View Full Version : Something to do while walking on the beach

07-Jan-06, 15:28
Copied and pasted from another site ....
Anyone fancy giving it a go? I don't mind organising it and requesting whatever we need for them to send :)

Dear All.
Welcome to 2006. One of the Shark Trusts resolutions this year is to make the Great Eggcase Hunt bigger and better than ever before. Although 2005 was a good year for results, we want to make 2006 the best yet!

Last year at Easter, there were many separate organised eggcase hunts taking place around the country. If you are involved with a local group and are looking for something exciting to do, why not get your members out onto the beach looking for Easter-eggcases. Don't forget, we can send you posters, stickers, certificates, ID guides and other resources to make sure you have a cracking time! Let us know when and where you'll be holding your event and we'll advertise it on our soon-to-be new and improved eggcase website. We can also include your photos too.

If you are not part of an organised group, round up some friends, or even just your family, and do your own eggcase hunt! Whether you are on your own, with your friends, or in a group, please don't forget to send your results in. We need to know what species of Skate or Ray the eggcases you are finding belong to.

If you are new to Eggcase hunting or want more information about how you or your group can get involved, contact the Shark Trust for more information and some ID guides. It's an activity which is accessible to virtually anyone who is able to get to a beach, the only resources needed are an eggcase ID guide and possibly a bucket, and can help make a real contribution to a conservation project which so far has involved hundreds of people nationwide.

We particularly need results from North East England and the East coast of Scotland, where we currently have none. Can you help? Please contact the Shark Trust on [email protected] .

Many Thanks

Fay Jones
Conservation Assistant

07-Jan-06, 15:41
sounds good , only wish i was up there !

07-Jan-06, 15:52
ANY beach will do Paris, just organise a day out with the family to the nearest beach :)