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29-Oct-08, 22:48
David Tennant has announced he is no longer going to be Dr Who after next year. I think it is a real shame, he is really good.

So, who's next?!?! some people think it will be David Morrissey.
I am going to have to have a think who I think would be good, ideas who fans?


29-Oct-08, 23:06
How about Catherine Tate as the new Dr Who? I am sure there is nothing to stop a woman taking the part? Am I bovvered?:confused

29-Oct-08, 23:47
Canna stand C.Tate. I'd choose Simon Pegg.

29-Oct-08, 23:48
I'm bereft - canna speak just now! :~(

30-Oct-08, 00:04
canna speak just now!

There's a first. [lol]

30-Oct-08, 00:09
There's a first. [lol]

Aye first time for everything! ;)

30-Oct-08, 00:25
Canna stand C.Tate. I'd choose Simon Pegg.
Simon Pegg would be a good choice, but if I could pick anyone it would be Anne Robinson. :evil

30-Oct-08, 00:34
Russell Brand is available......

30-Oct-08, 00:58
Russell Brand is available......

Noooooooo! I would never be able to watch it again! :eek:

30-Oct-08, 07:52
For the next Doctor how about Robert Carlyle?
He has a serious and funny side which is what the Doctor should have.

30-Oct-08, 10:40
How about Julie Walters

30-Oct-08, 11:59
For the next Doctor how about Robert Carlyle?
He has a serious and funny side which is what the Doctor should have.

I think he would be quite good, I am sure someone said he was in the running before David Tennant got the role.
What about James McAvoy?

30-Oct-08, 12:05
How about just canceling the rubbish?

It was crap when i was a kid and it's even worse now.

30-Oct-08, 12:09
Timothy Spall OBE

30-Oct-08, 12:15
how about Eddy Izzard?[lol]

30-Oct-08, 14:55
What about Sylvester McCoys suggestion on GMTV this morning, Andrew Sachs with his grand daughter as his side kick, Woss & Brand could be Daleks!

30-Oct-08, 15:00
What about Sylvester McCoys suggestion on GMTV this morning, Andrew Sachs with his grand daughter as his side kick, Woss & Brand could be Daleks!
neepnipper ! EVIL - but I like it !![lol]

30-Oct-08, 15:18
After a bit of thinking I think John Simm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Simm
Best known for Life on Mars would be great, as he is one of the best actors in the country.

30-Oct-08, 15:35
OK since he has just resigned from BBC Radio how about, wait for it.

Russell Brand

he he he he he, !!!!!!

30-Oct-08, 15:40
OK since he has just resigned from BBC Radio how about, wait for it.

Russell Brand

he he he he he, !!!!!!

I do think he would be good!
Isn't the Doc always an eccentric misfit who doesnt conform to the norm?
Step Forward Mr Russell "Que" Brand. ;)

30-Oct-08, 15:50
Kodiak - OK since he has just resigned from BBC Radio how about, wait for it.

Russell Brand

he he he he he, !!!!!!

I do think he would be good!
Isn't the Doc always an eccentric misfit who doesnt conform to the norm?
Step Forward Mr Russell "Que" Brand. ;)

*Looks around ... then SHUDDERS* I can think of more suitable descriptions of Russell Brand rather than 'eccentric misfit'.

@ anneoctober Eddy Izzard sounds good to me :)

@ Gizmo O_o How could you say that!!! :eek:

30-Oct-08, 16:33
*Looks around ... then SHUDDERS* I can think of more suitable descriptions of Russell Brand rather than 'eccentric misfit'.

@ anneoctober Eddy Izzard sounds good to me :)

@ Gizmo O_o How could you say that!!! :eek:
I have to confess it was Kate on breakfast news that suggested him, and I just thought ....OH YEAH !! Kind of covers the male /female aspect of the new Dr. - Tee hee..................

30-Oct-08, 19:12
David Tennant has announced he is no longer going to be Dr Who after next year. I think it is a real shame, he is really good.

So, who's next?!?! some people think it will be David Morrissey.
I am going to have to have a think who I think would be good, ideas who fans?


I'm really disappointed to hear that David Tennant will stepping down as Dr Who! :( I thought he was brilliant, and my fave Doctor, next to Tom Baker, who played the role in the 70s.

For the next Doctor how about Robert Carlyle?
He has a serious and funny side which is what the Doctor should have.
Yes, you're right about that, hotrod4. I can also see Scottish actor Gerard Butler as Dr Who, and he has a serious and funny side as well. Whoever the next doctor is, he has to possess some sort of charisma. I think Johnny Depp would make a great Doctor Who, but on the other hand, I'd rather keep a Brit in the role.

The perfect choice, in my opinion, would be the gorgeous English actor Rufus Sewell. :cool:


percy toboggan
30-Oct-08, 19:16
The role is crying out for an older, William Hartnell type once more...I couldn't base myself in Cardiff , and I'm too young anyway, but how about Andrew Sachs ?

30-Oct-08, 20:45
Richard E Grant would make a brilliant Doctor he plays eccentric characters better that any one else Ive ever seen.

Anne x
31-Oct-08, 01:06
The Stigg !!!
Jeremy Clarkson
James May


the man from the BT Adverts !!!

ps take a big man to follow on from the present Dr im still in mouring

31-Oct-08, 20:28
Martin Clunes would be brilliant..................

31-Oct-08, 20:33
Jonathon Ross for Dr Who!!

31-Oct-08, 20:40
How about just canceling the rubbish?

It was crap when i was a kid and it's even worse now.

You reprobate gizmo lol << puts gizmo to the bottom of the sci-fi fanatics supporters pile.[lol]

31-Oct-08, 20:50
Surprised the PC brigade havent stuck their oar in yet and insistd on a muslim or other ethnic type.

31-Oct-08, 21:06
Dawn French

31-Oct-08, 21:14
Jimmy Nails character OZ from Auf Wiedersein pet, He would make a crap show half watchable. Can you imagine him with the Daleks? "How man, buzz off wor tryin te get a kip in me bluddy tardis & yoo noisy Baskets cum doon heeya and tak crap, Hadaway an Skite man"[lol]

That would be quite un P.C but funny as owt

31-Oct-08, 21:20
Why do people think there should be a female Dr Who, the character is male and should remain so, why should it be any different?

31-Oct-08, 22:42
Richard Briars
Hugh Laurie
Hugh Fearnley - Whittingstall
John Sargeant
Griff Rhys Jones
Noddy Holder

31-Oct-08, 22:50
Daniel Craig would portray the perfect Dr Who and his fee wouldn't be hard for them to find seeing how much they pay the talentless Jonathon Ross.

31-Oct-08, 22:54
A female Dr Who - get real! I don't know who to suggest to be honest but I hope it is someone who can deal wi the humour required - cos the Dr needs humour!

03-Nov-08, 07:41
The role is crying out for an older, William Hartnell type once more...I couldn't base myself in Cardiff , and I'm too young anyway, but how about Andrew Sachs ?

Qué? ;) Yes, he would be a good possibility. Mr Sachs played a very convincing Albert Einstein on TV a few years ago, so I can visualise him as an older Dr Who. Or how about John Cleese or Michael Palin?

Perhaps even Sean Connery. But I don't think he'd be able to pull off an English accent, like fellow Scot David Tennant did so well. Assuming different accents does not seem to be Sir Sean's forte, so I think we'd have to settle for a Dr Who with an Edinburgh accent! Anthony Hopkins might be another suitable choice for an older Doctor.

But perhaps Tom Baker (Dr Who from 1974 to 1981) could be persuaded to come back. He was my favourite Doctor, and he's 74 now, so he would definitely fit the bill.

03-Nov-08, 15:56
I think you're all looking too far away from home.

The role needs to be filled by someone with an inquiring mind, knowledge of almost everything, and who can hold his own with most alien species.

How about........ Rheghead?

03-Nov-08, 18:41
Good idea, GNG! We'll arrange for the Tardis to pick him up! :lol: