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View Full Version : Births, deaths and CO2

12-Oct-08, 15:11

This is an interesting site I found that looks at rates of birth, death and CO2 production.

12-Oct-08, 15:28
Interesting to see an up-to-date population counter. I was struck by how close India's population now tallies with Chinas (1.1 billion to 1.3 billion) Guess that 1-child-per-family policy of China is really working. Too bad India hasn't implemented something similar!

13-Oct-08, 04:13
Interesting to see an up-to-date population counter. I was struck by how close India's population now tallies with Chinas (1.1 billion to 1.3 billion) Guess that 1-child-per-family policy of China is really working. Too bad India hasn't implemented something similar!

Hope you don't mind my input, but I think you are completely off your trolly.
The 1- child per family equation (has not led to selective gender selectivity)--obvious what I am getting at.Who could possibly rule on which gender comes up? No one of course,but how long before some dogsbreath would come up with (a council approved formula) at would state in capitals -the gender of this one child .Can this be done? Yep, you are carrying a f or m child- this is outside the parameters ----so---sorry to interupt your (what may we call it) DRESS IT UP HOW YOU MAY if your child is not "on the list"-now there is a scenerio.
How could anyone in Gods green earth come up with such total nonsence.