I also don't like about bagpackers is that they encourage the use of more plastic bags when we should be re-using our own.

Like others here, I choose the charities I donate to and don't appreciate being pounced on in a shop.

17-Nov-08, 12:14
Hi Dorrie

Do you think it would make the whole experience more enjoyable if folks offered to bag pack in say...full bellydance gear?

...shimmy shimmy pack...shimmy shimmy milk and bread?

It's an idea ;-)