View Full Version : why are people so quick to judge?

25-Oct-08, 16:49
im proud to say that i have lost a lot of weight, still a big person but working on it

went out the other day and the slaggings about my size and dirty looks started again. whats going on?

why are people so judgemental. even heard a rumour that i lost all weight due to being on drugs, making myself sick, pregnant.. you name it i was doing it. lord what is the point in me trying so hard to lose weight and still get slagged off

25-Oct-08, 16:51
You should be losing weight for yourself, no one else IMO.

25-Oct-08, 16:53
thats very true. i do feel healthier and happier in myself. but it is disheartening.

25-Oct-08, 16:55
My thought is always that if they're talking about me, then they're leaving someone else alone.
Some people have nothing better to do with their time. You should pity them I suppose.

Good on ya losing weight. Well done :D

25-Oct-08, 16:56
You will find that most people that are like that are normally just jealous.

Hold your head high and well done on the weight loss :D

25-Oct-08, 17:01
thankyou both for those kind words.

im gonna keep my head up and show that i can do it. i have lost 15 stone in weight and gone down from a size 36 to a size 18.

25-Oct-08, 17:02
Crikey!! You have done fantastic! You ought to hold your head high indeed!! :eek:

25-Oct-08, 17:03
well done on your weight loss;).Its not an easy thing to do and people definately should judge you more on the effort that you are and have put into it.
Not all women are meant to be skinny little twigs, we are meant to have curves, thats what makes us attractive to the male gender, and believe me men do prefer curves no.
Your personality should shine through to these judgmental morons and gossip merchants.They are the ones who need to take a look inside themselves..[disgust]

25-Oct-08, 17:03
I'm really lucky to be naturally thin now, I can eat anything and not put on weight but it wasn't always like that and I used to yo-yo with my weight, other people do not realise how hard it can be, you need all the encouragement you can get, they are obviously not real friends, be proud of yourself and feel sorry for the people who are nasty to you, they are feeding off your sorrow

25-Oct-08, 17:05
thankyou both for those kind words.

im gonna keep my head up and show that i can do it. i have lost 15 stone in weight and gone down from a size 36 to a size 18.
my god well done you, as for these people they are so obviously jeleous at how well you have doen, but it is true you should be doing this for yourself, not for the small narrwo minded people who have nothing better to do with there lives.

25-Oct-08, 17:06
I'm really lucky to be naturally thin now, I can eat anything and not put on weight but it wasn't always like that and I used to yo-yo with my weight, other people do not realise how hard it can be, you need all the encouragement you can get, they are obviously not real friends, be proud of yourself and feel sorry for the people who are nasty to you, they are feeding off your sorrow
oh people like you make me mad lol, only kidding by the way just wish i was that lucky.

25-Oct-08, 17:12
WELL DONE -- I wish I could have your will power !!! even for a few stone -- keep up your hard work.....

25-Oct-08, 17:15
im proud to say that i have lost a lot of weight, still a big person but working on it

went out the other day and the slaggings about my size and dirty looks started again. whats going on?

why are people so judgemental. even heard a rumour that i lost all weight due to being on drugs, making myself sick, pregnant.. you name it i was doing it. lord what is the point in me trying so hard to lose weight and still get slagged off

The best way to look on it is if someone is speaking about u it gives someone else a rest.

25-Oct-08, 17:19
You have done so well and those that are ignorant and scathing about your wonderful achievment so far, are not worth the time of day.
You have set yourself targets and hit everyone....what goals have they set themselves....the obvious answer is none.
You hang in there Girl cos, you're doin' it and they ain't so, keep on goin'............;)

25-Oct-08, 17:21
Fantastic achievement Gee - anyone small minded enough to judge anyone on appearance does not really deserve to have any notice taken of them.

Be very very proud of a great achievement.

25-Oct-08, 17:31
Well done Gee! and keep up the good work. Your health and happiness are most important. Don't you worry about those others, they're not friends if they say rude things about your fantastic achievement. Often, people who judge others spend quite a bit of time judging themselves, and are poor things indeed.
Hold your head high and stay with your plan.

Bad Manners
25-Oct-08, 17:49
Well done what you have achieved is no little thing and you should be proud of yourself. I know it is hard to keep upbeat when stupid people give you a hard time. just remember you they are stupid they cant help it.
Treat yourself to something nice and keep an inner smile because its what you feel about yourself thay matters and you have plenty to be pleased about.

25-Oct-08, 18:00
thankyou both for those kind words.

im gonna keep my head up and show that i can do it. i have lost 15 stone in weight and gone down from a size 36 to a size 18.

omg wow they should be coming up and commenting how good you look and for any tips not speaking about you behind your back.. well done you.

25-Oct-08, 18:00
Well done to you Gee!Never heed the idiots that are talking about you,its hard to ignore but believe me they arent worth worrying about!Oh and BTW when I lost a lot of weight there were some who said it was because I was an alcoholic :eek: but only one of them actually had the nerve to say it to my face and ask if it was true!There will always be people out there that have to down you no matter what,so hold your head up high and stuff the lot of them x

25-Oct-08, 18:21
It's a sad fact that people do judge you on your looks, weight etc.. I'm overweight too and I know for a fact that I got a lot more attention when I was slimmer, from men and women, nobody wants a fat friend. I really believe that people don't see the real me, just my body shape.

25-Oct-08, 18:37
What a fantastic achievement! 15 stone is really amazing! You'll have to share your tips with us or at least share around some of that willpower that you obviously have!!! Well done again and by jove you should be holding you head high!!

25-Oct-08, 18:55
I know it's easier said than done but try to ignore these idiots!
They obviously have something amiss in their own lives if they can treat a fellow human being in such a way. It probably is jealousy which causes them to say these things.

Well done for losing all the weight. Hold your head up high!!!!

Julia if people gave you more attention when you were slimmer then they are very shallow. :roll:
You are not overweight you are undertall!lol

We could learn a lot from our pets as they don't judge you on how you look but for love you for what you are.:D

Margaret M.
25-Oct-08, 20:14
Just associate with those who are supportive and cheer you on. Ignore the downers and their gossip. Feeling healthier and happier is a wonderful reward. Well done!

26-Oct-08, 03:25
I'm afraid I am a firm believer that my weight and health are my business and all those who are intent on turning failing to conform to some artificial ideal into a crime against society can go jump.
Those who are intent on wagging their fingers and muttering about other people’s weight should wind their necks in and get on with their own lives because it’s none of their business.

Gee, ignore the comments completely. The people who are making the petty comments and snide remarks are small minded little nonentities incapable of dealing with anything more complex in their tiny brains.
Remember, what you are doing is for you yourself and not them and at the end of the day what they think about it is, like them, of no consequence whatsoever.

26-Oct-08, 05:33
gee-please don't worry about it- me I am the other side of the stick-skinny as a rake- but no health probs' at all-they are only gealous -an us guys 'love a good armful' really!:D

26-Oct-08, 12:00
Gee well done thats fantastic, you go girl!!

as for those who are slagging you off, are you sure, have you heard them or do you see people speaking and assume its about you??

Reason I ask is could it be a self esteem/confidence issue and that you're just imagining people are still slagging you off? If you have heard them sayin things about you, then if it was me I'd be challenging them and as others have said they are shallow with nothing better to do!!!

I'm a big girl too but must admit that I have never been ridiculed for it (not knowingly anyway), its never hindered me in getting what I want (jobs, men, friends) but I do wonder sometimes if its to do with self confidence. hopefully as you decrease your weight you'll inflate your ego and you won't even notice these people in the future.

good luck with the rest of your weight loss and please do share with us how you have managed it - a lot of us are dying to know!!

26-Oct-08, 12:17
Gee, I've seen your picture on the org which was taken at the big walk in Thurso. You are a really bonnie girl with a beautiful smile and obviously a caring person but I certainly did not notice your weight. Well done you and never heed the snipers. As we all know, they get everywhere! :lol:

26-Oct-08, 13:59
im proud to say that i have lost a lot of weight, still a big person but working on it

went out the other day and the slaggings about my size and dirty looks started again. whats going on?

why are people so judgemental. even heard a rumour that i lost all weight due to being on drugs, making myself sick, pregnant.. you name it i was doing it. lord what is the point in me trying so hard to lose weight and still get slagged off

Well done gee you've done really well,people like that don't deserve a second thought they are just jealous, you go girl and hold your head high

ps.whats your secret

26-Oct-08, 15:05
If someone has lost weight then well done, its no small achievement.
Maybe the snipers say what they say because they see people that are "big" and automatically assume that they eat like a horse!
This is true for a good number of "large" people, that they pack their face with food and then say "I cant seem to lose any weight", its the same as a junkie who still takes drugs or a smoker(like me) who still smokes but still states that they have tried everything but cant stop.
What is the difference with someone overweight(through their own feeding) as opposed to a junkie, alcy or smoker? If someone gave up the booze most people would say "they'll be back on it soon" but if someone loses weight its "woo-hoo fan dabi dozi", but no-one seems to ask the question why did you get like that in the first place? The same as someone who is an addict gets no sympathy from many as its "self inflicted" and they had the choice not to take drugs, the overweight person had the same choice no?

I am not trying to put a downer on things but just wanted to voice my opinion without any malice and from a nuetral point of view. :)

26-Oct-08, 15:41
You are right Hotrod, the overweight person has the same choice. Overeating is an addiction just like all the rest. OK, it may start as just being a tad greedy or careless with the choice of food but it can and does become an addiction.

I personally try to encourage and support any one of my friends who are trying or have succeeded in beating their addiction as I would like to think I am an optimist most of the time. I abhor people who say "Oh go on, have a drink/cigarette/cream bun; one won't hurt you" etc., as they are not being a good friend.

The only difference is, overweight people don't get free cream buns!

26-Oct-08, 19:12
Remember true beauty comes from the inside, BE HAPPY with your achievement and keep smiling. there is nothing more attractive than a big smile.:)
