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View Full Version : Think we have freinds from the other side.

13-Oct-08, 10:47
A few of you might be aware that my hamster was escaping upstairs, and we werent sure how she was managing it, well last night(sunday) my oh got up about 10, to get a drink of juice only to find our back door was wide open and all my cats had escaped outside, now everyone was in bed and my 2 youngest were fast asleep and the oldest was having a sleep over so we know it wasnt any of them, and i locked the back door once i took the dog in, now i need to check everything about 10 times before i will go to bed myself so i know it was locked, well after i got my cats back in and went back to bed, we were woken about 3 to hear something at the my oh side of the bed, and after putting the lamp on we found the hamster again, hads somehow made her way up the stirs and into the same spot she has always been, now how she is doing this is now beyond us, as the cat and the dog were both lying at the top of the stairs, so we are really unsure how she did it, it is really as if someone is removing her form her cage and taking her up the stairs.

does anyone have any other explanations other than a friendly ghost as it is really starting annoy us, plus with the door wide open, strange.

13-Oct-08, 11:45
Are you sure no-one is sleepwalking? Would be worth sitting up to check if it still happens when some one is on watch. I know it is not easy but if you pick your night......

the second coming
13-Oct-08, 11:48
teleportation - its the only answer. Your hamster is an alien with technology for beyond that known of mankind.

13-Oct-08, 12:22
Are you sure no-one is sleepwalking? Would be worth sitting up to check if it still happens when some one is on watch. I know it is not easy but if you pick your night......
if i had been sleeping i might have wondered this, but i hadnt even been in my bed for a hr when the back door incident, i hadnt fallen asleep, so i would have heard the middle one getting up if it was her, and the youngest sleeps inbetween us and he was sound, mayby someone is trying to make me think i am going mad lol.

13-Oct-08, 13:21
if i had been sleeping i might have wondered this, but i hadnt even been in my bed for a hr when the back door incident, i hadnt fallen asleep, so i would have heard the middle one getting up if it was her, and the youngest sleeps inbetween us and he was sound, mayby someone is trying to make me think i am going mad lol.

No don't be silly, im sure no one thinks you're going mad at all.....

Have you tried asking the hamster Mrs Cat Lady??

13-Oct-08, 14:33
No don't be silly, im sure no one thinks you're going mad at all.....

Have you tried asking the hamster Mrs Cat Lady??
if i thought she could speak then i would but unfortunatly she cant so she cant shed any light on it.[lol]

13-Oct-08, 15:26
"A few of you might be aware that my hamster was escaping upstairs, and we werent sure how she was managing it, well last night(sunday) my oh got up about 10, to get a drink of juice only to find our back door was wide open and all my cats had escaped outside, now everyone was in bed and my 2 youngest were fast asleep and the oldest was having a sleep over so we know it wasnt any of them, and i locked the back door once i took the dog in, now i need to check everything about 10 times before i will go to bed myself so i know it was locked, well after i got my cats back in and went back to bed, we were woken about 3 to hear something at the my oh side of the bed, and after putting the lamp on we found the hamster again, hads somehow made her way up the stirs and into the same spot she has always been, now how she is doing this is now beyond us, as the cat and the dog were both lying at the top of the stairs, so we are really unsure how she did it, it is really as if someone is removing her form her cage and taking her up the stairs.

does anyone have any other explanations other than a friendly ghost as it is really starting annoy us, plus with the door wide open, strange. "

Just say no, kids :cool:

13-Oct-08, 17:48
Why not use the excuse that I always use- "The big boys did it and ran away" ;)