View Full Version : Whats your biggest fear.

16-Oct-08, 20:41
Just readng the post on the ducks in the duck pond, and it got me thinking about what fears people have, my biggest fear has to be birds, of any description, absoulutly terrified of them, when we lived in thrumster is was attacked by a rooster, and ever since them just freeze if one gets to near me, even go as far as walking on the road bridge in thurso if there is lots of scorries on the foot bridge, just the way they look at you gives me the creeps.

so what is your biggest fear.

16-Oct-08, 20:45
I fear nothing, although I have a healthy respect for what could harm me.

16-Oct-08, 20:48
I fear nothing, although I have a healthy respect for what could harm me.
what noting at all, come on time to confess.

16-Oct-08, 20:52
I fear nothing, although I have a healthy respect for what could harm me.
i have feared every thing but now do not care it would have to be alien to have any effect.other than changing my way off life.

16-Oct-08, 20:56
I used to be so claustrophobic I'd have panic attacks in any sort of enclosed space and it really restricted my life, but now the only thing I'd say I really fear is losing the people I love.

16-Oct-08, 21:05
Volcanoes. Especially pyroclastic flows, there's no escaping them.

That's why I live in Caithness and not on the foothills of Vesuvius.

Mind you, some days I get very suspicious when I see Morven........

I suppose it's a very healthy fear of fire, really. The only fires you don't have a snowballs of controlling are those from a volcano. And what I cannot control makes me nervous.

16-Oct-08, 21:23
My biggest fear would be too lose my sight.

I'm waiting for a referal to see the eye specialist in Inverness after my own optician decided I've to have the back of my eye looked at properly.
I'm terribly short sighted and have been told on numerous occasions to be aware its possible that I may get a detached retina and contacted the hospital if my eye sight is "different" .

Wasps bother me but they dont frighten me,this really scares me.:eek:

16-Oct-08, 21:36
Hairdressers, yes, I know it's odd!

I think it stems from a few years back when I used to go to my local village hairdressers, the owner was really nice but kept wanting to do 'great' things to my hair like changing the colour to an awful aubern red which she always offered to do for free as she liked to 'experiment', I suppose I should of just said 'no' but she was so enthusiastic I just went along with it, also I don't like all the 'small talk', 'are you going on holiday..'etc etc.

Maybe someone can tell me of a hairdresser who will cure my fear!

16-Oct-08, 21:39
Just readng the post on the ducks in the duck pond, and it got me thinking about what fears people have, my biggest fear has to be birds, of any description, absoulutly terrified of them, when we lived in thrumster is was attacked by a rooster, and ever since them just freeze if one gets to near me, even go as far as walking on the road bridge in thurso if there is lots of scorries on the foot bridge, just the way they look at you gives me the creeps.

balto, I used to work with a woman who had the same fear of birds -or even just feathers. The first time her boyfriend (later her husband) took her home to meet his parents, his mother let the budgie out of its cage and it flew round the room and ended up perched on my friend's head....:mad: :eek:

16-Oct-08, 22:23
I'm a hairdresser currently work in shear genius we have a right laugh with out customers everyone gets involved it's like a little get together when it's busy - obviously we do sometimes talk about the weather etc can't be helped - ur not the only one who has a fear of the hairdressers though so not as odd as u may think :D

Hairdressers, yes, I know it's odd!

I think it stems from a few years back when I used to go to my local village hairdressers, the owner was really nice but kept wanting to do 'great' things to my hair like changing the colour to an awful aubern red which she always offered to do for free as she liked to 'experiment', I suppose I should of just said 'no' but she was so enthusiastic I just went along with it, also I don't like all the 'small talk', 'are you going on holiday..'etc etc.

Maybe someone can tell me of a hairdresser who will cure my fear!

meant to say my biggest fear is of the unknown

16-Oct-08, 22:27
My biggest fear is failure..

Anne x
16-Oct-08, 22:28
Just readng the post on the ducks in the duck pond, and it got me thinking about what fears people have, my biggest fear has to be birds, of any description, absoulutly terrified of them, when we lived in thrumster is was attacked by a rooster, and ever since them just freeze if one gets to near me, even go as far as walking on the road bridge in thurso if there is lots of scorries on the foot bridge, just the way they look at you gives me the creeps.

so what is your biggest fear.

I am terrified of birds yet I feed them and have a very healthy collection in my back garden at a distance
As a child at grannys old house they had a rooster that chased you hated the blimming thing

If a sparrow lands beside me on the fence Im off

As for the people that has a b budgie in a cage that can do tricks like opening the door and flying off oh my goodness Im terrified

And last but not least Sunshine the canary who landed on my head one night as a laugh Aye some laugh eh !!! with the outcome

16-Oct-08, 22:31
I am terrified of birds yet I feed them and have a very healthy collection in my back garden at a distance
As a child at grannys old house they had a rooster that chased you hated the blimming thing
If a sparrow lands beside me on the fence Im off

I don't like birds either or spiders, moths, bats or anything else. I hate cats but could feed dogs all day like you describe.

16-Oct-08, 22:35
Just readng the post on the ducks in the duck pond, and it got me thinking about what fears people have, my biggest fear has to be birds, of any description, absoulutly terrified of them, when we lived in thrumster is was attacked by a rooster, and ever since them just freeze if one gets to near me, even go as far as walking on the road bridge in thurso if there is lots of scorries on the foot bridge, just the way they look at you gives me the creeps.

so what is your biggest fear.

Like you balto I have a fear of birds too. Having been attacked on Stroma by a load of terns whose nesting ground I had come across while walking. They swooped and dived at me from all angles, it was absolutely terrifying. I've never ran so fast in my life.

My other biggest fear is NEEDLES.

16-Oct-08, 22:40

My other biggest fear is NEEDLES.[/quote]

Needles don't bother me cause I've had loads of them.

17-Oct-08, 00:18
I think my biggest fear must be taking an illness that leaves me as a vegetable for someone else to care for, or coming off of my bike and being the same way. Certainly to the stage of making a living will anyway.

Kevin Milkins
17-Oct-08, 00:31
Not very fond of rats after seeing one run up the trouser leg of a farm manager that I used to work with.:eek:
He strangled it against his thigh with both hands and I can still see the thing in my mind moving about under his trousers.Yeeek.......
The strange thing was ,it didn't bother him at all:confused

17-Oct-08, 01:24
I don't like snakes. A boy stuck one in my friend's face when we were young, she started yelling and the snake bit her waggling tongue. I can only guess what the snake thought about it all.

17-Oct-08, 02:59
I have an irrational fear of bats...had one in my bedroom once (I was extremely pregnant) and it started swooping around the room, closer and closer to me (as I was pressing myself deeper and deeper into my bed). When it finally flew close enough that it brushed my hair I screamed like a banshee and was out of there as fast as I could waddle.

17-Oct-08, 08:18
my biggest fear is anything ever happening to my kids, but my daft fears are

clowns, dentists and crocodiles!!!!

Ronald Mcdonald is coming to our local McDs on saturday, and im dreading it cause of course the kids want to go!!

17-Oct-08, 09:26
Dinosaurs!! :eek:

17-Oct-08, 09:32
Frogs! Hate them. One jumped into my boat once on our pond and tried to eat me! Scream!!!! I think the whole village heard me. Hubby had to rescue me in the end, before the critter got me.

Wasps! Hate them too. There is no point to them and despite what many people say to the contrary they do chase you, they do go and get their family and gang up and you, they do sting indiscriminately and yes, they do want to take you away and feed off your body.

Spiders! Again why do they have to have so many legs and eyes???? It's really not necessary and just like the wasps they do seek you out with mean intentions.
As for spiders with wings, well they're just sick and unnatural.

That's about it, except for the obvious losing my kids and hubby ones.
oh yes, also slugs, caterpillars, worms, maggots and anything remotely resembling them. :eek:
I even had a strange aversion to Bassett Hounds once :eek: It was their stumpy legs they really freaked me out and I couldn't even look at them. Made life quite hard as one of my friends owns and breeds them. Think they're great now though!

Also nearly forget to mention toothpaste and seeing people brush their teeth. Makes me physically sick. I managed to get around the toothpaste bit so I can look after my own teeth but I can't look at it and have to leave the tap running (don't know, don't ask).
If someone sees me though I'd freak and if I see anyone doing theirs I would vomit and have to close my eyes and go 'La la la' when toothpaste ads come on the TV.

17-Oct-08, 09:58
Wasps for me too.terrified of the little sods :eek: I really will do anything to get away from them!I have left the car,ran out onfront of a car etc, etc in my haste to get away from the sods.
Fishscales are another thing,dont know why but I am terrified of them as well,they make me feel sick just thinking about them![para] my son regularly tells me stories about fishscales just to see my reaction x

17-Oct-08, 12:39
Frogs! Hate them. One jumped into my boat once on our pond and tried to eat me! Scream!!!! I think the whole village heard me. Hubby had to rescue me in the end, before the critter got me.

Wasps! Hate them too. There is no point to them and despite what many people say to the contrary they do chase you, they do go and get their family and gang up and you, they do sting indiscriminately and yes, they do want to take you away and feed off your body.

Spiders! Again why do they have to have so many legs and eyes???? It's really not necessary and just like the wasps they do seek you out with mean intentions.
As for spiders with wings, well they're just sick and unnatural.

That's about it, except for the obvious losing my kids and hubby ones.
oh yes, also slugs, caterpillars, worms, maggots and anything remotely resembling them. :eek:
I even had a strange aversion to Bassett Hounds once :eek: It was their stumpy legs they really freaked me out and I couldn't even look at them. Made life quite hard as one of my friends owns and breeds them. Think they're great now though!

Also nearly forget to mention toothpaste and seeing people brush their teeth. Makes me physically sick. I managed to get around the toothpaste bit so I can look after my own teeth but I can't look at it and have to leave the tap running (don't know, don't ask).
If someone sees me though I'd freak and if I see anyone doing theirs I would vomit and have to close my eyes and go 'La la la' when toothpaste ads come on the TV.

Do you live in a sterile padded cell? [lol]

17-Oct-08, 12:59
as daft as it sounds i have a fear of being run over when crossing the road..its caused many a comical moment when tryning to get across even on proper crossing i tend to be over cautious...

17-Oct-08, 13:22
Dinosaurs!! :eek:
and where do you live jurassic park lol[lol]

17-Oct-08, 13:23
as daft as it sounds i have a fear of being run over when crossing the road..its caused many a comical moment when tryning to get across even on proper crossing i tend to be over cautious...
oh it is so funny you should see it, it is like taking a child across the road lol, you know i am only kidding pal lol[lol]

wee sparkle
17-Oct-08, 14:10
I am terrified of heights!! Absolutely terrified, if i am up high (say in a building or something) and i look down i can feel myself wobble at the knees!

Im also scared of the dark.........yeah, its embarrassing, im 17 and scared of the dark! :lol: But on a more positive note i overcame my fear of spiders! I dont mind them now, but if theres one in the bath then i still shout on my poor brother, he comes in handy!:D

17-Oct-08, 16:08
Do you live in a sterile padded cell? [lol]

Unfortunately no! But when I'm out on the land I set out well equipped.
I have belts (similar to a builders tool belt) that carries Wasp Killer, frog squashers, a blow torch (that one's just for fun though lol), replacement rubber gloves - I'd freak if I actually touched any of those things, and pretty much any contraption invented for protection against these critters and / or for the annihalation of them!
Think of me if you will as a Lara Croft of the bug killer kind :eek:

17-Oct-08, 16:28
Falling from a height and burning to death are the things in this world that frighten the life out of me.
Im not bothered about much else but they do it for me.:(

17-Oct-08, 16:59
My biggest fear is waking up and realising I am not as wonderful as I know I am!!!!!! ;)

Its really drowning, I have always had a fear of drowning even though I am a strong swimmer,dont know why maybe its a childhood thing.
It used to be heights but after doing some abseiling down a viaduct with a really good instructor in the Army I managed to conquer it. IT IS TRUE if you face your fear you can overcome it.

17-Oct-08, 17:21
My biggest fear is waking up and realising I am not as wonderful as I know I am!!!!!! ;)

Its really drowning, I have always had a fear of drowning even though I am a strong swimmer,dont know why maybe its a childhood thing.
It used to be heights but after doing some abseiling down a viaduct with a really good instructor in the Army I managed to conquer it. IT IS TRUE if you face your fear you can overcome it.

Well i aint setting myself alight or throwing myself off a sturdy platform, just to face my fears :eek: but i agree with most things that facing the fear does help.:lol:

17-Oct-08, 17:27
I also have a slight fear of Toilet rim blocks!!!

Strange I know, but when I was a rugrat I loved the smell of them and broke a bit off and jammed it up my nose and it stuck!!!! Panicked and ever since that day get a shiver when I see them!!! :(

17-Oct-08, 17:54
Getting a negitive nature,and loosing my sense of humour[lol]

17-Oct-08, 18:24
I am terrified of heights!! Absolutely terrified, if i am up high (say in a building or something) and i look down i can feel myself wobble at the knees!

Im also scared of the dark.........yeah, its embarrassing, im 17 and scared of the dark! But on a more positive note i overcame my fear of spiders! I dont mind them now, but if theres one in the bath then i still shout on my poor brother, he comes in handy!

Glad I'm not the only one afraid of heights on here! I live 3 floors up and although I was quite scared of looking out my windows to begin with I'm fine now(been there a year and a half). I can even clean the windows without too much bother which is quite a big thing for me considering I have to open the window inside (like a door) sit on the windowsill which is about 18 inches deep and do the job while realizing all it takes is a sudden sideways move and I'm a goner!!! :eek: The time I really feel my fear of heights is when I'm on a big wheel. Been on a few when I was younger and more recently did it again and for some reason thought I'd be fine but half way up realized I was far from fine and started FREAKING OUT! My hubby and kids were with me and they found it hilarious! All the laughter was shaking the carriage and making me extremely nervous (yes I was yelling at them to be quiet and stop leaning over the side to look down cos it was tipping the thing over!!) When we eventually got to the bottom of the wheel the operator wasn't intending to let us off but I specifically asked for us to get off and I have never been so glad to have my feet back on solid ground again!!!

Another fear - same as wee sparkle - is also the dark, but only if I've watched a scary film before going to bed - not a good thing. Also get freaked out if I'm on my own in the house at night and go to bed on my own in the dark. Don't know why but I still believe there are monsters there in my room that only come out when you turn off the lights [para] - and I'm only a couple of years off 30!!! :o Yes embarassing isn't it!!

17-Oct-08, 20:36
After reading through this thread I was thinking to myself that I don't really fear anything, but then I began to realise that I do have a subconcious fear of swimming/drowning in the sea, I can swim a bit but I always seem to steer well clear of swimming in the sea, whenever we are on holiday near a beach I am always very reluctant to go into the water and when I do eventually venture into to the brine I never swim out of my depth. This I guess goes back to my childhood days when I was at the Rockwell in Thurso with two of my friends, they both jumped in and landed on a ledge, so I guess I was trying to show off a bit, took a massive leap, missed the ledge, completely out of my depth and panicked, I have my friends to thank for saving me that day, they managed to drag me out, ignoring the risk they were taking themselves. Two brave boys and all great friends while we grew up togeher. We have now all gone our different ways but between the three of us we always manage to keep in touch via a letter or the odd evening out whenever we are in the area where one or the other of us lives.

18-Oct-08, 11:38
it is strange the varity of things folk are scared of, glad i am not the only one scared of birds.