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19-Oct-08, 18:30
We have all heard about the theory of evolution. There was a scientist recently who said that evolutionary changes in humans is slowing (therefore, so is our evolution). His theory is we have gone as far as we can go.
That got me thinking about evolution when I stumbled upon a site (http://www.uneetee.com/category/productInfo.asp?idx=122) the picture on the t-shirt titled EVOLUTION http://www.uneetee.com/category/image/detcol_COLLECT_Evolution1.jpg.

Do you think humans are still evolving? and if so are we going the right way?

19-Oct-08, 19:07
I think we are still evolving. It's going to take a while yet for our heads to catch up with out bodies but I'm full of hope.

19-Oct-08, 19:17
In my case it's the body that needs to keep up with the thought process!
I hope that we are still evolving although I have no idea where we are going, hopefully in a better direction than we have gone in the past.

the second coming
19-Oct-08, 19:31
You're making a bold assuption that the human race has evolved at all. I think the race lost it when it started chasing bits of paper with queens and presidents heads on them and seen achievment in numbers and balance sheets. Ye dinny see the rest of the animal world stiffening each other and outdoing each other for paper and numbers. Just us evolved humans. :confused

19-Oct-08, 20:04
I'm sure that since we began our modern dance techniques i.e. waltz, quickstep etc we will most definitely evolve a little more, particularly women. I'm certain that the mans hand positions on a womans back will eventually lead to womans breasts developing on their back and becoming known as backs instead of breasts. Or is it just my wishful thinking?? I'll bet the ladies have some thoughts of their own regarding the evolution of man.

19-Oct-08, 20:09
Humans will adapt whichever way God deems neccessary, evolution is a joke.

19-Oct-08, 20:15
Humans will adapt whichever way evolution deems necessary. God is a joke.

19-Oct-08, 20:27
Humans will adapt whichever way evolution deems necessary. God is a joke.
The reply I'd expect from a Blasphemer.

19-Oct-08, 20:31
The reply I'd expect from a Blasphemer.

Dont worry TBH, I dont believe that we evolved out of the primordial soup either.

19-Oct-08, 20:36
I have never seen why evolution excludes God and the Bible or vice-versa.

19-Oct-08, 20:40
I have never seen why evolution excludes God and the Bible or vice-versa.
Evolution excludes God because it's proponents want it to.

19-Oct-08, 20:41
I have never seen why evolution excludes God and the Bible or vice-versa.

That will be because God supposedly made man in his own image. Ergo, evolution would mean that God got it wrong!

19-Oct-08, 20:47
That will be because God supposedly made man in his own image. Ergo, evolution would mean that God got it wrong!God's image is conciousness of an abstract conceptialism.

19-Oct-08, 20:48
God made mankind in God's own image. Managed to get two sexes not to mention a whole load of races. Which leaves 30+ images (not to mention the billions of individuals out there) of God or are some of those excluded?

19-Oct-08, 20:49
Evolution excludes God because it's proponents want it to.
I have have seen that, more often I have found a bigger argument against evolution from those who follow the Bible, than the other way around.

19-Oct-08, 20:54
We all evolve somewhat.
If man was made in gods image how come their are ugly people? ;)
How come we have numpties like Osama bin laden?.
I do believe in something but will leave it open until I am ready to meet my maker.

TBH you are being very deep and religous tonight, did you swap that copy of Razzle for a bible by any chance [lol]

19-Oct-08, 21:03
We all evolve somewhat.
If man was made in gods image how come their are ugly people? It's okay Hotrod, you are beautiful in God's realm, don't beat yourself up about it.;)

How come we have numpties like Osama bin laden?.
I do believe in something but will leave it open until I am ready to meet my maker.Nobody is born evil, we are all a product of our upbringing.

TBH you are being very deep and religous tonight, did you swap that copy of Razzle for a bible by any chance.You can have the razzle back, I am sure you need it more than I do.[lol]

19-Oct-08, 21:37
I have never seen why evolution excludes God and the Bible or vice-versa.

cause man made god up to help the monarches and leading powers in their control of the masses.
give them something to beleive in,something good and a nice place to got to when you die if you are a good citizen in this poxy life.then put the fear of hell in them,of eternal suffering if they are not good and do what they are told.then back it up with a good story(the bible)
if they don't beleive try torture,killing and harrassing them.and if they happen to have another religion and don't believe in yours ,set about bombing them say they are wrong and 'the infidel' and the rest the west and other religions gets accussed of and vice versa
god doesn't come into it because he came after man ,from man's imagination.

19-Oct-08, 21:41
I agree on of the worst things has been mans "interpretation" which in a lot of cases has little to do with God and what is in the Bible.

19-Oct-08, 21:50
I think most of the problems associated with evolution and "god's plan" are the limitations that humans put onto God. Who decided that God had only one plan for humans???? I think it would be presumptious with a capital "p" to decide for God what he/she had planned for humans...assuming you believe in God to begin with

19-Oct-08, 22:01
god the bible and religion just don't come into the cycle of evolution,it was reckoned by some scientists a few years ago that if we haven't killed the planet before then,in about ten million years we may evolve to self reproduce as the male chromosomes will have died out,what we evole into is the big question.
wonder if they will change the bible to suit :eek:

20-Oct-08, 00:11
As a good friend of mine once said, "the scariest thing about the evolution of mankind is that we are now virtually indestructible." I dunno if he's right or not but it scared the thingmy out of me when I thought about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

20-Oct-08, 12:14
You can have the razzle back, I am sure you need it more than I do.[lol]

I didnt give it to you it was "stolen" around the same time that underpants were missing from the washing line [lol] A rather unpleasant mix me thinks ;)

20-Oct-08, 12:26
Sedentary jobs, driving short distances, too much watching telly and sitting at the pc, not enough exercise and too much junk food....:eek:

....no, I don't think we are evolving in the best way possible! We will soon be spherical in shape....;)

20-Oct-08, 13:54
Can you evolve backwards as well as forwards? Or do you just evolve forwards till you go smash/splatter/bang/whallop/fizzle out in an ignominious way?

Tom Cornwall
20-Oct-08, 14:28
I was thinking the other day, talking to a wee Glenmorange, that if apes evolved into humans, how come there are still apes?:)

20-Oct-08, 15:30
I was thinking the other day, talking to a wee Glenmorange, that if apes evolved into humans, how come there are still apes?:)

Aye, I've oftened wondered that too!!! Wonder if anyone on here can enlighten us?:)

20-Oct-08, 20:37
My understanding of human evolution theory is that it describes the human species as part of the ape family and that all the ape species (Homo Sapiens, Chimpanzee, Gorilla etc) were descended from a common ancestor species.

I also understand that the mainstream Christian Churches (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Episcopalian and the non-fundamental Presbyterians) now accept the theory of evolution is currently the best explanation for the origin of the species. What they still have difficulty with is the notion of natural selection as the driver of evolution.

Are you out there Gleeber? I am sure you will have something to add.


20-Oct-08, 21:01
I'm flattered Partan that you wid consider my opinion about evolution worthwhile. You put me on the spot though. I dont know much about it.
People were becoming aware of evolution before Darwins time but Darwins genuis was natural selection.
All I know about natural selection is that Darwin said if one small part of my theory is wrong then it's all wrong.
Everything strives to be the best it can be. Have you ever seen tatties in a darkened shed sprouting their white ghost like roots towards the merest of light coming through some flimsy window? If tatties are desperate for life I have no doubt every other organism is the same.
Racehorses are bred for their genetic history. People are aware that good breeding raises the chances of good produce.
The Nazis philosophy was a kind of social Darwinism. Pure blood.
I believe in the process and although i couldnt argue it's authenticity the great thing about science is that someone somewhere could.