View Full Version : The First Wives Club

24-Oct-08, 15:23
Does anyone want to join this online club, even if you just want to have a good gurn...? Suggest you PM me as I don't think the moderators will like this thread.

It would seem that there are rather a lot of 30-something divorced ladies on the org and if they want to vent their spleen PM me.

I am sure if there are any blokes out there who want to vent...they can set up their own thread/club.

24-Oct-08, 15:33
It would seem that there are rather a lot of 30-something divorced ladies on the org and if they want to vent their spleen PM me.


Stand by for lots of interest from single (allegedly;)) men.........

24-Oct-08, 15:36
Me,me,me!Lol! As an ex 1st wife twice over does that make me a 2nd wife or just a really bad 1st one? ;) x

24-Oct-08, 15:36
Just like to point out at this juncture that I am happily remarried to a Wicker....;)[lol]

24-Oct-08, 15:51
Might I suggest The Witches of Eastwick as a better name! [lol]

24-Oct-08, 16:15
Or the Potterton Club.......well known for old boilers past their prime. [lol][lol]

24-Oct-08, 17:33
Or the Potterton Club.......well known for old boilers past their prime. [lol][lol]

The touchpaper is lit now stand well back! ;)

percy toboggan
24-Oct-08, 18:23
Joxville's jokes are beginning to brighten my day!

Good luck to the new club.
Perhaps there could also be one for 'current wives' who are in or out of the club.

24-Oct-08, 18:51
Does anyone want to join this online club, even if you just want to have a good gurn...? Suggest you PM me as I don't think the moderators will like this thread.

It would seem that there are rather a lot of 30-something divorced ladies on the org and if they want to vent their spleen PM me.

I am sure if there are any blokes out there who want to vent...they can set up their own thread/club.

So, what is the eligibilty criteria for joining exactly?:)

24-Oct-08, 19:39
Or the Potterton Club.......well known for old boilers past their prime. [lol][lol]

The female of the species is never past her prime....unlike the male gender, of which you are one...............a womans light shines from within and her sparkling wit never dulls or dies unlike men who just become grumpy, morose and usually sport a pot belly....which is unsightly, ungainly and wholly unattractive....................:Razz

24-Oct-08, 20:13
Joxville's jokes are beginning to brighten my day!

Percy, it is true! You really are one sick and sad individual! [lol]

24-Oct-08, 20:15
The female of the species is never past her prime....True they are never past it, most of them claim it's along way off or they are just approaching it.

a womans light shines from within and her sparkling wit never dulls or dies unlike men who just become grumpy, morose and usually sport a pot belly...which is unsightly, ungainly and wholly unattractive....................:RazzI am sure you could shine a light into most womens ears and it would shine from within, the other lug-hole.
They are just as likely to become grumpy and morose with breasts competing for space with their pot-bellies....which is unsightly, ungainly and wholly unattractive....................:Razz

24-Oct-08, 21:07
True they are never past it, most of them claim it's along way off or they are just approaching it.
I am sure you could shine a light into most womens ears and it would shine from within, the other lug-hole.
They are just as likely to become grumpy and morose with breasts competing for space with their pot-bellies....which is unsightly, ungainly and wholly unattractive....................:Razz

Her once svelt form,
now tired and worn.
Her sacrifice to have.....
Your babies born.

24-Oct-08, 21:15
Her once svelt form,
now tired and worn.
Her sacrifice to have.....
Your babies born.

LOL! Touché methinks TBH! [lol]

24-Oct-08, 21:31
Her once svelt form,
now tired and worn.
Her sacrifice to have.....
Your babies born.

Her once svelt form, It's all in her head.
Her Man worked hard for that reinforced bed.
Her sacrifice, a baby, that really made smile.
She'd rather lie in bed all Morn', watching Jeremy Kyle .

24-Oct-08, 22:38
Great poem TBH but personally, I'm sure I am not alone in saying I would rather stick pins in my eyes than watch Jeremy Kyle.

As for the 1st wives club, I'm a 1st wife for the 2nd time. The 1st husband didn't come up to scratch and I gave him notice (harsh I know but very deserved). 1st Husband is now someone else's problem and has been for quite some time. I like your idea though mccaughm and I'm sure there will be some demand. I'm happily married, hubby no 2 is a keeper but we all need a little vent now and then.

So Jox, I challenge you to think of something for us Thurso ladies. Get you razor sharp wit in gear and see if you can better 'the witches of eastwick'.

24-Oct-08, 23:30
Her once svelt form, It's all in her head.

Her Man worked hard for that reinforced bed.
Her sacrifice, a baby, that really made smile.

She'd rather lie in bed all Morn', watching Jeremy Kyle .

Good one TBH....I would think this particular lady is a definate candidate for the 1st Wives Club......:Razz

25-Oct-08, 12:02
As a first wife who separated 20 years ago, but has never got round to divorcing yet, I don't actually have any venting to do about the almost-ex.

Could do a lot of venting about the men I've made the acquaintance of since though.

Maybe a "Do you think many men are a waste of space" club? would get more input. [lol]

25-Oct-08, 12:20
Here's something I'm sure all the First Wives Club will enjoy. You can even have it as your anthem. :D


25-Oct-08, 12:26
The female of the species is never past her prime....unlike the male gender, of which you are one...............a womans light shines from within and her sparkling wit never dulls or dies unlike men who just become grumpy, morose and usually sport a pot belly....which is unsightly, ungainly and wholly unattractive....................:Razz

1. I'm not past my prime-I never hit it!
2. A womans light shines from within-only when a man has changed the batteries
3. A womans sparkling wit-an oxymoron if ever there was one.
4. I'm not grumpy, morose nor possess a pot belly....yet!


25-Oct-08, 13:42
As a first wife who separated 20 years ago, but has never got round to divorcing yet, I don't actually have any venting to do about the almost-ex.

Could do a lot of venting about the men I've made the acquaintance of since though.

Maybe a "Do you think many men are a waste of space" club? would get more input. [lol]

Many a true word is spoken in jest.....Good one Oddquine, proving my point.................. A womans wit never fades, while the male species continues the struggle of trying to keep up with it. [lol]

25-Oct-08, 21:13
So Jox, I challenge you to think of something for us Thurso ladies. Get you razor sharp wit in gear and see if you can better 'the witches of eastwick'.

The Preparation H Club, because you're all a pain in the backside.[lol]

25-Oct-08, 21:53
Here's something I'm sure all the First Wives Club will enjoy. You can even have it as your anthem. :D

Nice one Joxville..http://www.bowlandcentral.com/forum/images/may08smilies/hysterical.gif

Anne x
25-Oct-08, 22:20
Laughing my insides out Not !!!
what about a failed husbands club
I reckon there are more about than we could possibly identify
males are just so perfect not !!they could not possibly fail
mind the old adage here sarcasm the lowest form of wit
Be careful boys Girls are around

25-Oct-08, 22:24
Why do men always say they do not understand women? Don't they get it, thats the way its supposed to be. If they understood us......we would not have enough time to shop. LOL!

25-Oct-08, 22:49
I'll just refer all you first wives to the following thread-says it all really. :D


25-Oct-08, 22:56
Tou - che


25-Oct-08, 23:09
Marriage is a partnership. The trouble starts because a woman can never be a silent partner. Maybe women should do the job right first time then they would never be an ex! [lol]

Anne x
25-Oct-08, 23:14
Marriage is a partnership. The trouble starts because a woman can never be a silent partner. Maybe women should do the job right first time then they would never be an ex! [lol]

Hello !! It takes two to tango so Men are never wrong Jox judging by you dont think you know the meaning of silent partner [lol]

So men never get it wrong OMG you are so chauvanist hello its the 21st century wake up!!
Or Maybe you prefer the wee stay at home wife with 2.2 kids and hubby calling the shots being the main wage earner
But wee wife gets fed up and wants to better herself and no rely on a man so what then ?
that no fit in with your plan

25-Oct-08, 23:18
Hello !! It takes two to tango so Men are never wrong Jox judging by you dont think you know the meaning of silent partner [lol]

So men never get it wrong OMG you are so chauvanist hello its the 21st century wake up

Okay, I'll waken up. Now bring me my breakfast in bed wench. [lol]

25-Oct-08, 23:18
Hello !! It takes two to tango so Men are never wrong Jox judging by you dont think you know the meaning of silent partner [lol]

So men never get it wrong OMG you are so chauvanist hello its the 21st century wake up

Hahahaha Anne - poor woman probs never got a word in! [lol]

25-Oct-08, 23:20
Marriage is a partnership. The trouble starts because a woman can never be a silent partner. Maybe women should do the job right first time then they would never be an ex! [lol]
Hear Hear Jox, some 'o them never put in enough effort[lol]

Anne x
25-Oct-08, 23:23
And the sad part is where would you all be without a good women !!
No where !!! and Wifie good man lol

25-Oct-08, 23:27
And the sad part is where would you all be without a good women !!

Watching or playing football or golf. At the pub. Visit a lapdancing bar. Working on cars. Out driving. Oh, any number of man things.

Instead it's diy, go shopping again-yawn, listen to latest gossip about-as if we care.

Yep, women really know how to keep us interested-NOT!

25-Oct-08, 23:28
Watching or playing football or golf. At the pub. Visit a lapdancing bar. Working on cars. Out driving. Oh, any number of man things.

Yep, women really know how to keep us interested-NOT!

Emmmm, what kind of lap dancing club will it be without women in it then? :roll:

25-Oct-08, 23:30
Emmmm, what kind of lap dancing club will it be without women in it then? :roll: The kind without saggy breasts & backsides.

26-Oct-08, 00:00
The kind without saggy breasts & backsides.

The same kind you find the male audience with sixpacks and flat, oiled stomachs in?

I'm sure there wouldn't be any men with paunches, disappeared behinds or double chins who would have the effrontery to think they might be attractive frequenting such establishments. What a £sign laugh the women working there must have! :confused

26-Oct-08, 06:12
Some' of us are supremely happy with the wife-partner -pal -confident- long time first class mate- who shares- promotes - an encourages our foibles an puts up with an rewards our failings- an gets the same in return- not quite in tune with the post - but felt in need to smile at youngest g'daughter jenny belle:D

Moi x
26-Oct-08, 16:07
I'd like to join but I'm just a 'near miss' who'd probably be qualified by now if I hadn't discovered my ex carrying on with his Catalan tart. The cheating oaf thought he could placate me by asking me to marry him! Beat that for bare-faced cheek! Grr! [disgust]

Moi x

26-Oct-08, 17:30
Marriage is a partnership. The trouble starts because a woman can never be a silent partner. Maybe women should do the job right first time then they would never be an ex! [lol]

Reading this I presume you mean to imply it is the men who end the relationship/marriage due to the woman not 'doing the job right.'
Am I wrong in my assumption?

Anne x
26-Oct-08, 17:36
The same kind you find the male audience with sixpacks and flat, oiled stomachs in?

I'm sure there wouldn't be any men with paunches, disappeared behinds or double chins who would have the effrontery to think they might be attractive frequenting such establishments. What a £sign laugh the women working there must have! :confused

LoL Helen so true

Jox some of the men I know are bigger gossips than the women [lol]

The 19th Hole springs to mind , Office Party and e org

26-Oct-08, 18:55
;)My friend and her hubby, (happily married I hasten to add), were out for dinner one night with my hubby and myself. We finished our Indian meal and he proudly announced, "I still have the six pack I had when we married". "Yes" said his wife, "Buy one get one free". We fell about laughing...hes never lived it down since. Tee hee hee.

26-Oct-08, 19:00
Maybe joxy can pay a visit to the first wives club and show them how it should be done! ;)

Heres a few "truths"
My wife is an earth sign. I'm a water sign. Together we make mud.

We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.

My wife and I went back to the hotel where we spent our wedding night. Only this time, I stayed in the bathroom and cried.

My wife is on a new diet. Coconuts and bananas. She hasn't lost weight, but can she climb a tree!

A woman says to a man, "I haven't seen you around here." "Yes, I just got out of jail for killing my wife." She replies "So you're single!"

(Hotrod puts on bullet proof vest and tin hat and scurries into bomb shelter!!)

26-Oct-08, 19:26
Well, well there must be some really forgiving women out there! :roll:

26-Oct-08, 19:28
Well, well there must be some really forgiving women out there! :roll:

Mine doesnt forgive she just doesnt read the org ;)

26-Oct-08, 19:31
Hahaha OK I amend my last post to some lucky guys out there! [lol]

26-Oct-08, 19:35
Hahaha OK I amend my last post to some lucky guys out there! [lol]

You could tell my missus by e-mailing her at [email protected] ;) But she'll probably be shopping [lol]

26-Oct-08, 19:36
You could tell my missus by e-mailing her at [email protected] ;) But she'll probably be shopping [lol]

My dear hotrod I would NEVER go behind someones back and talk about them! ;)

26-Oct-08, 19:37
My dear hotrod I would NEVER go behind someones back and talk about them! ;)

Why not? Its a womens perogative to beach about people ;)

26-Oct-08, 19:42
Ah but hotrod there are women and there are women! ;)

26-Oct-08, 20:19
It's the second wives I feel sorry for, pity them. Some of these men should come with government health warnings.

26-Oct-08, 20:30
It's the second wives I feel sorry for, pity them. Some of these men should come with government health warnings.
Sweetpea, Never feel sorry for the second wife.....some of them deserve all they get................;)

26-Oct-08, 21:19
Sweetpea, Never feel sorry for the second wife.....some of them deserve all they get................;)

Not really, in a way they are probably more taken in than we were;)

26-Oct-08, 21:56
Maybe you are right Sweetpea but I know of a couple of seconds who thought they knew it all and guess what............they didn't.... feel sorry for them though but, that's life.;)

26-Oct-08, 22:13
Maybe you are right Sweetpea but I know of a couple of seconds who thought they knew it all and guess what............they didn't.... feel sorry for them though but, that's life.;)

My ex got landed with one that did know it all... Oh how I laughed.............. There is justice in the world after all :))

26-Oct-08, 22:26
Maybe you are right Sweetpea but I know of a couple of seconds who thought they knew it all and guess what............they didn't.... feel sorry for them though but, that's life.;)

I just thought what a shame for them! I knew how plausible they can sound and how easily they took me in.....

26-Oct-08, 22:27
Another shortcoming of men is the inabilty of them to take care of money. How many of you ladies have been left in debt by them?

26-Oct-08, 22:30
Switch to private members club:eek:

26-Oct-08, 23:43
Reading this I presume you mean to imply it is the men who end the relationship/marriage due to the woman not 'doing the job right.'
Am I wrong in my assumption?

You are correct in your assumption. [lol]

26-Oct-08, 23:44
LoL Helen so true

Jox some of the men I know are bigger gossips than the women [lol]

The 19th Hole springs to mind , Office Party and e org

Men DO NOT gossip. Women gossip. Men have conversations. Fact.

26-Oct-08, 23:47
Maybe joxy can pay a visit to the first wives club and show them how it should be done! ;)

Whit? Nae chance-all those braying women will be waiting to string me up. I might be daft but I ain't stupid. :D

26-Oct-08, 23:50
Shouldn't it be The Bitter Ex-wives Club-cos that's what it sounds like. I'm in fortunate position that my ex and I still get on very well.

Anne x
27-Oct-08, 00:32
Shouldn't it be The Bitter Ex-wives Club-cos that's what it sounds like. I'm in fortunate position that my ex and I still get on very well.

As do I and Mine ex that is as we produced one beautiful daughter educated , with a degree ,street wise ,wordly wise and taught by her mother to look out for chauvanists and hangers on and people who say I wish ------------- and ask the question why do men have so many hang ups ?

27-Oct-08, 02:18
Sweetpea, Never feel sorry for the second wife.....some of them deserve all they get................;)

No Sweetpea, cos sometimes a Second Wife can become married to a Serial Dumper and Third Wife comes along and then Second Wife becomes object of pity. Have seen it happen.

27-Oct-08, 02:48
Many a true word is spoken in jest.....Good one Oddquine, proving my point.................. A womans wit never fades, while the male species continues the struggle of trying to keep up with it. [lol]

Who's joking? ;)

27-Oct-08, 03:06
My dear hotrod I would NEVER go behind someones back and talk about them! ;)
My ex must think nobody could ever talk behind my back - well, she keeps telling everybody I'm two faced!

27-Oct-08, 03:07
Shouldn't it be The Bitter Ex-wives Club-cos that's what it sounds like. I'm in fortunate position that my ex and I still get on very well.

As would my almost-ex and I if the current partner would let him keep in touch with me and his family. :roll:

Be fair, joxville......people tend only to be bitter because of what has happened in the relationship....and I think it kinda depends on the way the relationship broke up, as much as the reason for the parting of the ways.

Many folks know a relationship has run its course, however much they try to pretend otherwise, but honesty and mutual agreement to quit is better than the methods employed by many.........which tend to be selfish and force the split by their actions.......usually in an extremely hurtful way.

Honesty isn't necessarily the best policy in day to day living.........but honesty is important if you don't want to leave behind a bitter partner..........because most people can hack the truth......but not the breaking of trust..........imo.