View Full Version : Beware, beware, beware.

24-Sep-08, 18:22
Take care re phone calls from a male pretending to be from the Bank of Scotland. He asks several questions to verify your details including passwords, mothers maiden name, date of birth, last account transaction details etc. In summary anything to allow him to phone up the bank/internet bank and pretend to be you. When the real bank asks the normal security details, he has, courtesy of the phone call, everything he needs.

No bank will cold call and ask these things. If it does happen, simply ask for the persons name, branch, and telephone number and phone them back. If the number that is provided is a mobile or doesn't ring out, you've had a close one.

I've just had one, the bank says it's happening all the time.

24-Sep-08, 18:30
Who in this day and age would be daft enough to give out that kind of information without checking it out first? :eek: On second thoughts...don't even answer that.:confused

24-Sep-08, 18:47
Who in this day and age would be daft enough to give out that kind of information without checking it out first? :eek: On second thoughts...don't even answer that.:confused

The problem is the guy is very plausable. He phones at peak times of the day when your very busy and not giving 100% attention. Every 100 calls he'll get a couple of folk to bite.

24-Sep-08, 19:02
funny phone call today asked if i would like to have all cold calls from marketing companys stopped and post spam stopped, said yes and asked want the catch,was told cost 10pounds a year to join,told her as this was a cold call and would never just gave any card details out on phone to anyone,where to go,

24-Sep-08, 19:29
You can get some marketing cold calls (double glazing sales etc) stopped by registering with the Telephone Preference Service. It doesn't cost a penny and is active until you no longer want it or you change your number. A few calls may still get through, but this does work in general. I have registered and have had only a small amount of calls compared to before registering. (Also, if they're trying to sell double glazing etc, tell them you live in a council house/flat - they swiftly hang up then! Works everytime!!!)

Even though most people are aware they shouldn't give out any personal details, or click suspicious links in emails, some people do still get caught out, particularly the vulnerable in society. That's why we should always mention (on here or in warning emails to everyone we know) what the latest scam approach is - it could save someone a lot of money. The more we are aware of the tricks, the more vigilant we can be, and we can help look out for those who may otherwise become a victime to these scum (only 'nice' word I can think of to describe despicable peole like that!!)

24-Sep-08, 19:29
Take care re phone calls from a male pretending to be from the Bank of Scotland. He asks several questions to verify your details including passwords, mothers maiden name, date of birth, last account transaction details etc.

I think i know who it is................



24-Sep-08, 19:31
I had a call from someone purporting to be from the Bank of Scotland - actually it was on my answering machine, As I do a little bit of business with banks in Scotland I nearly fell for this.
I wonder why they choose the bank of Scotland for this scam. Are we Scots famous for our gullibility? I hope not.
Perhaps they were counting on our succumbing to one of those fits of miserly greed that we are famed for across the world.
Either way I hope they go away.
I hope they go the same circle of hell as Boris the Mover.
Boris the Mover is a Russian (we think) entrpreneur with ambitions to get us to move home (or anywhere) so we can use his trucks and his breathtakingly efficient gang of Muscovite movers.
He has a wonderful Russian accent. I think he has been run out of town (Toronto) that is and not before his time.
Also run out of Toronto is the Shaky Lady.
I never gave her a cent.
I'm too busy picking pennies out of the gutter.
Here's her sad tale.


24-Sep-08, 20:18
i had a phone cal from sky asking me if the warrent on our sky had run out, and if so would i like to renew it there and then, giving my bank details, i would have thought if it had been a genuine call from sky then they would have known all that information.

Melancholy Man
24-Sep-08, 20:28
Who in this day and age would be daft enough to give out that kind of information without checking it out first? :eek: On second thoughts...don't even answer that.:confused

Given the current situation with HBoS, it would sound more plausible. I had one call for one of my sisters today, but she was out. Did he have a broad North Irish accent?

(No, I don't mean Caithness accent.)

24-Sep-08, 20:33
You can get some marketing cold calls (double glazing sales etc) stopped by registering with the Telephone Preference Service. It doesn't cost a penny and is active until you no longer want it or you change your number. A few calls may still get through, but this does work in general. I have registered and have had only a small amount of calls compared to before registering. (Also, if they're trying to sell double glazing etc, tell them you live in a council house/flat - they swiftly hang up then! Works everytime!!!)

Even though most people are aware they shouldn't give out any personal details, or click suspicious links in emails, some people do still get caught out, particularly the vulnerable in society. That's why we should always mention (on here or in warning emails to everyone we know) what the latest scam approach is - it could save someone a lot of money. The more we are aware of the tricks, the more vigilant we can be, and we can help look out for those who may otherwise become a victime to these scum (only 'nice' word I can think of to describe despicable peole like that!!)have done this sometime ago and it has reduced those calls to a minimum tony

24-Sep-08, 21:29
I think i know who it is................


:lol:All I need is your account number and sort code

Melancholy Man
24-Sep-08, 21:41
Send any correspondence to Sutherland's Chemist!

24-Sep-08, 21:42
I think i know who it is................


Sep 24 2008, 02:11 AMSubject:

Property Purchase
Return-Path: [email protected]






No, no, no; that's the Nigerian ambassador who emailed me today wanting to buy my house as he is moving to Britain and is taking his family with him! Hope he doesn't need more than two bedrooms......:eek:

24-Sep-08, 21:43
Send any correspondence to Sutherland's Chemist!

Are they forwarding the mail on now? :lol:

24-Sep-08, 21:54
Hallo Friend,

I am being most important diplomats from Sinclair Bays and I wishing to get you to help me with problems.

I have to move to Wicks with my family due to Military Coup in Sinclair Bays. I can take only furniture and smally cash with me.

I have £3.47 in a Post Offices account that I need to move. I am needing friend such as you to help me get money away from theiving Sinclair Bay military junta gits.

If friends as you being, all I ask is your bank details and date of birthdays. For this small passion I is am giving you 50% of massive £3.47 fortune.

Perhaps you have frendlies who too would like most splendid fortunes? Or maybe lady friends (must have British citizenship) who like to be wives of Very Big Diplomat?

I wait friends with trapped breath.

The Right Hon. Peregrine Rotovator-Smythe


George Brims
24-Sep-08, 21:56
Also run out of Toronto is the Shaky Lady.
I never gave her a cent.
We have a guy working that scam near us. He sits in the traffic island in the middle of the street at a traffic light, so you are forced to look him in the eye to look at the traffic light opposite. However it is easy to figure out he is not genuinely homeless, as his fingernails are clean and his fingerless gloves (like old Mr Steptoe) are cut off cleanly rather than frayed. That and the 2006 Jeep Cherokee he drives away in at the end of his "shift"!

Unfortunately there are plenty of real homeless people in need of help, and these scum are taking bread out of their mouths. Of course the Freepers (the right wing loons who worship that web site that Rich quoted) wouldn't give a red cent to them either. Funny how people who denigrate Darwin love social Darwinism.

24-Sep-08, 22:49
Hallo Friend,

I am being most important diplomats from Sinclair Bays and I wishing to get you to help me with problems.

I have to move to Wicks with my family due to Military Coup in Sinclair Bays. I can take only furniture and smally cash with me.

I have £3.47 in a Post Offices account that I need to move. I am needing friend such as you to help me get money away from theiving Sinclair Bay military junta gits.

If friends as you being, all I ask is your bank details and date of birthdays. For this small passion I is am giving you 50% of massive £3.47 fortune.

Perhaps you have frendlies who too would like most splendid fortunes? Or maybe lady friends (must have British citizenship) who like to be wives of Very Big Diplomat?

I wait friends with trapped breath.

The Right Hon. Peregrine Rotovator-Smythe


[lol] Fantastic! I'm going to email this back to the next bunch of nuggets who emails me with this kind of rubbish!! thank you for making my day Northerner - I'll be laughing for days now, while feeling very smug after I hit 'send now' on the reply emails [lol]

25-Sep-08, 07:06
I had a call from someone purporting to be from the Bank of Scotland - actually it was on my answering machine, As I do a little bit of business with banks in Scotland I nearly fell for this.
I wonder why they choose the bank of Scotland for this scam. Are we Scots famous for our gullibility? I hope not.
Perhaps they were counting on our succumbing to one of those fits of miserly greed that we are famed for across the world.
Either way I hope they go away.
I hope they go the same circle of hell as Boris the Mover.
Boris the Mover is a Russian (we think) entrpreneur with ambitions to get us to move home (or anywhere) so we can use his trucks and his breathtakingly efficient gang of Muscovite movers.
He has a wonderful Russian accent. I think he has been run out of town (Toronto) that is and not before his time.
Also run out of Toronto is the Shaky Lady.
I never gave her a cent.
I'm too busy picking pennies out of the gutter.
Here's her sad tale.


I think they pick all the banks. Just a random check on an E-mail account will find that you have "problems" with your Natwest,Halifax,lloyds,RBS to name but a few and I am not even in those banks, if I am can I have my money now please!! ;)

25-Sep-08, 07:40
I have been visiting these websites for a bit now they dont seem to get updated very often anymore but the stories on there some are quite funny. It's a group of people who take these emails and waste the scammers time may be worth a look if your bored and fancy a laugh.
www.scambuster419.co.uk and www.419eater.com.

Valerie Campbell
25-Sep-08, 11:46
Northerner, absolutely brilliant!

Thanks for the warning dook. I'll email everyone I know to let them know about this.

25-Sep-08, 14:29
Northerner,is £3.47 equivalent to 34 million Ugandan dollars?