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View Full Version : When do you buy your Christmas shopping?

27-Sep-08, 21:06
I have bought the majority of my Christmas shopping already. Usually start in mid September, gives me plenty time to get organised without the mad rush in late November/December.

When do you do yours?

27-Sep-08, 21:12
we usually start in aug. a lot of times when we go on holiday we will start picking up a few things from down south. just about done ourselves.. well the kids anyway.. waht do you get the man who has everything!

Faithers Appprentice
27-Sep-08, 21:18
Usualy start around now, but have a bad habit of buying things for the kids and just giving it to them.

27-Sep-08, 21:27
decided to start that little bit earlier this year, as with the baby due to be born on dec the 1st decided it would be easier to have everything by then,mind you i will still have to wrap it all on xmas eve as i am not that well organised lol.

27-Sep-08, 21:46
If I find something that I know is right for someone I usually buy it either as an on the spot gift, birthday present or Christmas present.

27-Sep-08, 22:07
do mines the week before christmas, alot of the sales start by then !! :Razz

27-Sep-08, 22:09
I have no time for Christmas and all the commercial nonsense that goes with it, I do not mind the religious side of it, even tho I am not religious in any way, and I can have turkey and all the trimmings anytime I wish through out the year, and I hate Brussels Sprouts anyway [lol]
Mrs G buys the bairns presents anyway not me.

27-Sep-08, 22:14
I have no time for Christmas and all the commercial nonsense that goes with it, I do not mind the religious side of it, even tho I am not religious in any way, and I can have turkey and all the trimmings anytime I wish through out the year, and I hate Brussels Sprouts anyway [lol]
Mrs G buys the bairns presents anyway not me.
bah humbug lol[lol]

27-Sep-08, 23:16
As a rule I start in July but I'm late this year started buying just a few weeks ago.

27-Sep-08, 23:22
I'm a "bah, humbug" as well. Gave up on Christmas a long while ago; well, a few close friends get something! ;)
I'm surprised that although I don't send Christmas cards I still get around 40 sent to me every year. I think they are trying to convert me again... but I will nivar, nivar give in!!!!:mad:

27-Sep-08, 23:25
I grudgingly buy a couple of things on Christmas Eve. Personally I think it's just one big over hyped financial feeding frenzy.

27-Sep-08, 23:41
Northerner, you are right! I cannot believe the self indulgent extravagances that take place - and all the moaning that goes with it as if it is only being done for others! I would not enjoy a present that was such a pain to choose and buy......DOWN WITH MARTYRS! ;)

Kevin Milkins
28-Sep-08, 01:57
I have never been a big fan of christmas or shopping :mad:but as a need to be done task I just blitz it on christmas eve.:confused:Razz

28-Sep-08, 09:41
I must be a bit blokey???? I hope not, but I hate Christmas Shopping so tend to do it a day or two before Christmas Day and spend all Christmas eve wrapping pressies, and I often write Christmas Cards and never send them :eek: and I even put stamps on them [lol]

28-Sep-08, 09:52
We normally rush at the last minute which can be a bit of a worry, wondering if your gonna have enough cash etc. This year we've been lucky enough to have a bitty of extra money so she started 3 weeks ago! We pretty much have for everyone. Still to get some tins o' sweeties for the grandparents etc.

I'll prob get hersel's present on christmas eve (maybe january sales if she hasn't been good)

Mind you have been giving her hints since June http://pics.miarroba.com/caretos/lol.gif

28-Sep-08, 10:10
Thank God for Amazon wishlists! I only buy presents for my immediate family and I do almost all of it online.

At first I felt guilty about not putting myself through the stress of the heaving hordes in the shops :mad: but I've finally shaken off that need to martyr myself!:lol:

28-Sep-08, 12:03
I have no time for Christmas and all the commercial nonsense that goes with it, I do not mind the religious side of it, even tho I am not religious in any way, and I can have turkey and all the trimmings anytime I wish through out the year, and I hate Brussels Sprouts anyway [lol]
Mrs G buys the bairns presents anyway not me.

Could not put it any better myself!

The only thing I would add is those immortal words of mr Scrooge.

Bah! Humbug!

28-Sep-08, 12:40
Christmas to me is a Magical time of year.

There are just too many people complaing about how commercial it has become. It has become more and more commercial I admit but who encourages the Shops to be commercial.

Why you the Customers.

All you need to do is to is to enjoy Christmas buying small gifts for your close friends and family. Do not spend above what you can afford and do not use credit cards, pay cash.

So if you can't afford it don't buy it, buy something a little less expensive. This way you will not end up with a debt hanging around you neck for the next year and you will also have a better and more enjoyable time with less stress.

If more and more people did this then slowly and surely Christmas would become less commecrial and more and more people would find the Christmas Holidays meore relaxing and enjoyable.

Oh and yes to answer your question I do not start to buy Christmas Presents until November at the earliest but I have all I want to nuy by Mid December.

28-Sep-08, 13:13
Better still, why not tell all those whingeing parasites that expect free goods at Christmas that you are not going to be dealt the 'guilt' card anymore and that they can all disappear up their own backsides.

You'll soon find out who your true friends are then.:D

I'm lucky..I've got some good friends (and family).

28-Sep-08, 14:37
i for one intend to cut back this year, only going to buy for close family.

28-Sep-08, 17:00
christmas is a magical time for me too. i love til buy ma family an friends pressys.
i lek til start now so that i can find really cool stuff til suit whoever am buyin for. luv surfin 'e net til find stuff.

we hev a brilliant day, lots o' laughs, lots o' food an drink.
for me its a time til remember people that arna here anymore an also make new memories for later on in life, so ye can look back an appreciate how much ye love an are loved.

maybe i do spend a fortune at 'iss time o' year but its worth'ed...

28-Sep-08, 17:48
I used to love christmas shopping in December and enjoy the atmosphere. Last year I didnt do Christmas at all, sent no cards etc. This year i have got all the presents and cards and will start writing my cards next week ready to post.

28-Sep-08, 17:54
I tend to buy most of my Christmas presents for the extended family throughout the year as I have many to buy for.
For my own children I start listening with intent after Halloween for any wish thoughts etc
I wish I could leave it to last minutes as there is certainly an air of excitement at that time but I then would not be able to afford or cope.
I am happy with the way I work it.

28-Sep-08, 22:04
I usually leave mine until Dec as like to go and see lights and trees everywhere

29-Sep-08, 09:42
I do mine as and when I see something for someone I get it .....can start shopping in January....but can also succum to the mad dash December shopping too!

29-Sep-08, 18:42
Dont give shares in HBOS they be worthless soon.

Big Jean
02-Oct-08, 21:18
If I see something throughout the year, that I think a certain person would like, I buy it, and put it away for them . It might be on sale or might not be, but if I don't get it then, I never seem to find that perfect gift for them later on .

That is not to say I don't enjoy looking for a few last minute things in December, but for the most part, all the gifts are wrapped and waiting .