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Big G
23-Jan-06, 23:44
What do people think of 'The All Star Factory'?

I think it is okay - BUT there is just something...dont know what! they are getting good films up nearer to their release date which is good.

i was up the other day and went to the cinema - now you are not allowed to take in your own sweets or that - and we went to the counter to get sweets and they had no stock! not a single bag of sweets to be seen, there was pic 'n' mix but that was quite empty too, and expensive!

When we were in it was not very busy, no wonder, 6 quid a ticket thats redicilous!

what do other ppl think?

23-Jan-06, 23:48
What do people think of 'The All Star Factory'?

I think it is okay - BUT there is just something...dont know what! they are getting good films up nearer to their release date which is good.

i was up the other day and went to the cinema - now you are not allowed to take in your own sweets or that - and we went to the counter to get sweets and they had no stock! not a single bag of sweets to be seen, there was pic 'n' mix but that was quite empty too, and expensive!

When we were in it was not very busy, no wonder, 6 quid a ticket thats redicilous!

what do other ppl think?I wish they would ban people eating in the Cinema anyway.....Grrrr..it drives me crazy. [mad]

23-Jan-06, 23:50
It must be about a year since I've been there - went for a bar supper, then the cinema & I quite enjoyed both. I can't quite believe they would stop you taking your own sweets in. What do they do then - search the ladies' handbags and frisk the guys with big pockets ?

Big G
23-Jan-06, 23:53
no, if you come walking into the cinema with a bag of sweets they take it off u then. they have signs up saying (with a spelling mistake in it) ! but no wonder people are taking in their own stuff - its very very expensive. for a bag of sweets its 2.15 and get this for a bottle of water it is ........ 1.20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (sorry my pound key doesnt work)

23-Jan-06, 23:55
no, if you come walking into the cinema with a bag of sweets they take it off u then. they have signs up saying (with a spelling mistake in it) ! but no wonder people are taking in their own stuff - its very very expensive. for a bag of sweets its 2.15 and get this for a bottle of water it is ........ 1.20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (sorry my pound key doesnt work)£1.20 for a bottle of water...that IS ridiculous. Hmm £2.15 for the sweeties isn't expensive enough!!

24-Jan-06, 00:04
Its the same down here u cant take sweets in but i sneak them in

24-Jan-06, 00:07
I sneak them in as well, but I do like their wine gums.

24-Jan-06, 00:08
I knew the inside pocket of my coat would come in handy:lol:

24-Jan-06, 00:46
they have signs up saying (with a spelling mistake in it)

Makes me smile every time I see it. I took a picture of it last time in case they eventually get around to changing it!

They should leave it though as part of the cinema's history. :-)

Regarding sweets and drinks they are very over priced but I guess given the small customer base they have they have to make a profit wherever they can.

24-Jan-06, 02:57
1.20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (sorry my pound key doesnt work)

A light hearted suggestion big g, spend less on sweets and get yourself a new keyboard!!!!!!! lol

24-Jan-06, 12:19
The sweeties are dear in all the cinemas, I've been in Inverness, Aberdeen and Edinburgh and they are all the same set up and similar prices.

24-Jan-06, 12:50
I'm quite happy to pay the £6 for the films because I don't want to travel to Inverness to go to the cinema.

While it's there people won't use it (any time I've been it is nearly empty) but if it closes these same people will most likely be outraged!

24-Jan-06, 13:08
was at the cinema last night, we paid our £6, paid a fortune for popcorn and went up the stairs, there was no one on duty at all that we saw, no one checked our tickets, no one showed us to our seats and at no point did I see another member of staff. Last time we were there, I wanted to complain about the behaviour of some kids who were spoiling the film and again there were no staff, even the kiosk was closed - I wonder what would happen if there was an accident or God forbid, a fire? It's a public building should there not be regulations about first aiders, fire drills etc etc?

Incidentally it was also very cold last night! We did however have an excellent meal in Liquid bar, would definately go back there

24-Jan-06, 13:37
I don't go very often as it is so expesive, the last time as a family of five we were over £30 for tickets a drink and a bag of sweets. I rather wait until the film comes out on DVD and but it for the kids better value and they can watch it as many times as they like, more cost effective. And you are in the comfort of your own home...

24-Jan-06, 13:45
to be fair, the cinema on the whole is kept clean and comfortable and is definately a bonus for the town, I just don't think it's particularly well managed, what staff there are seem to be about 16! they seem to get the new films quite quickly but sometimes the same films are on for weeks. The price of entry is pretty standard for cinemas everywhere and unfortunately the price of juice and sweets etc is the same (I take my own in as well!). It is cheaper to go in the afternoon by the way, but it really is a very expensive day out for a family which is a shame because a lot of the films the kids want to watch, Harry Potter etc do look much better on the big screen. What I don't understand is why they always have to have the volume turned up so loud - in some cases the soundtrack has even been distorted its that loud - I find it quite off putting(?) at times

24-Jan-06, 16:39
all-star factory is expensiv, i agree :( but then u can at least watch films within the county an' go bowlin, play pool an' hav a laugh n that! they do gr8 chips n' pizza 4 great price at lunchtime tho - been there many timez at college lunch break! ;)

24-Jan-06, 16:56
it was also very cold last night!

I always find it a bit nippy in there, I end up with my coat over me to keep warm but then I end up falling asleep!

We usually sneak our drinks in too! As we don't go very often I don't mind paying for popcorn as it is very good!

24-Jan-06, 16:56
A quick question for all who are against the no sweets rule, would you take your own food into a restaraunt? No and i cant see any differnece whilst you are on there premises you cant do these things its like going into a pub with your own drink, you just wouldnt do it?

i have no association with the bowling alley but i can see there point in not allowing it, but if you are that determined to take your ownb food in then surely you can do it subtly, as a previous poster pointed out there not going to check your pockets??

Also would thurso be a better place without the cinema??

24-Jan-06, 17:19
A quick question for all who are against the no sweets rule, would you take your own food into a restaraunt? No and i cant see any differnece whilst you are on there premises you cant do these things its like going into a pub with your own drink, you just wouldnt do it?

Yes i agree with the restaraunt. But the cinema are selling the film not the sweets.
as for a pub it would be a better example to say would you buy the over priced cigarettes or take in your own? or for the cigar smokers would u buy the limited supply offered in most pubs or take ur own.

since were being silly would you go to the swimming pool an take your own water :lol:

24-Jan-06, 17:48
I just sneak my own sweets, popcorn and juice in with me. Its so much cheaper as long as you have them in ur handbag then the staff will never know. Hey connie im one of those noisey eaters lol i get a few strange looks at how loud i crunch my popcorn. :)

24-Jan-06, 17:58
I wish they would ban people eating in the Cinema anyway.....Grrrr..it drives me crazy. [mad]

Annoying listening to the munch,munch of popcorn[mad]

24-Jan-06, 18:32
Annoying listening to the munch,munch of popcorn[mad]

May i suggest you stick to charlie chaplin movies as you can leave your ear plugs in while you watch :lol:

24-Jan-06, 19:11
I always take a bag of crisps and a drink in my bag...im not paying their prices!! lol.
Do usually get a bucket of popcorn tho, u cant beat popcorn at the cinema.
Overall, the all star factory is fine. Bowling alley is pretty dull and the lanes break done, religiously, half way thru every game! the bar is nice, food is nice, but was useless at a kids party i was at and takes ages to get served at wkend.
But generally i think its good that at least its there for folk to go to and make use of. :D

24-Jan-06, 19:27
Last time we were there it was £8 for 2 ice blasts and 2 tubs of popcorn, rip off.
I think their film prices are on a par with down south, family ticket was £17.60.

24-Jan-06, 19:39
I just sneak my own sweets, popcorn and juice in with me. Its so much cheaper as long as you have them in ur handbag then the staff will never know. Hey connie im one of those noisey eaters lol i get a few strange looks at how loud i crunch my popcorn. :)LOL .....I'll check before i go that you won't be there... If you are, you'll know me, i'll be the one too busy huffing and tutting to see the film..lol :D

24-Jan-06, 19:43
Annoying listening to the munch,munch of popcorn[mad]Why do they always have to rummage to th bottom of the popcorn instead of just taking a bit from the top. I remember in the Cinema in Wick you only had to breathe too loud and you had a torch shone right on you and a glare that made sure you didn't do it again...lol :D

24-Jan-06, 20:14
Why do they always have to rummage to th bottom of the popcorn instead of just taking a bit from the top. I remember in the Cinema in Wick you only had to breathe too loud and you had a torch shone right on you and a glare that made sure you didn't do it again...lol :D
What annoys me is when kids keep kicking the back of your seat grrrrrrrrrrrr that get on my nerves.

24-Jan-06, 21:40
Thats why I dont go anymore between the munching and the chair kicking I would rather wait for the dvd!!

24-Jan-06, 22:03
Thats why I dont go anymore between the munching and the chair kicking I would rather wait for the dvd!!LOL, I'm glad someone feels the same way as I do. I've only been to the one in Thurso once...I think i had what's known as Cinema rage..[mad] Never again ..lol:Razz

24-Jan-06, 22:14
I like going to the pictures but I hate food munching, expensive food and chair kicking. My strategy is to get near the front on one of the last days in midweek that the film is to be shown. I sneak in sweets and maybe a bottle of coke. If someone sits behind and kicks then I just move. The sound at the front drowns out the munching.

24-Jan-06, 23:01
My mum takes my children to the cinema's about once a month as "her treat", she makes her own bread it taste nice but is not the most appealing to the eye she then makes up lots of sandwich's of jam, chocolate spread or marmite, she makes her own cakes and that too goes into her bag, the best bit is her drinks. Diluted orange juice in the original bottle and plastic cups she then marchs all three of them into the front seats and proceeds to share it out during the whole film. As the ones she takes are under eight they do not get embarrassed they just have a great picnic with Nannie. She is 73 short cuddly and very sweet looking also hard of hearing, so if someone complains she just shouts at them "I CANT HEAR YOU I AM DEAF, WHAT ? WHAT DID YOU SAY ? MY GRANDCHILDREN ARNT THEY NICE" they get embarrased and leave her alone she knows full well what they are saying and gets a kick out of not paying the prices they charge. She got caught out once and never again. She wonders why I don't go with them... Trish.

25-Jan-06, 17:09
Regarding people eating, to be honest I've never really noticed much noise. I've heard sweet papers of course or a hand scrunching into popcorn but nothing that would distract me from the film. As people have been doing it since cinemas opened it just seems part of the experience, as long as it's not over the top. I go out of my way to only buy sweets with no wrappers and I open all the bags wide before the film starts to reduce any chance of distracting others.

25-Jan-06, 17:16
I love the pictures - better than a DVD, but at aprice so it is a nice treat, seats are very comfy. It can be cold in there so I always take my gloves! And I take my own sweets and water (but I sometimes give in to a bag of popcorn when not on one of my many diets), as the prices are ridulous. The rustling of bags annoys me and the more you try to blank it out the louder it gets!!! Still overall it is a good day/night out.

25-Jan-06, 19:40
I avoid the place on Friday and Saturday nights - It's full of kids only looking to have a crack with their mates and not in the slightest bit interested what film is on. Better to go mid-week.

25-Jan-06, 20:07
The reason for the sweets being expensive is, of the £6 you pay to gain entry to see the movie as much as 90% goes to the movie company, that’s how the movie stars make their millions. Of the 10% retained by the cinema showing the film, a percentage of that goes to the distributor. The cinema has over heads (staffing, heating, machinery costs, general building costs) this is paid from revenue generated form the sale of sweets, juice, ice-cream etc.
As dear as it is, there is no substitute to watching a major block buster on the silver screen, listening to explosions (which you can feel in your chest) with no distractions (people only cause disruption during rubbish films) You don't have to eat sweats etc. most films only last for about 120mins anyway.

I do remember only a few years ago, sneaking into a multiplex in Edinburgh with a Chinese carry out!!!

25-Jan-06, 20:36
Its £5 to watch the films in Aros on Skye,no family tickets available or reduction for kids if you take them at night.We can go sat,sunduy or monday.When it first showed films on a sunday there were demos outside from the church.Even the local swimming pool isnt open on Sundays!:confused

25-Jan-06, 20:54
I was in London two weeks ago where entrance to a movie before 5:00 was £9.50, after 5 pm it was £11.50. Suddenly Caithness and £6 movies don't seem so bad!

But...I have to admit to sneaking in sweeties as well. Better choices and half the price of the cinnie stuff.

25-Jan-06, 21:27
what do other ppl think?
I haven't been to the cinema up there, but it sounds to me as though it's like every cinema I have been to.

I can’t go to the cinema here (Glasgow) for less than £6 and there are easily a dozen within driving distance. At none of those could I walk in with my own food or drink and at none could I buy a bag of sweets and a bottle of water for less than £3.50.

I’m not saying it’s a good thing that going to the cinema costs what it does… it just does.

25-Jan-06, 21:30
What do people think of 'The All Star Factory'?

I think it is okay - BUT there is just something...dont know what! they are getting good films up nearer to their release date which is good.

i was up the other day and went to the cinema - now you are not allowed to take in your own sweets or that - and we went to the counter to get sweets and they had no stock! not a single bag of sweets to be seen, there was pic 'n' mix but that was quite empty too, and expensive!

When we were in it was not very busy, no wonder, 6 quid a ticket thats redicilous!

what do other ppl think?rumor has it that they have removed the sweeties on purpose, too many people were bein sick while watching the new cowboy film uuurrhhhh *BOKE*

25-Jan-06, 22:08
When I am home I never go there now for various reasons. The place is badly managed and the staff are rude.
I used to work there, and decided to leave as I was only getting £1.80 ph (i was 17).
Since then whenever I have gone back in all I get is dirty looks.
Last time when i was there the food was cold and I complained, all i got was the height of cheek from the waitress.

When or if the place ever comes under new management, I will try it again.