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17-Sep-08, 20:14
While walking home tonight with my wife and son after having dinner, someone not far behind us jokingly shouted 'Who's That Tart Up There' at my wife, we turned round to see who it was only for the person who shouted to realise that it was a case of mistaken identity, the poor girl was seriously embarrassed, it gave us a damn good laugh though :p

17-Sep-08, 20:35
oh i would have loved to see the person's face that shouted tht, it would have been a picture. [lol][lol]

17-Sep-08, 21:37
hahahahahahahahaha sooo many laughs tonight !!!!

I love it when i am on the recievin end but all to often its me shoutin till eh wrong person too haha

17-Sep-08, 21:39
I was walking the bairn to school and a car pulled up beside me, well me thinking it was my mate who normally stops to give us a lift (same colour car).
I told the bairn to hop in, only to discover it wasn't her it was someone pulling up to answer there mobile phone i was mortified!!:eek:

17-Sep-08, 21:40
My Mum got into a blue Marina years ago. The guy was looking through a bunch of photos. My Mum said, "Where did you get the photos?" in an accusatory tone. Guy said, "What's it got to do with you?"
At this point my mother realised that it wasn't my Dad, or our Marina!!!

17-Sep-08, 23:20
Some time ago our washing machine broke and the repairer came at 8:05 in the morning my OH answered the door and shouted don't worry honey it's not your other half!

I nearly died as i came downstairs only wearing a bath towel...


18-Sep-08, 00:41
Many years ago we lived next door to a chap called Mr Gunn who was a bit of a comedian and a joker. He was the type you could say anything to or torment and he often came to borrow things. One night the front door bell rang and my husband answered it. I shouted down the stairs to him "Who is it?" He answered by saying "It's Mr Gunn." Thinking it was the man from next door I shouted back "What's that daft idiot wanting to scrounge now." Imagine my horror when I came downstairs to be met by our minister, also called Mr Gunn, who had come to collect the church envelope. I still cringe thinking about it.

18-Sep-08, 18:55
Many years ago we lived next door to a chap called Mr Gunn who was a bit of a comedian and a joker. He was the type you could say anything to or torment and he often came to borrow things. One night the front door bell rang and my husband answered it. I shouted down the stairs to him "Who is it?" He answered by saying "It's Mr Gunn." Thinking it was the man from next door I shouted back "What's that daft idiot wanting to scrounge now." Imagine my horror when I came downstairs to be met by our minister, also called Mr Gunn, who had come to collect the church envelope. I still cringe thinking about it.
A Freudian slip - I'm sure........... tee hee [lol]

18-Sep-08, 19:22
I remember being out with my pals one night wearing a very long gypsy skirt with an elasticated waist,went to stand up and stood on hem of skirt which then came tumbling down around my ankles :eek: now thats embarrassing!:o x

18-Sep-08, 19:29
I remember being out with my pals one night wearing a very long gypsy skirt with an elasticated waist,went to stand up and stood on hem of skirt which then came tumbling down around my ankles how thats embarrassing!:o x
Bet it was that pesky tail of yours again , Thumps.........[lol]

Melancholy Man
18-Sep-08, 19:31
there was the time I bent over to kiss a girl and threw-up on her... no... sorry... that was Chris from Life on Mars.

18-Sep-08, 19:31
Good job I had my tail to cover up some bits anne! ;) [lol] x

18-Sep-08, 19:33
Good job I had my tail to cover up some bits anne! ;) [lol] x
Thumper ! You are awful.............but I like you ! xx;)

18-Sep-08, 20:07
Once upon a time in my youth I used to ride around the castle of Mey on my pony and along the bay bit there, when one day I so happened to need to pee, so off I got looped my reins round my arm and proceeded.....at that moment 2 fishermen came round the bend and startled my pony with their rods, pony yanked me back into full view...knickers at ankles and then proceeded to escape from me and run all the way home...leaving me with a really red face and a long walk! Have learnt from this however and no longer pee behind walls near royal homes!

18-Sep-08, 20:43
Once upon a time in my youth I used to ride around the castle of Mey on my pony and along the bay bit there, when one day I so happened to need to pee, so off I got looped my reins round my arm and proceeded.....at that moment 2 fishermen came round the bend and startled my pony with their rods, pony yanked me back into full view...knickers at ankles and then proceeded to escape from me and run all the way home...leaving me with a really red face and a long walk! Have learnt from this however and no longer pee behind walls near royal homes!

Oh my god ........ this is so funny [lol]

19-Sep-08, 07:51
Plenty, but most recent was yesterday.

My wife works in a school. I was waiting in the car park and the head teacher came over and said "Is she not out yet?"
I was caught slightly off guard and torn between saying "she was probably gassing" and saying she's "passing the time chatting" and all I came out with was "She's probably passing wind"

Don't ask me where that came from.

The Swedish Chef
19-Sep-08, 08:49
I was in a meeting last week when one of the women present broke wind, right in the middle of her powerpoint presentaion. To her credit she never broke stride until the manager next to me calmly raised his hand and asked "Excuse me, I agree with Points A and B but I do have a further question .. did you just jump on a duck ?"

I didnt know anyone could go THAT red.

19-Sep-08, 08:50
When I was briefly at HMS Inskip (the RN transmitting station) in Lancashire, we used to drink in the villages of Elswick and Great Eccleston - in one of these villages - can't remember which - was a chippy.

The first time I went in I was pretty well tanked and everyone else was having a fag outside whilst I got the order.

The chippy was empty apart from me and the old guy behind the counter who had his back to me frying fish. After a minute or so I thought I'd better make my presence known....

"Evenin', not a bad night is it?" quoth I.....Silence.

After a suitable pause I tried again:

"Er, can I have four lots of fish and chips please mate?"....unbelievably the guy never even turned around. He just ignored me and carried on frying.

I got a bit shirty about this and said "Oi, mate. Any chance of getting some food?" .......the ignorant still blanked me.

Cue Sense Of Humour Failure:

At this point a woman came out of the back room, smiled sweetly at me and said:

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, I've been putting some spuds in the chipper. And yes, my husband is totally deaf"

20-Sep-08, 02:40
This thread has me chuckling, good to know I'm not the only one who embarrasses herself. ;)

20-Sep-08, 08:58
This thread has me chuckling, good to know I'm not the only one who embarrasses herself. ;)

Ahhh...is that an indication that you are the guilty party that shouted at my wife? :)

20-Sep-08, 18:09
Ahh thanks everyone. I have had a rubbish day at work and this thread has made me laugh :)