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View Full Version : Re-home an Older Dog

06-Oct-08, 11:46
Found this amazing website www.oldies.org.uk (http://www.oldies.org.uk), have e-mailed them to say I will spread the word up here and put posters up etc, have also volunteered to be a home checker and I'm waiting to hear back.:D

Older dogs make wonderful pets and companions, I gave Ted, an OAD (old aged dog!), a home last year from Balmore, we had him for 11 wonderful months and loved him to bits, we were so glad to have given him a lovely home for the last months of his life and can highly recommend adopting an older dog.

Some of the stories on the website reduce you to tears, be warned!:~(

06-Oct-08, 12:09
Very well done. yes its always good to give older animals a chance, but i find the heart renching when the animal does go unbearable, but i know that the last months or years are in a secure home. Its hard to rehome older dogs, i know i have in the past.

06-Oct-08, 14:26
I had an owld collie dug retired to me when he was 17 years old and he worked right up till the day he was left at my door. I had him for 5 more years before his time came and he passed away. He was the lovliest old man and often brought a smile to my face with his antics as he re lived his puppy carefree days.:)

Giving an older dog brings many rewards.

07-Oct-08, 11:08
what a brilliant idea, it is such a shame, as no-one really wants to rehome an old dog, as they arent as much fun as a pup, i for one would gladly rehome one, if i didnt have a dog already.

09-Oct-08, 17:10
We once rehomed an older dog (6 year old) ago when her owners moved away. I think she was happy with us and gave us many years of joy but she always missed her old owners. She would escape and run back to her old home (about 1 mile away) whenever she got the opportunity. Sometimes its unavoidable and older dogs have to be rehomed but its definately very hard on them and should only be done as a last resort. If I have another dog, it will be an older one as I especially hate to see them homeless.

09-Oct-08, 23:28
When we adopted Andie, he was 7 but he seemed so much older as he had been through the mill. At that time we thought that we wouldn't have him for long, but we were willing to give him a home for as long as the rest of his life might be.
7 years on he's still with us!!!
Obviously a dog with baggage has its ups and downs, but we have never regretted taking him on.......his neuroses, heart disease, arthritis and all!!!!
Well done for highlighting this website and encouraging folk to give older dogs a chance neenipper.

19-Oct-08, 21:54
After being in contact and chatting to the people who run this great charity I have now become the regional co-ordinator for Scotland!

I am going to try my hardest to get them known up here and over the rest of Scotland as well as arranging fund raising and information activities.

I know many people will say they don't want to adopt an older dog because it wouldn't be with them very long and they would be too upset to lose a dog they hadn't had for long.

The dogs that are rehomed are generally 7 plus, one of my springers is 7 1/2 years old, you would think he was 2 years old the way he carries on!

Many dogs live to 12 years and beyond so you're still looking at many happy years together.

I am also looking for volunteers to assist at meet and greets, stalls at the county show etc and any shopkeepers who would be willing to have a collection box on their counter.:D

19-Oct-08, 22:11
Lots and lots of real Good Luck Neepnipper........you will do a grand job for the old ones..........................:)

21-Oct-08, 08:33
Is there anyone out there who would be able to put some A5 posters up for me in the Thurso area?

Thanks in anticipation!:D

31-Oct-08, 08:56
If anyone can knit or sew The Oldies Club are looking for people to make dog coats, patterns are supplied.

Let me know if you can help.:D

Thank you.

31-Oct-08, 09:59
Well done you and good luck in your quest.:D

Older dogs tend to be overlooked when it comes to rehoming them.
Indeed if we hadnt of got Scorrie when we did that would have been my prefered option.

As far as knitting goes then I'm afraid I cant help but what about asking at the local day care centres and old folks homes.Plenty keen knitters there I'm sure.
If you managed to get people to donate any odd balls of wool and passed them onto people to knit I'm sure you'd be halfway there.:D

31-Oct-08, 10:50
That's a good idea, I'll look in to it!:Razz

04-Nov-08, 23:13
Have just been on the Oldies Website (www.oldies.org.uk (http://www.oldies.org.uk)) They have Christmas cards (and calenders) on sale. £5.50 for pack of 10 cards. It's an excellent Charity doing amazing work for dogs who would otherwise be forgotten, so please if you are thinking of buying your Xmas Cards give this Charity a go. Thanks !