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View Full Version : Cafe Royal, Edinburgh 1837

20-Sep-08, 09:38
Can anyone help? Gollach perhaps might know where the Cafe Royal was in Edinburgh c.1837. I imagine in Princes Street, it was a great favourite with the Edinburgh / Caithness society.

Many thanks

20-Sep-08, 09:42
Trinkie, there still is a Cafe Royal in West Register Street, just off the east end of Princes Street -it's very well known and has been there a very long time -would that be the place you're thinking of? :)

20-Sep-08, 09:45
Can anyone help? Gollach perhaps might know where the Cafe Royal was in Edinburgh c.1837. I imagine in Princes Street, it was a great favourite with the Edinburgh / Caithness society.

Many thanks

I used to work there. It is behind register house which is at the east end of Princes street. It is on west register street. which is a street that runs just behind Princes street.

If you go to to the east end by the Balmoral hotel, on the other side of the road is register house, go up the cobble lane past the pub known as the Guilford arms and you are there. it is easy to get to. don't drink the 80 shillings though;)

20-Sep-08, 09:55
Trinkie, it is a well know bar and restaurant, its speciality is seafood, it has been in that location since the 1800's

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.edinburghguide.com/files/images/cafe_royale_int.300x225.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.edinburghguide.com/venue/caferoyal&h=225&w=300&sz=19&hl=en&start=3&um=1&usg=__jNRMuEizh-x7iq0HlJaiF39k37M=&tbnid=8D4BxyLtNxflAM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcafe%2Broyal%252Bedinburgh%26um%3D1%2 6hl%3Den%26cr%3DcountryUK%257CcountryGB%26sa%3DG

20-Sep-08, 10:00
Just found it in Charles McKean's book 'Edinburgh - an Illustrated Architectural Guide' in the RIAS series.

P99....'founded in 1826 as wine, coffee and dining rooms'......designed in 'Second French Empire Style' apparently!

Various additions at the end of the 19th century -The Circle Bar and the Oyster Bar.

Thanks Trinkie -you've made me find out something new by 10 o'clock on a Saturday morning -that doesn't often happen! ;) :lol:

20-Sep-08, 10:41
Can anyone help? Gollach perhaps might know where the Cafe Royal was in Edinburgh c.1837. I imagine in Princes Street, it was a great favourite with the Edinburgh / Caithness society.

Many thanks

when i was there it was owned by Scottish and Newcastle. the bar was running at a loss and the manager at the time who was taken in as a "problem solver". one of the new managers instruction to staff would be to take all the left overs from the cask ale drip trays and pour them into the 80 shilling cask as being a dark ale no one would spot this. I refused to do it as it wasn't fair on the punters. i always winced when somebody would order 80/- and go "thats a nice pint".

In my honest opinion the Guilford arms is a better bar. it is more relaxed. better atmosphere and better choice of real ales.

20-Sep-08, 11:47
Thank you all very much - I think I know where it is, near to where the Horse without Fetlocks stands ?
I will have a look next time I'm in that area.

Some Caithness folk met there in 1837 and agreed to start the Edinburgh Caithness Society - they certainly had a meal there in December 1837, the first of many I'm sure.

Many thanks for your prompt replies,

20-Sep-08, 12:43
when i was there it was owned by Scottish and Newcastle. the bar was running at a loss and the manager at the time who was taken in as a "problem solver". one of the new managers instruction to staff would be to take all the left overs from the cask ale drip trays and pour them into the 80 shilling cask as being a dark ale no one would spot this. I refused to do it as it wasn't fair on the punters. i always winced when somebody would order 80/- and go "thats a nice pint".
Nothing new in this practice, it was being done in the 60's when I was a barman, but then it filtered into the Light Beer barrel, you never see Light these days [disgust]

20-Sep-08, 16:20
Thank you all very much - I think I know where it is, near to where the Horse without Fetlocks stands ?
I will have a look next time I'm in that area.

Some Caithness folk met there in 1837 and agreed to start the Edinburgh Caithness Society - they certainly had a meal there in December 1837, the first of many I'm sure.

Many thanks for your prompt replies,

That's an interesting piece of information, Trinkie! I've been there myself a few times over the years - mostly with friends from Caithness, in fact! :)