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12-Sep-08, 22:35
Karia has left us...ooh woe am I, how can I carry on? Life isn't worth living anymore!

And Lo! The people, they did rejoice and there was dancing in the streets, and in her honour-a hog roast!

So she's left us-so what? I'm sure there will be plenty to replace her. I don't know how long I'll stay on the org-I found it by accident and find it quite good for unwinding, either the banter on threads or in the chatroom.

One of Karia's reasons for leaving is a lack of intellectual discussion. As most of you will have noticed, I rarely post in serious discussion threads, although I do always read them.

No doubt like most of you, I have quite an intensive job which I have to give total concentration, also I have millions of pounds worth of equipment at my fingertips and the health and safety of many people to consider.
I don't want to come on here and get embroiled in intellectual discussion, I want to unwind. So my way is just to post,(most often crap),one liners.

I think Karia will miss the org more than the org will miss her.

Sayonara Karia ;)

12-Sep-08, 22:57
I agree I have just posted something similar on the end of the world thread, light hearted discussion with no complex formula or intense mathematics to discuss.

12-Sep-08, 23:14
I agree I have just posted something similar on the end of the world thread, light hearted discussion with no complex formula or intense mathematics to discuss.Could you explain Hawking's equation to describe the entropy of a blackhole?

12-Sep-08, 23:22
MY GOD-I've heard of threads being hijacked but never by the second reply! [lol]

Melancholy Man
12-Sep-08, 23:28
If I unscrew my tummy-button, will my bum fall off?

12-Sep-08, 23:32
MY GOD-I've heard of threads being hijacked but never by the second reply! [lol]Records are there to be broken.[lol]

If I unscrew my tummy-button, will my bum fall off?No, your brain will fall out your bum.:lol:

12-Sep-08, 23:39
Records are there to be broken.[lol]

No, your brain will fall out your bum.:lol:

LOL - hope he doesn't make a mess in here! [lol]

12-Sep-08, 23:49
LOL - hope he doesn't make a mess in here! [lol]It could be very messy, very messy indeed. That's what happens when you collide your quarks with your leptons.

12-Sep-08, 23:56
It could be very messy, very messy indeed. That's what happens when you collide your quarks with your leptons.
Leptons? Do they still make tea?

Melancholy Man
12-Sep-08, 23:58
Are you looking for a fight, TBH? C'mon, I'll swedge you one!

12-Sep-08, 23:58
Karia has left us...ooh woe am I, how can I carry on? Life isn't worth living anymore!



12-Sep-08, 23:58
Boys, boys, boys - you will be gettin the forum a bad name! ;)

13-Sep-08, 00:02


Where's my bucket! :eek:

13-Sep-08, 00:02
Are you looking for a fight, TBH? C'mon, I'll swedge you one!
I'll trade you a wedgie for a swedgie?[lol]

13-Sep-08, 00:03
Sorry to see you go Karia. You have contributed to many worthwhile posts here. There will always be people who snipe and ruin posts. Guess it is all part and parcel of a public forum. Hope you find some other outlet. Good luck. Will miss your posts.

13-Sep-08, 00:13
Karia has left us...ooh woe am I, how can I carry on? Life isn't worth living anymore!

And Lo! The people, they did rejoice and there was dancing in the streets, and in her honour-a hog roast!

So she's left us-so what? I'm sure there will be plenty to replace her. I don't know how long I'll stay on the org-I found it by accident and find it quite good for unwinding, either the banter on threads or in the chatroom.

One of Karia's reasons for leaving is a lack of intellectual discussion. As most of you will have noticed, I rarely post in serious discussion threads, although I do always read them.

No doubt like most of you, I have quite an intensive job which I have to give total concentration, also I have millions of pounds worth of equipment at my fingertips and the health and safety of many people to consider.
I don't want to come on here and get embroiled in intellectual discussion, I want to unwind. So my way is just to post,(most often crap),one liners.

I certainly think she is/was one of the org's better contributor's, however I think Karia will miss the org more than the org will miss her.

Sayonara Karia <as the sun sets> ;)

karia has taken the cream puff. Fact,

13-Sep-08, 00:17
Karia has left us...ooh woe am I, how can I carry on? Life isn't worth living anymore!

And Lo! The people, they did rejoice and there was dancing in the streets, and in her honour-a hog roast!

Some go - well so be it - some stay cos they can rise above the comments they don't approve off - they don't need to stoop to the same levels as them they disapprove off. Dont like what you read you don't have to reply :Razz

13-Sep-08, 00:27
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:~(..... WHO?:confused

13-Sep-08, 09:16
Sorry to see you go Karia. You have contributed to many worthwhile posts here. There will always be people who snipe and ruin posts. Guess it is all part and parcel of a public forum. Hope you find some other outlet. Good luck. Will miss your posts.
agree with you, all the best karia,sorry to see you go from silverfox57

13-Sep-08, 10:06
Oh dear, has someone thrown their toys out of the pram......again!!!!

Melancholy Man
13-Sep-08, 10:14
We're just confirming all the worst prejudices about Stab Country. One minute it's, you're my best friend, I love you...then it's razor-gangs and fish-hooks in jacket collars.

13-Sep-08, 10:15
Golach you really should get your facts right afore posting. Karia has not thrown her toys out of the pram again [disgust]

According to the member list, last time she was banned :lol:.

Melancholy Man
13-Sep-08, 10:20
Yup, I can't say she impinged on my consciousness much, but it is always a shame to see members of forums leave for the stated reasons. Yet, this is a common phenomenon on the Internet (and, believe me, Orgers are a bunch of house cats to some I've seen), and there are enough sane threads and individual forums to keep her occupied

13-Sep-08, 10:20
karia has taken the cream puff. Fact,

i agree..and there are others SOOOOO like that too.give them back their dummies!!

Billy Boy
13-Sep-08, 10:33
karia has taken the cream puff. Fact,

Not for the first time, but hopefully for the last lol ;)

13-Sep-08, 10:38
Orgers come and Orgers go...but the Org goes on forever..........:) ;)

Melancholy Man
13-Sep-08, 10:56
Nah, that's Rheghead. He's a force of nature. Like the Joker.

13-Sep-08, 11:00
Some in the past who have seriously quit the Org have become 'Ex Orgers'. I think this means you can read but not post, and that you can become an Orger again in the future. Does it?

Sounds like a sensible option for sufferers of ODD (Org Distress Disorder) ;).

13-Sep-08, 11:09
Orgers come and Orgers go...but the Org goes on forever..........:) ;)
How true Angela :)

13-Sep-08, 11:12
Some in the past who have seriously quit the Org have become 'Ex Orgers'. I think this means you can read but not post, and that you can become an Orger again in the future. Does it?

Sounds like a sensible option for sufferers of ODD (Org Distress Disorder) ;).

Self relegation to the Order of the Lurker :roll:

13-Sep-08, 11:19
Could you explain Hawking's equation to describe the entropy of a blackhole?

Do you mean S_{BH} = frac{kA}{4l_{mathrm{P}}^2}

where k is Boltzmann's constant, and l_{mathrm{P}}=sqrt{Ghbar / c^3} is the Planck length.

Kevin Milkins
13-Sep-08, 11:49
My wife doesn't use the computor but does take an interest in whats going on the org if I am having a look at breakfast.

We were chatting about the karia saga and she said " you lot are like kids in a play ground".
I don't aggree with the wife on many subjects however I think I will on this one ,we are like kids :lol:.

Its very liberating to have the comfort of the org to be able to say things that perhaps we may not say face to face.

karia has chose to leave for her own reasons I am sure:confused but lets not jump on the bully bandwagon.

Best wishes karia,and long live the org

13-Sep-08, 12:07
We're just confirming all the worst prejudices about Stab Country. One minute it's, you're my best friend, I love you...then it's razor-gangs and fish-hooks in jacket collars.

Aye, there are many who have had 'dealings' with karia that will agree with every word you wrote there.

I shall shed no tears.

13-Sep-08, 12:12
Golach you really should get your facts right afore posting. Karia has not thrown her toys out of the pram again According to the member list, last time she was banned .
Was she Changi? When?............I never noticed.

13-Sep-08, 12:21
Karia has left us...ooh woe am I, how can I carry on? Life isn't worth living anymore!

And Lo! The people, they did rejoice and there was dancing in the streets, and in her honour-a hog roast!

So she's left us-so what? I'm sure there will be plenty to replace her. I don't know how long I'll stay on the org-I found it by accident and find it quite good for unwinding, either the banter on threads or in the chatroom.

One of Karia's reasons for leaving is a lack of intellectual discussion. As most of you will have noticed, I rarely post in serious discussion threads, although I do always read them.

No doubt like most of you, I have quite an intensive job which I have to give total concentration, also I have millions of pounds worth of equipment at my fingertips and the health and safety of many people to consider.
I don't want to come on here and get embroiled in intellectual discussion, I want to unwind. So my way is just to post,(most often crap),one liners.

I think Karia will miss the org more than the org will miss her.

Sayonara Karia ;)

I think Rab C Nesbitt would put it perfectly "Sanctimonious sink plug"

The Loafer

13-Sep-08, 13:17
Another attention seeking ploy, I'm so over it!

13-Sep-08, 13:20
Love Karia, or loath her, I think it's incredibly sad to see so many willing to jump on her back, after her very honest yet surprisingly upbeat post, written in good humour. Sometimes it's hard to see ourselves as others see us, maybe that's what's upset folk with her comments?

Me, I consider myself privilaged enough to call Karia a dear friend. We may have met on the Org, but our friendship extends far beyond it.

And yet, I almost feel embarrassed calling myself an Orger, as I watch the playground bullies on here, swooping in to gloat on her departure. [disgust]

13-Sep-08, 13:58
well i for one didnt have many dealings with her thankfully from what i have heard she wasnt the easiest/nicest person on the org.

Melancholy Man
13-Sep-08, 14:36
C'mon, c'mon! Ah'll chib all of ye!

13-Sep-08, 15:03
She'll be back:~( dont worry:eek:

13-Sep-08, 16:19
I didnt know Karia. I hav'nt kept up enough with the org to know how bad a person she was. She was just coming into her prime when I stopped posting a year ago.
Karia must have got up a lot of your noses. Good for her. I hope she comes back.

13-Sep-08, 18:20
Love Karia, or loath her, I think it's incredibly sad to see so many willing to jump on her back, after her very honest yet surprisingly upbeat post, written in good humour. Sometimes it's hard to see ourselves as others see us, maybe that's what's upset folk with her comments?

Me, I consider myself privilaged enough to call Karia a dear friend. We may have met on the Org, but our friendship extends far beyond it.

And yet, I almost feel embarrassed calling myself an Orger, as I watch the playground bullies on here, swooping in to gloat on her departure. [disgust]

Never had many dealings with her, either positive or negative but I too was surprised at the mob response.

13-Sep-08, 18:44
well i for one didnt have many dealings with her thankfully from what i have heard she wasnt the easiest/nicest person on the org.

God how sad. The Caithness rumour mill again. "You heard". Listen to yourself for godsake!

13-Sep-08, 18:45
I'm sorry she's gone - always worth reading and will miss her. Doubt if she'll come back if she reads this thread - for those who didn't like her, that's your right but why be so nasty about it?

Melancholy Man
13-Sep-08, 19:23
<smashes pool cue against table>

Bar fight! C'mon, who wants a bit of me?

Alice in Blunderland
13-Sep-08, 19:32
The thing about posting on the org and indeed any forum is that there are many people with all types of opinions, backgrounds and cultures.

We may differ from each other, and at times are similar to each other, its life we will not all agree and at times we will indeed disagree heatedly .;)

It would be nice to think that by taking part in a forum that we can be mature enough to take the good with the bad and enter debates both pleasant and heated without taking it, and in turn making it too personal. :)

percy toboggan
13-Sep-08, 19:42
I'm sorry she has gone but couldn't give a monkeys whether she comes back or not.

This is all so transient methinks. Few people matter to few people. Of course there are a few exceptions.

Melancholy Man
13-Sep-08, 19:44
You, Toboggan!


<wrestled to ground by Golach and TBH>

Ouch, ooof, not the face, please, not the face!

13-Sep-08, 19:48
Never had many dealings with her, either positive or negative but I too was surprised at the mob response.

Im the same it is a shame though that someone is leaving i for one aint i love expressing my opinions way to much whether folk like them or not.

13-Sep-08, 21:24
I think her posts were good, its a shame that she has left in those circumstances but I do think that if you post you have to be prepared to accept a negative response and learn to ignore it. :(
Rise up a few levels and accept that some people have the people skills of a sledgehammer. If someone offends you, just point out there is no need to point out their inabilites you will just let nature take its course. :lol:

14-Sep-08, 11:44
Posted by Karia 12/09/08 @ 22.12: I don't want to post here anymore...it's choost sniping and point scoring. No intellectual discussion at all...only bitching!

If that satisfies ye then good luck til ye. My friends and I have found more 'inspiring' places to be.

I'll no be back.

Fair comment, it's her choice, however 8 minutes after she has 'left' the org:

Posted by Karia, aimed at Moira:

You stumble over yer own lies too well!

A strong accusation. What did she say about bitching and sniping? lol

Self relegation to the Order of the Lurker :roll:

I reckon you could be right teenybash.

Someone mentioned earlier about a mob gathering, I would suggest you look at Karia's posting history-I think you'll see that she wasn't shy when it came to leading the mob with a flaming torch!

I must admit I didn't know her and never had any dealings with her so would treat her same way I treat anyone else, by being friendly and respectful of their opinion-a shame not everyone is like that.

14-Sep-08, 13:15
She hasn't really left, we are all still talking about her and no doubt she is still reading the reactions, I hope as much fuss is made if I ever leave [lol] but for different reasons.

14-Sep-08, 14:13
She hasn't really left, we are all still talking about her and no doubt she is still reading the reactions, I hope as much fuss is made if I ever leave [lol] but for different reasons.

Im sure you will get a good send off if you ever decide to become a lurker.:lol:

14-Sep-08, 14:23
no doubt for every one orger that leaves there will be another 1 or 2 waiting to take their place.

Melancholy Man
14-Sep-08, 14:29
no doubt for every one orger that leaves there will be another 1 or 2 waiting to take their place.

I saw that the last time I tried to behead one of them.

14-Sep-08, 15:30
Posted by Karia, aimed at Moira:
You stumble over yer own lies too well!
A strong accusation.......

Whoosh! It missed me joxville - I'm still here and not planning leaving anytime soon. :lol:

14-Sep-08, 15:32
I must admit I didn't know her and never had any dealings with her so would treat her same way I treat anyone else, by being friendly and respectful of their opinion-a shame not everyone is like that.
I'll accept your original post at face value although I'm concerned that someone who holds such responsabilities in real life will be instrumental in starting a thread on Caithness.org that in my opinion, is the nastiest one I have ever followed.
How does your above quote square with the essence of this thread?

14-Sep-08, 16:09
The above was in response to suggesting a mob had gathered, something which I didn't expect when I started the thread. As I've previously stated I have no axe to grind with karia so although I don't agree with some of what she has posted, I do respect her opinion. I am adult enough to rise above the 'mob mentality'.

As for being the nastiest thread you've followed, short of myself or the Mods closing the thread, it is outwith my control. As it's been pointed out many times, this is a public forum which has resulted in a lot of heated debate, so those with experience of dealings with karia are free to post their views-views which I may or may not agree with.

14-Sep-08, 16:54
A fair quote alanatkie, people who take offence like that should never have joined a damn forum in the first place!

Some people :roll:

14-Sep-08, 17:02
I think the stuff that came out yesterday, as a direct result of your initial post, is some of the most archaic forms of prejudice known to man and how he exists within a community.
We are all vulnerable to this form of prejudice, especially on this medium. This is a new way for human beings to communicate. It didnt happen until 20 years ago. The stuff that came out yesterday happens in real life too but when it does the victim can only guess what's being said behind their back.
If Karia is reading this, (and I hope she's not because there's some nasty stuff said about her) how do you think it will make her feel?
Karia needs to rise above whatever it was that riled her but so do you.

Personally, I think apoligies are due. They would at least be an honourable way out.

14-Sep-08, 17:13
Lets not take things too seriously as Karia did. This thread is so ridiculous I just have to LMAO! :)

14-Sep-08, 17:15
Oh yeah and apologies are not due by the way.

14-Sep-08, 17:19
I liked Karia, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it just the same as others are entitled to dislike her.

But this thread has turned into the carrion picking over a body.

Again.... just my opinion

14-Sep-08, 17:21
I liked Karia, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it just the same as others are entitled to dislike her.

But this thread has turned into the carrion picking over a body.

Again.... just my opinion

Ouch! Lol!

14-Sep-08, 17:24
I think the stuff that came out yesterday, as a direct result of your initial post, is some of the most archaic forms of prejudice known to man and how he exists within a community.
We are all vulnerable to this form of prejudice, especially on this medium. This is a new way for human beings to communicate. It didnt happen until 20 years ago. The stuff that came out yesterday happens in real life too but when it does the victim can only guess what's being said behind their back.
If Karia is reading this, (and I hope she's not because there's some nasty stuff said about her) how do you think it will make her feel?
Karia needs to rise above whatever it was that riled her but so do you.

Personally, I think apoligies are due. They would at least be an honourable way out.

From my position I don't see there is anything for me to rise above. People are expressing their opinions, whether those opinions are for valid is for the individual reader to decide. I started the thread for 2 reasons:

1. I was surprised at Karia leaving in the manner she chose


2. To see how others felt about it.

As for an apology to Karia, do you mean from me or the individual posters? If you mean from me, I haven't done anything wrong which warrants an apology therefore one won't be forthcoming. An apology from those who have posted is entirely up to them.

I can honestly state my honour is intact.

14-Sep-08, 17:27
Your sig states that you are Ted Rogers looking for Dusty Bin.... Your honour is far from intact! *sniggers*

14-Sep-08, 17:32
Your sig states that you are Ted Rogers looking for Dusty Bin.... Your honour is far from intact! *sniggers*

Time to change it methinks! :cool:

14-Sep-08, 17:34
I think this thread is a bit of "Hanging out the dirty washing" where the person being discussed wont reply as they have left, Not very fair :(
Dont really have an opinion on Karia one way or the other but it seems to be a "public flogging". Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but lets not forget that this is a Human being with feelings who is being "disgust" as opposed to discussed.
We all gossip its a fact of life but this sits uncomfortably with me.

14-Sep-08, 17:35

You.... He....

Nope! I have nothing!.... Speechless... :lol:

14-Sep-08, 17:57

You.... He....

Nope! I have nothing!.... Speechless... :lol:

Congrats on the 1k post!!!!! :)

14-Sep-08, 18:04
Thank you m'dear :)

1k achieved by calling someone an "Egg weighing pedant" now there's something to be proud of eh? :lol:

14-Sep-08, 18:08
1k achieved by calling someone an "Egg weighing pedant" now there's something to be proud of eh? :lol:

Lost me there I'm afraid :confused

Congrats anyway on achieving one thousand..............:Razz

14-Sep-08, 18:10
Thank you :)

And sorry, my 1k post was in the retail swizzes thread if that's any help :lol:

14-Sep-08, 18:22
It's pointless for me to defend Karia because we all know she has no defence for the way she left the org. Anyone who has'nt eaten humble pie, has'nt lived.
My interest is in the underlying processes that created this thread. Under normal circumstances they lie dormnant until the pack leader makes a move then all hell breaks loose. That's what happened here. The pack were fed the juicy morsals by yourself, presented in the right fashion, and at the very least, designed to humiliate Karia.
It's a nasty thread, that perhaps took you by surprise but from my perspective your initial post was tailor made to create the tone it did.
That's why I think you should apoligise.

percy toboggan
14-Sep-08, 18:27
[quote=gleeber;431726]It's pointless for me to defend Karia because we all know she has no defence for the way she left the org. Anyone who has'nt eaten humble pie, has'nt lived.

Very true.
For what it's worth.I'm glad you are posting again.

14-Sep-08, 18:29
I think that regardless of who does or doesnt like Karia. She left with her dignity intact and without searching the web to find out, I would pretty much guarantee that she hasn't gone off somewhere else posting insults about folks here behind their backs.
I truly think that some people need to read back through this thread, look at what they've posted and then take a good long look in the mirror.

If I was moderating here, I probably wouldn't delete the thread, but I think I'd probably make a few of those posts go away.

14-Sep-08, 18:33
And on that note I think it's time to close the thread.