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07-Nov-08, 08:56
How low will some scumbags stoop, especially at this time of year.

Is nothing sacred any more?

Has all respect gone?

I would be banned for life from this forum if I put in writing what I think should happen to the culprits (if they are ever caught).


07-Nov-08, 09:57
Sadly this is becoming the norm these days, more and more we hear of similar types of robberies such as these.
Respect??? Do they teach that at schools any more, I don't think so, or do the parents of today teach their offspring respect.....no I don't think so.
We are now in this "Gimmeee" society, you no longer need to earn enough to get what you want, you just go and take it, regardless of who it belongs to in the first place.
It was a sad day when they banned the Lochgelly Tawse in Schools.
Rant over!!!

07-Nov-08, 10:17
Sadly this is becoming the norm these days, more and more we hear of similar types of robberies such as these.
Respect??? Do they teach that at schools any more, I don't think so, or do the parents of today teach their offspring respect.....no I don't think so.
We are now in this "Gimmeee" society, you no longer need to earn enough to get what you want, you just go and take it, regardless of who it belongs to in the first place.
It was a sad day when they banned the Lochgelly Tawse in Schools.
Rant over!!!
assuming it was kids that took the box/cash,thrashing them with a tawse or anything else is called child abuse do you honestly think that would help.as for respect a lot adults don't hold much for their fellow people so how the hell are their kids going to learn any.
i am more surprised that a collection box is left out like this in these days,just asking for it ,probably some p head looking for more booze money,and not a kid

07-Nov-08, 10:36
assuming it was kids that took the box/cash,thrashing them with a tawse or anything else is called child abuse do you honestly think that would help.as for respect a lot adults don't hold much for their fellow people so how the hell are their kids going to learn any.
i am more surprised that a collection box is left out like this in these days,just asking for it ,probably some p head looking for more booze money,and not a kid
Nowhere did I say in my rant that it was kids, but who ever did this theft had been a child at one time, and if the parents of the so called "p head" as you labelled the thief, had practised some form of respect to others and their property then, just maybe this may have not happened

07-Nov-08, 10:55
Sadly this is becoming the norm these days, more and more we hear of similar types of robberies such as these.
Respect??? Do they teach that at schools any more, I don't think so, or do the parents of today teach their offspring respect.....no I don't think so.
We are now in this "Gimmeee" society, you no longer need to earn enough to get what you want, you just go and take it, regardless of who it belongs to in the first place.
It was a sad day when they banned the Lochgelly Tawse in Schools.
Rant over!!!

your post points the finger at kids,a lot of adults are just as guilty,so you have to blame their parents and them before them,lack of respect isn't a new thing we have the older generations to blame for this probably down to the free use of the tawse,belt,cane and any other method they used to instill 'respect'
how do you respect anyone or society if you are treated in this manner by the society you live in.

07-Nov-08, 11:04
absolute disgrace [mad]

but im waiting in anticipation for the no-gooders to come along and say


c'mon its the same as other things folks and just goes to show that any irresponable 'ned' using theft which is kind of weapon as it can play a horrible part in your mental state and wreck havoc on those affected.... so why not??

07-Nov-08, 12:13
i am more surprised that a collection box is left out like this in these days,just asking for it

What are "these days"? I hardly think it is "left out". It will have been secured in some way. (However, I remember my dad always saying locks are for honest people). It doesn't actually say when it was taken so are they to have an armed guard there!

just asking for it
Are you saying that someone who is walking out late at night and gets mugged has asked for it?

Or if a girl wearing a short skirt and provocative clothing gets assaulted, was she asking for it?

just asking for it
Sorry but that attitude is part of the reason this country is in a mess and does not carry any weight in my view.

07-Nov-08, 12:32
how do you respect anyone or society if you are treated in this manner by the society you live in.

How much respect did the person who nicked it have then?

If you think they were "asking for it" then why not leave all your doors open go out and leave all your valuables for the local "unfairly treated youth" to come and take it all?

Then maybe your do-gooder attempt at excusing blatant theft may change [disgust]

07-Nov-08, 13:53
Wow just read the link an that really was an evil of work.An the fact it happens all the time
in no way lessens it. We continue to get examples of it,blind boxes, kids charitys, animal an lifeboat collection boxes-there are a sick lot out there, an what would be their punishment if caught in the act? not horrendous I do not suppose for one minute, an unable to name them as under age-an before anyone gets on at me-it would appear to mainly be youngsters , not solely of course, we get a lot of opportinist crime-purse snatching, pickpocketing an the like being attributed to incoming foreign nationals.Very sad,but I may like to look into (bubble wrapping the missus) bit of a mischeivous air to that.;)

07-Nov-08, 15:06
A number of posts have been removed as they were off topic and added nothing to the thread.

07-Nov-08, 15:39
A number of posts have been removed as they were off topic and added nothing to the thread.

Nothing but some welcome light relief? :(

Bah Humbug! ;)

Back to the topic:

I think that stealing from those that really need it is the worst kind of theft.How anyone could stoop as low as this beggars belief.
No doubt when they are caught they will blame the crime on their childhood, or being a poor lost soul.

personally I do blame it on their childhood-Their parents never installed some discipline in them when they were kids(even if they are an adult now). Probably come from some new age family who believe that peace and love is the way,while the Kids have no respect for elders and do whatever the feel like!

08-Nov-08, 17:20
will start again just posted in oh's account

What are "these days"? I hardly think it is "left out". It will have been secured in some way. (However, I remember my dad always saying locks are for honest people). It doesn't actually say when it was taken so are they to have an armed guard there!

Are you saying that someone who is walking out late at night and gets mugged has asked for it?
entirely different situation

Or if a girl wearing a short skirt and provocative clothing gets assaulted, was she asking for it?
how you weigh an attack like this against a stolen box is beyond me,this country is full of theifs or didn't you that

Sorry but that attitude is part of the reason this country is in a mess and does not carry any weight in my view.
no it's because there is a minority of folk who don't care about what us decent folk expect from them or anything for that matter

08-Nov-08, 17:29
How much respect did the person who nicked it have then?

If you think they were "asking for it" then why not leave all your doors open go out and leave all your valuables for the local "unfairly treated youth" to come and take it all?

Then maybe your do-gooder attempt at excusing blatant theft may change [disgust]

i'm not excusing any of this type of behaviour but anyone with half a brain would not to leave a box like this out, unattended and open to theft even the ones they have in shops and pubs are chained to something.
everyone seems quick to blame it on kids adults are just as if not more guilty of crimes like this.
nowt to do with being a do-gooder,just being a realist

08-Nov-08, 18:58
i'm not excusing any of this type of behaviour but anyone with half a brain would not to leave a box like this out, unattended and open to theft even the ones they have in shops and pubs are chained to something.
everyone seems quick to blame it on kids adults are just as if not more guilty of crimes like this.
nowt to do with being a do-gooder,just being a realist

No-one assumed it was kids that did it. Even adults have parents!

Why should they chain the box up, no right minded citizen would think that someone could stoop so low as stealing a box like this.
Maybe the owners of the box were guilty-guilty of having faith in people.:(

08-Nov-08, 20:32
How many chairty boxes are stolen from shops whilst chained to the cash till. Leaving a box like this outside is just asking for it to be taken.
The person who took it obviously was not a decent type of person no matter how old but i bet it bought a few pints, or a packet of fags, or even the taxi home after the night out. Either way its not a great idea to leave money boxes out at night, almost paramount to leaving your car doors open and the engine running and hoping someone will leave it where you parked it.

In this day an age honesty is lacking.[disgust]so are manners.

08-Nov-08, 21:16
How many chairty boxes are stolen from shops whilst chained to the cash till. Leaving a box like this outside is just asking for it to be taken.
The person who took it obviously was not a decent type of person no matter how old but i bet it bought a few pints, or a packet of fags, or even the taxi home after the night out. Either way its not a great idea to leave money boxes out at night, almost paramount to leaving your car doors open and the engine running and hoping someone will leave it where you parked it.

In this day an age honesty is lacking.[disgust]so are manners.
What has manners got to with a toerag nicking a cash box?[disgust]

09-Nov-08, 00:03
It is a great shame when some thing like this happens and I also cant put my views into words fitting enough for the org on this matter or into any of the other examples of crimes mentioned which are also just as bad.

We have become a very liberal society with too greater emphasis placed on individual rights of those who commit crime, perhaps instead of giving a three year prison sentence they should be given three years national service in the forces. It would free up the prisons.
You could then tell them that they would be going to fight but they can chose how much they want to learn from their basic training. Let the forces become the parental figures that they lack.

09-Nov-08, 17:37
What has manners got to with a toerag nicking a cash box?[disgust]

well maybe naivity on my part but youngsters with manners and respect may not feal the urge to nick a collection box, those with no respect or manners or common decency would, so manners IMO matter.
The chances are its some traveller or backpacker looking for a few pennies in cash, worse has been done for less.:D

09-Nov-08, 18:37
It is a great shame when some thing like this happens and I also cant put my views into words fitting enough for the org on this matter or into any of the other examples of crimes mentioned which are also just as bad.

We have become a very liberal society with too greater emphasis placed on individual rights of those who commit crime, perhaps instead of giving a three year prison sentence they should be given three years national service in the forces. It would free up the prisons.
You could then tell them that they would be going to fight but they can chose how much they want to learn from their basic training. Let the forces become the parental figures that they lack.

Absolutely not. The Forces are there to do a job, not to parent yobs.

The job of parenting belongs to the parent. Punish them, if they can't do their job properly.