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View Full Version : Wind turbine/submarine batteries for sale

13-Oct-08, 16:11
While searching for batteries for storage for my wind turbine i found a company that is decommisioning a submarine and has 480 batteries for sale. If anybody is interested in any please pm me and i will pass on his details. Wind energy is the way to go if you cannot afford to connect to the grid with the offers on turbines at the moment.

13-Oct-08, 20:46

13-Oct-08, 22:00
Please don't start a new thread with wind turbine in the title-you'll set old Rheggers off again. [lol][lol]

13-Oct-08, 22:04
How much for the whole sub?

13-Oct-08, 22:18
please don't start a new thread with wind turbine in the title-you'll set old rheggers off again. [lol][lol]

good. It will keep this near the top.

14-Oct-08, 20:37
How much are they?

14-Oct-08, 22:02
How much are they?

If you wait long enough you may get them free of charge, (pun intended).