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15-Nov-08, 19:46
Its really frightening just how much electic is costing us just now.
On average we're going through £35 a week.
We have two storage heaters on,one in living room and one in hall.Occasionally we'll put the bedroom heater on for 10 mins just to take the chill out the rooms before bedtime.One towel rail which i put off through the day .
Going round switching everything off at the wall if its not in use.
How are the rest of you managing?

My brother and daughter have gas and electric and their bills are resonable compared to mine.Granted they live in a flat so that will reduce heating costs.

Our cooker is an old fashioned solid top,could that be running away with the electric?:confused

15-Nov-08, 20:10
I've been using about between £30 and £40 a week just now and we're out all day :eek:

I swear last year through the winter i would only use about £20. We're getting by like you with 2 storage heaters on minimum and we've got a portable gas heater that we use when we're extra cold.

15-Nov-08, 20:24
That does sound high, cuddlepop. I live in an all electric flat -the rooms are big with very high ceilings, with no double glazing so it's not easy to keep the place warm.

Like you I have storage heaters -three are in more or less constant use, tho' as low as possible. I'm being much more careful this year about what appliances I turn on, when I use the oven and so on.

At the moment my electricity bills are averaging £20 a week -about the same as last year, but only because I'm being much more careful what I use and putting on extra layers rather than turning up the heating.

Are your storage heaters very old? Sometimes old ones have very poor insulation, so that the heat doesn't get to build up in them properly and it's leaking out more or less as soon as it's generated. :(

15-Nov-08, 20:24
Our house is all Electric and we have storage Heating. At present I only have the one heater on and we are paying £35.00 a week for Electricity.

I am frightened to switch on any further Storage Heatres as then the cost would spiral up even further and that I could not afford even with the Extra Winter Fuel Payment we have just received.

15-Nov-08, 20:36
I know where you folks are coming from. I have found a low cost and inexpensive portable electronic fireplace that I use to take the chill off my place. It's an Amish Fireplace built by the Amish people. I don't know how you could make out for the shipping there in Scotland, but here's the email address: [email protected]

15-Nov-08, 21:05
I know where you folks are coming from. I have found a low cost and inexpensive portable electronic fireplace that I use to take the chill off my place. It's an Amish Fireplace built by the Amish people. I don't know how you could make out for the shipping there in Scotland, but here's the email address: [email protected]

Not sure if this is a wind up or not as I thought all Amish have rejected all things Electronic and Electric, so to say they are now making an Eletronic Fire is very surprising to say the least.

Even if there is a heater that is Low Cost Running it more than likely would not work here in UK as we run on a completely different Voltage and Cycle rate than what you do in the US.

15-Nov-08, 21:16
Not sure if this is a wind up or not as I thought all Amish have rejected all things Electronic and Electric, so to say they are now making an Eletronic Fire is very surprising to say the least.

Even if there is a heater that is Low Cost Running it more than likely would not work here in UK as we run on a completely different Voltage and Cycle rate than what you do in the US.

Yes, you are correct. I had forgotten about the different Voltage and Cycle rate. As for the Amish, there are some colonies who have become a little more modern. At least when it comes to making something for those outside the Amish comunity.

15-Nov-08, 21:17

Have you got an energy advice team on Skye? If so they will be able to direct you to extra savings and if you are spending more than 10% of your income on fuel (as we are) they can secure a price freeze until April and 20% discount for at least two years with scottish hydro electric.

We got a fridge freezer for £50 as ours was running away with electric due to warped door seals with the machine having been in storage between houses. Also a power down plug for computer and energy efficient light bulbs.

When dad moved to his sheltered house he had night storage heaters for the first time and they came and set them up for him and gave him good advice how to use them economically.

15-Nov-08, 21:22

Have you got an energy advice team on Skye? If so they will be able to direct you to extra savings and if you are spending more than 10% of your income on fuel (as we are) they can secure a price freeze until April and 20% discount for at least two years with scottish hydro electric.

We got a fridge freezer for £50 as ours was running away with electric due to warped door seals with the machine having been in storage between houses. Also a power down plug for computer and energy efficient light bulbs.

When dad moved to his sheltered house he had night storage heaters for the first time and they came and set them up for him and gave him good advice how to use them economically.

Not sure if we have an Energy Advice team here on skye so will ask at the council offices on monday.

Our heaters are only 5 years old so dont think thats a problem.:confused

We grew up with only the heating on in the living room it looks like we may be going back to that.:eek: