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View Full Version : Did you see 'Saw' ?....

percy toboggan
29-Oct-08, 18:47
...it was on telly on saturday night.
I only caught the first twenty minutes. There was a good film on the other channel (Bello & Bean in 'The Dark') and I was feeling a bit squeamish. It seemed that imminent gratuitous violence was about to set in.

It was a really intriguing premise though. Two men wake up in a horribly dirty public lav - which reminded me of a nineteen eighties lorry park !
They are chained up, and have no idea how they got there. Messages left by their abductor seem to be setting up a harrowing scenario, which is partly why Mrs.T and I decided to opt for the less bloody alternative on the Beeb!

I'm wondering now whether to buy the dvd. There have been several sequels of mixed repute.. So, is it very grisly ? Is the violence essential to the plot? What I'm asking is , does the cleverness, and originality carry on throughout the movie or is it just another gore-fest?

p.s. I fell asleep during the 'Dark'.:roll:

29-Oct-08, 18:53
Seen all of them, have em on DVD and can't wait for the 5th one to make it to the cinema up here. Guess I'll be waiting till some time next year then huh. lol

29-Oct-08, 18:56
I loved the first one but hated that they made it as gory. I just can't handle all the squeamish bits.
But it is a very clever film.

29-Oct-08, 18:57
I have watched a couple and found them very clever but my stomach found it incredibly hard going and I closed my eyes many times and didn't look........wimp :eek:

29-Oct-08, 19:22
i think the gore is important to the plot, I like Saw, but i didnt like Hostel, i felt like that was just gory for the sake of being gory.

29-Oct-08, 19:25
Great movies, all four of them, good plots and ingenius acts of violence, and yes...they are integral to the storyline.

Asda have the Quadrilogy Box Set for £16.93 with free delivery.


29-Oct-08, 19:29
I HATE gory films, but the first saw is not too bad. There are a couple of nasty bits but primarily it is more psychological than anything.
However, the rest of the saw films are pure gore.

29-Oct-08, 19:31
i think the gore is important to the plot, I like Saw, but i didnt like Hostel, i felt like that was just gory for the sake of being gory.

I enjoyed the first Hostel movie, but it's really a poor 2nd cousin to the Saw movies, saying that....that sene at the beginning where the guys ankle tendon gets sliced was genius and also stomach churning.

29-Oct-08, 19:35
I enjoyed the first Hostel movie, but it's really a poor 2nd cousin to the Saw movies, saying that....that sene at the beginning where the guys ankle tendon gets sliced was genius and also stomach churning.

I couldnt get into to it, the hostel was so good i just kep thinking "calsberg dont do hostels, but if they did.... " :lol:

i think it COULD have been a goof film, but they didnt spend enough time on the plot, and too much on the gore.

29-Oct-08, 19:37
saw is the absolute dogs danglies!!!! If anyones not seen it yet you must follow the releases in order as Saw 2 relates to the story in Saw 1 and so on. Ive never seen a movie like it, so origonal and with such a twist. So what about a bit of gore, toughen up and go along with it and you'll enjoy how it all unfolds.

29-Oct-08, 21:48
its one o' 'e most disturbin' films ye'l ever watch percy....ye'l luv'ed ;)

29-Oct-08, 21:53
Love Saw films, they are not gory, but they get inside your head when you start thinking about what's going on, have to say I'm a bigger Hostel fan. I find these films more pschological than squemish.

29-Oct-08, 21:56
Torture porn...
Whatever turns you on...

The Angel Of Death
30-Oct-08, 10:18
Fantastic films eagerly awaiting number 5

As said have to be watched in order

30-Oct-08, 11:51
Can't wait for number 5 love these movies.

percy toboggan
30-Oct-08, 19:58
Torture porn? Possibly...I have certainly heard 'Hostel' described as such.

Toughen up? mmm...I have no desire to see a graphic reproduction of an Achilees tendon being sliced. It might stay with me for a while.

Bloody violence is all very well when integral to the plot - battlefield scenes etc.
When it's one on one in some kind of sick fantasy - well it's not quite my cup of tea.
I'll try 'Saw' though - the first one. I have steered clear of 'Wolf Creek' because I've heard it's a gore-fest,,,although 'The Hills Have Eyes' the second one with that silver aerodyne trailer - that was quite good becaus the plot was almost believable. I'm not a wimp, the problem is I consider the minds which are dreaming up all of this fantasy violence and wonder where they are coming from.

It's all very subjective but I think if anyone is 'enjoying' these films on a regular basis...or 'looking forward' to them then I would wish to avoid those people socially. No offence.

I got very cross with myself for buying 'Cabin Fever' at a boot sale...I could not give it away quickly enough...it did not merit a place amongst my collection. Ditched after the first foul mouthed few minutes.

30-Oct-08, 21:35
Didn't like Hostel to scary the ankles bit got me still makes me cringe:eek: I liked the first saw it was very cleverly done:D

30-Oct-08, 21:37
love scary films, the scarier the better
the more gore the better

the strangers is a good film :D:D

30-Oct-08, 21:39
Torture porn...
Whatever turns you on...

oh god hardly :confused

30-Oct-08, 21:41
Torture porn? Possibly...I have certainly heard 'Hostel' described as such.

Toughen up? mmm...I have no desire to see a graphic reproduction of an Achilees tendon being sliced. It might stay with me for a while.

Bloody violence is all very well when integral to the plot - battlefield scenes etc.
When it's one on one in some kind of sick fantasy - well it's not quite my cup of tea.
I'll try 'Saw' though - the first one. I have steered clear of 'Wolf Creek' because I've heard it's a gore-fest,,,although 'The Hills Have Eyes' the second one with that silver aerodyne trailer - that was quite good becaus the plot was almost believable. I'm not a wimp, the problem is I consider the minds which are dreaming up all of this fantasy violence and wonder where they are coming from.

It's all very subjective but I think if anyone is 'enjoying' these films on a regular basis...or 'looking forward' to them then I would wish to avoid those people socially. No offence.

I got very cross with myself for buying 'Cabin Fever' at a boot sale...I could not give it away quickly enough...it did not merit a place amongst my collection. Ditched after the first foul mouthed few minutes.

Cabin Fever was a very poor movie, the Saw movies are nothing like that garbage.

Wolf Creek is a great movie, pretty gory at times, but no more so than The Hills Have Eyes 2, the first Hills movie is a much better movie, for once a re-make is nearly as good as the original from 1977.

30-Oct-08, 23:43
Torture porn...
Whatever turns you on...

Depends on your definition of 'torture', whether it hurts or not? Is that what you mean?

31-Oct-08, 09:58
It was one of those films that you watch through to the end but all the time you feel "Should I turn this garbage off and read a good book? " but part of you wants to see how bad it is going to get and how it finishes. And then when it does the feeling is well, that was a waste of time and I could have a better evening with my book or down at the pub.

percy toboggan
31-Oct-08, 16:57
Cabin Fever was a very poor movie, the Saw movies are nothing like that garbage.

Wolf Creek is a great movie, pretty gory at times, but no more so than The Hills Have Eyes 2, the first Hills movie is a much better movie, for once a re-make is nearly as good as the original from 1977.

I'll bear the Wolf Creek comments in mind Gizmo - thanks.
You're right about the first 'Hills' - I saw it 'at the flix' on a night out (lorry) in Aldershot one winters Wednesday c.78 and it frit me a bit. I locked the cab door that night I can tell 'ee!

The second one was pretty good - and I oved their touring tackle, even if it didn't get them far -I passed on the third one because I'd heard it was a bit silly.