View Full Version : Eurovision

19-Oct-08, 11:27
So Andrew Lloyd Webber is trying write the next Eurovision song to unite Britain. Other than its "camp" value does anyone care about Eurovision?

Bad Manners
19-Oct-08, 12:06
I hope to be proved wrong but I think it will end in another farce. apart from it being a camp specticle it is all political voting and at the moment we dont count

19-Oct-08, 12:43
Never really liked any of his tunes, he always reminds me of the uncle that no-one wants to come to xmas dinner!! ;)

Eurovision is a complete farce but we already know that, most people only watch it for the novelty factor and so we can laugh at all the eastern europens voting for their neighbours!!

The macs
19-Oct-08, 13:44
Best thing about Eurovision was Terry Wogan's comments!!

percy toboggan
19-Oct-08, 13:50
It's become a load of Balkans...and should be left to those partisan minnows to fight over for themselves. They're quite good at squabbling with neighbours. Unlike us sophisticated Brits in England,Wales,Scotland etc... who all love one another really.

19-Oct-08, 14:38
Ah, it's time for the annual Eurocheese-fest.

We all know it's cobblers, that's what makes it entertaining as most of the other countries seem to take it very, very seriously!
I honestly think that some of the Eastern European states would quite happily go to war with each other over a dispute about voting in the Eurocheese.

I keep expecting to hear songs about children dying in the snow - or cheery ditties urging fellow countrymen to kill all the Gypsies and all occupants of their nearest foreign State.:D

19-Oct-08, 15:13
The only good thing to ever come out of eurovision was Cheryl Baker, when I was wee I thought she was hot!! ;)

Still remember sonia the ginger scouse midget, her voice reminded me of running your fingernails down a blackboard!! [lol]

The last time we won was with Katrina and the waves and shes not even a brit!!! says alot really :(

Can you imagine if the US was in it?
They have more enemies than us so think that we would at least beat them at something as we would only be 2nd last and they last,we could do a deal with them to give each other 12 points like Igor and Vladimir do at the moment!!!

19-Oct-08, 15:17
Eurovision is crap!:eek:

19-Oct-08, 15:21
Eurovision is absolutely fantastic, I cant get enough of it, I love it loves it I tell ye:eek:

Thats a rather nice qoute there floyed. Didnt have you down as a "euro lover" ;)

19-Oct-08, 17:58
sorry but i think that the eurovision is very out dated now and should be removed of the tv, it is all about politics, so i can only assume this is why the uk comes near enough last ever year.

19-Oct-08, 18:03
Thats a rather nice qoute there floyed. Didnt have you down as a "euro lover" ;)

I never posted that!:eek:

19-Oct-08, 20:44
Eurovision Song contest is just an evening of torture, I usually go out or watch another channel.

19-Oct-08, 20:45
I have tried watching it, but usually just switch off.

19-Oct-08, 20:51
I never posted that!:eek:

You and I both know that you did post that!! ;) [lol]
If it makes you feel better I will say that I did it and mis-qouted you but if you do it again I will not take the blame!!!!!!

19-Oct-08, 21:14
Eurovision, NIL POINTS ;)

20-Oct-08, 00:23
The Father Ted episode with their 'Lovely Horse' tune sums it all up for me (if you haven't seen it, you've got to watch it!!)
Still, have to admit I will still watch it if it's on and I'm too inebriated to find the remote control. That would be a good marketing strategy to curb binge drinking.

20-Oct-08, 08:28
You and I both know that you did post that!! ;) [lol]
If it makes you feel better I will say that I did it and mis-qouted you but if you do it again I will not take the blame!!!!!!

O god! you found me out i am a closet Eurovisioner ahhhh!!:p

20-Oct-08, 09:10
sorry but i think that the eurovision is very out dated now and should be removed of the tv, it is all about politics, so i can only assume this is why the uk comes near enough last ever year.

So it's nothing to do with the songs being bloody awful then? :eek:

20-Oct-08, 10:19
Watched it out of curiosity this year for the first time in years. Won't be watching such crap again.

20-Oct-08, 10:23
So it's nothing to do with the songs being bloody awful then? :eek:aye that doesnt help either, but still reckon it is more to do with politics.