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13-Oct-08, 07:25
In view of all this financial shenanigans going on with banks I was thinking about past quotes which will probably never hear again.

The now Right Honourable Gordon Brown, MP, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service, as Chancellor famously said:- "There will be no return to Boom and Bust"

Funnily enough we don't hear so much about his old girlfriend "Prudence" either.

And isn't it ironic that one of his first moves as Chancellor in 1997 was to make the Bank Of England independent from Government and yet now in 2008 some of the big banks are to be partially nationalised.

By the way, according to a money expert on the radio there is no such thing as partial nationalisation; he compared it to pregnancy........you are either pregnant or you are not....no inbetweenies.

13-Oct-08, 11:04
"There will be no return to Boom, we're Bust" is his new mantra....

13-Oct-08, 11:56
"There will be no return to Boom, we're Bust" is his new mantra....

Exactly.........am just waiting for the well spun excuses for the inevitable increases in taxes, council tax etc etc with the patronising platitudes about maintaining/improving public services, protecting the vulnerable, looking after the family, equality for all ...ad nauseum.

The government will be up to its proverbials in debt with all this extra borrowing, a large proportion of the next working generation are up to the neck in student loan debt.

13-Oct-08, 14:12
Don't forget shifting the blame onto the previous government - they're always a good excuse...

So no more dividends for shareholders, until the crisis is over? Guess my HBOS shares are frozen now. Damn, there goes the price of a takeaway every now and again...

13-Oct-08, 15:22
I bet they still manage to spend money on the Arts, does anyone up here ever go to a ballet?

13-Oct-08, 15:30
It means they can legitamise missing all their targets (which they weren't going to meet anyway).

If petrol comes down to about £1-00 a litre for a while they will slap on the extra 2p tax (under the guise of saving the planet); more like a case of "we can't have the consumer enjoying lower prices now can we!!"

13-Oct-08, 17:52
Boom or bust?
Can I just have the "bust" please!!!! ;)