View Full Version : For X Factor Fans Only

26-Oct-08, 14:32
Having just watched a recording of last night's show I have to say the standard this year is pretty high. The Big Band songs worked well for the majority of the contestants. I think Cheryl has the winner in either Laura or Diana but Owen (can't spell the Irish version) is certainly beginning to prove he is in the running as well.

I did feel that last night Daniel should have gone out. He certainly managed to tug at the heart strings of the judges, particularly Louis. I felt that he stayed in the competition purely because of that and the sad story about the loss of his wife and not because of his singing ability. Poor Scott didn't have a sob story to compete with him and didn't stand a chance. A shame I think, as he still had a lot to give.

The single being released on behalf of the RBL Appeal was well done. All in all a very emotional show, with a lot more tears to come.

What is everyone else's opinion on last night's vote?

26-Oct-08, 14:43
Agree, Scott should've stayed as he was the better singer, it is a singing competition after all!

I think the standard is very high this year, I like all the girls (unders & overs).

26-Oct-08, 14:50
I totally agree. I like Daniel but he stayed in for all the wrong reasons.

The girls are great, I dont care for the mouthy one though ( I forget her name) Rachel?

My faves are Diana (although the hand movements annoy the hell outta me) and Austin.

26-Oct-08, 15:09
I like the x factor but hate how everyone has a "sob story". It is so bad thar genuine people with a genuine story are being doubted because they all seem to have some kind of "tragedy".
Thought Scott was right to go as he wasnt very strong, but Daniel amazes me how he is still in as hes average at best.
Think austin or Diana or LAura are the final three, hope I am proved right but austin has a tendency to "bubble" at the drop of a hat, so if he does make it i think it will be a case of Kleenex at the ready!! :)

26-Oct-08, 15:34
love all the girls
austin was good last night as was owen

i dont get why when they sung that single it was all mimed and daniel and ruth werent there when it was being sung :confused

Moi x
26-Oct-08, 15:37
I think Same Difference will be brought back in at the semi-final stage and they'll win it this time. :lol:

Moi x

26-Oct-08, 15:57
Some of the contestants are really good and there are one or two that in my opinion are really BAD.

The next one to go should be Eoghan Quigg as I think he is Definately the worst singer and the one with the weakest voice and last night proved it. The only reason he got people to vote for him is the "Cute" Factor and not the X-Factor.

At the moment my Favourite is Ruth Lorenzo and I would love to see her win this year. If anyone in this Show has the X-Factor she has.

But I do agree with you all that out of the 2 last night Scott Bruto should have been saved by the Judges. Daniel Evans sang as bad as anyone has in this competition in the sing off. Voting for him and putting him through just because he had a SOB Story made a mockery of the show.

Did he have the X-Factor when he sang last night? No he did not, just the "SOB STORY" Factor.

26-Oct-08, 16:05
My fave to win is Alexandra, loved the whole set she did last night, song, outfit and her moves. I'm a complete x factor junkie but unfortunately I reckon it's all fixed every year.
I don't rate Scott, what put me off him was that he gave up his job as soon as he got through to bootcamp. Diana is quirky I suppose.

percy toboggan
26-Oct-08, 16:09
I watched most of the closing stage and a little of what went before.
The young man who it seems was ejected (didn't see the end) did not benefit from the close-up shots of his zits. Nor did his double ear-ring look endear...more importantly his voice was unremarkable. His older rival seemed to trade unashamedly on sentimentality. I suppose this is to be expected when up against it.

Of the earlier acts - I flitted in and out of the prog - the young blonde, doing an impression of the black-eyed Dusty Springfield of forty odd years ago has somehing about her and could well be a star in the making. I'm afraid the others left me feeling rather underwhelmed. The band were on song though. I was surprised Cowell enjoyed the rendiition of 'Mack the Knife' because I thought it was poor indeed.

This show is good entertainment, and the scorn it tends to attract from some quarters is undeserved. Methinks Danni Minougue surplus to requirements though.
What is she for exactly?

26-Oct-08, 16:27
IThe young man who it seems was ejected (didn't see the end) did not benefit from the close-up shots of his zits.

Methinks Danni Minougue surplus to requirements though.
What is she for exactly?

Percy I love your posts and your take on things [lol]

26-Oct-08, 18:53
This show is good entertainment, and the scorn it tends to attract from some quarters is undeserved. Methinks Danni Minougue surplus to requirements though.
What is she for exactly?

She is a walking talking advert for botox and is beginning to remind me of that wildebeast woman who had major botox on her coupon.
It gets attacked because its popular and a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it! :)

26-Oct-08, 19:08
I tend to watch x-factor faithfully every week but last night I was so annoyed at the fact that Scott went out and Daniel stayed.
If again Daniel is in the bottom 2 next week what sob story about his song is he going to give then, the late wifes funeral song or the one that they had their first dance to at their wedding.[evil]
Harsh I know but where willl it end is my point.:mad:

26-Oct-08, 19:08
Really think it should have been daniel that went last night, but i think the fact that he made louis cry sort of made sure that scott went, as for diana, cant stand her voice there is just something about her. Big band night was brilliant, i just love swing music so really enjoyed it. jls to win!!!!!!!!!

26-Oct-08, 19:12
I was positive Daniel would be the one to leave last night, his singing is awful and I agree with everyone he is totally relying on the 'sob' factor.

I like Diana but doesn't she have a weird voice, some of the noises she makes remind me of a couple of characters from 'Kath & Kim', 'Oooh Trude'!

And what is up with Dannii's nose, it's starting to resemble Michael Jackson's hooter, her nostrils are wee pointy looking things!

Why on earth were they miming the new single last night, and like Ash said why were Daniel and Ruth not performing it too?

26-Oct-08, 19:17
My vote goes with JLS too

26-Oct-08, 19:34
Yahoo is running a Poll to see who people think should win on X-Factor. Why not go along and Vote here is the link to the Poll :-


Also here is a Screen Shot of the the results of the Poll stand so far :-


26-Oct-08, 19:36
Yahoo is running a Poll to see who people think should win on X-Factor. Why not go along and Vote here is the link to the Poll :-


Also here is a Screen Shot of the the results of the Poll stand so far :-

Thanks for that voted Austin by the way!

26-Oct-08, 19:38
It appears from the X Factor website information that Daniel and Ruth didn't take part in the Hero song as they couldn't get on stage because the doors had jammed. They will be performing the song again along with the others later in the series.

26-Oct-08, 19:52
She is a walking talking advert for botox and is beginning to remind me of that wildebeast woman who had major botox on her coupon.
It gets attacked because its popular and a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it! :)

Too true.I love it when the camera moves from her face to Cheryl's and you can see the difference betwwen her face which stays still and Cheryl's complete with frown lines. It's the best.

26-Oct-08, 19:57
This is how danii will look in a few years time!! ;)

26-Oct-08, 20:18
That's wild eh? Psychological damage too I bet!

26-Oct-08, 21:53
I just love Diana Vickers and will buy her music when it comes out as I'm sure it will. I think Diana will win, Laura second and I think Ruth third. :)

27-Oct-08, 00:01
I must admit my interest in the show is partly because of lovely Cheryl. Yeah, I know I'm shallow lol. Last night with her hair up she reminded me of the late Audrey Hepburn.

Anne x
27-Oct-08, 00:58
I must admit my interest in the show is partly because of lovely Cheryl. Yeah, I know I'm shallow lol. Last night with her hair up she reminded me of the late Audrey Hepburn.

Get a life she could not walk in her shoes !!

As for Cheryl Cole on her own as a role model Jury out depends on what happens in the future etc she is a ok girl trying to be one of the gang from a regular background who's life will never be normal again but sometimes she tries to hard time will tell once a Wag always a Wag but then she has Girls Aloud to fall back on once Ashleys career over unless she sees sense before that and dumps him

percy toboggan
27-Oct-08, 21:21
Didn't CC once belt a toilet attendant in an alleged 'racist' attack. But then, I suppose every altercation twixt the colours could be called 'racist' which makes a bit of a nonsense of it.

No surprises there then.

I think she's a comely lass but her accent grates after a while (most do, apart from reasonably educated Scot) Can she judge talent? Well, she chose the biggest pillockian in the premier league. He's a fair full-back but sums up much of what is wrong about modern football.
Of all the judges on 'X' Factor Cowell is the most authorative and the only opinion that counts really. He has the afficionados eye...the others just follow their instincts and prejudices....and the women are suckers for anyone cute.
So, I may well audition for the next series. My rendition of 'Keep Right On To the End of the Road' is something to see.

27-Oct-08, 22:48
And what is up with Dannii's nose, it's starting to resemble Michael Jackson's hooter, her nostrils are wee pointy looking things!


I think she's been back to the clinic again as her Betty Boobs looked ......more than they were..............:confused

Anne x
27-Oct-08, 22:51
Botox my Dear Botox and threatened by younger girl C C Danni was fine when it was Mrs O no threat there

01-Nov-08, 23:36
Austins out :mad: Yet Daniel is still in! What kinda folk are voting on this show? Do they have bloody ears????

Kevin Milkins
01-Nov-08, 23:39
Its got to be a fix. The only thing Danial has going for him is his sob story.:~(:~(

i feel so angry ,I could kick the dog:mad:

01-Nov-08, 23:45
Unbelievable that Daniel is still in!!!!:roll: I think the public feel sorry for him because of his sob story but also because of what Simon and Louis are saying.

They should have got rid of him last week when they had the chance.

Kevin, the dog should be kicking you after you left him sitting in the cold for two hours!:lol:

02-Nov-08, 00:02
The only reason Louis put Austin out is because he was Simon's contestant. Those two always vote against each other. It is disgrraceful! Austin has waaaay more talent than Rachel. She has an annoying whine that is always audible in all of her songs. Austin has real talent and hoepfully Simon or some other agent will sign that boy!

02-Nov-08, 01:19
Watched it for the first time (and probably last unless I have another visitor who wants to see it) ever tonight.....and I thought the group JSL was by far the best.

I thought the sing off would have been between Daniel and the first dame who sang.......but my visitor had gone by then so I didn't watch the results programme.

Kevin Milkins
02-Nov-08, 01:30
I think Rachel would do her self a favour if she sang when its time to sing and learn to shut up when its time to shut up.

02-Nov-08, 11:40
I think it's totally mad that Daniel is still in. I wish they would change the way they have Laura looking, it's not right for her.

Diana to win! :cool:

02-Nov-08, 13:46
Daniel should have been dumped back into karaokeland.................Diana has something special........:)

02-Nov-08, 14:47
i dont get whats going on, Austin shouldnt be out!
daniel or ruth should go

jls were ace last night as was diana, alexandra and laura

02-Nov-08, 15:16
Cant believe austins gone, What will it take to get rid of daniel?
Rachel is a Whiney singer who has only 1 sound. She sounds the same on every song theres no deviation, its just a shouty whine.

JLS are moving up in my book as they are really getting it together. Diana is still way ggod but was a little "high" on the song she did but was still good.

Gareth gates to win the X-factor ;)