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View Full Version : The worst thing about hanging around the Org again!!!

12-Sep-08, 00:40
[lol] Is that I get nothing done!!!!

When I was absent I was finished the house work and into the office by 9.30am, but now, here I am nothing done and I'm leisurely reading and having another cuppa!!! I think I will have to roster Org Days!
I can't let it take over my life again!!!

12-Sep-08, 00:46
[lol] Is that I get nothing done!!!!

When I was absent I was finished the house work and into the office by 9.30am, but now, here I am nothing done and I'm leisurely reading and having another cuppa!!! I think I will have to roster Org Days!
I can't let it take over my life again!!!

You can and you will cos, you want to...there is not point in resisting saying I'll just take a peek....you are hooked now and if you try to go cold turkey, those withdrawals will bring you right back to square one...The Org.:p

12-Sep-08, 09:45
[lol] Is that I get nothing done!!!!

When I was absent I was finished the house work and into the office by 9.30am, but now, here I am nothing done and I'm leisurely reading and having another cuppa!!! I think I will have to roster Org Days!
I can't let it take over my life again!!!
have to admit did a lot more jobs round house before joined org,its only a bit of fun ,and you can get a good laugh some days,and have made friends with some, and possible upset some ,but enjoy crack on org, the more that join an post the better ,kept posting lolabelle, as you where missed,:lol:

Anne x
12-Sep-08, 10:28
I have to agree a couple of weeks ago I had no Internet for a few days and got loads done including cleaning the kitchen wall tiles !!!!
I dip in and out on a daily basis depending on what I have got to do since giving up work I tend to be on a lot more but I am always amazed that no matter day or night I log on there are always people on the org

12-Sep-08, 12:43
i know i know, i have got a weddin to go to today,, i need to get a shoogle on.

12-Sep-08, 13:49
I know the feeling to well when i log on to net usually first place i come for a nose is the org but when im at work ive now been able to get on via my mobile its great:D

12-Sep-08, 14:57
Thank gawd I'm not the only sad sap on here! lol.
I honestly do have a life but for some reason I get addicted to the org and spend hours on it instead of the 10 mins I promised myself. Why!!!!!

12-Sep-08, 15:48
i am bad when it comes to being on the org especially over the past week or so, spend so much time on here, that hardly anything gets done, then i have to rush around before my oh gets in from work so he doesnt work out what i spend my days doing, it is just so addictive.

12-Sep-08, 18:01
we were having a discusion ok an arguement as to who was on the net most,me or the oh.When my daughter came home we asked her and she said"mum cause she's never off the Org":eek:
Eneogh said.

footie chick
12-Sep-08, 21:03
The first thing I do when I switch computer on is check the org then the emails.

When the org is down I'm lost don't know what to do with myself??

What did we do before the org??:confused

12-Sep-08, 23:14
It's a drug - once you're hooked that's it. Only way to avoid it is not to go there which is possible, just. Once you're in you may as well give up - no housework, no gardening. Hopeless. It's way past bed-time.

13-Sep-08, 01:51
am now back from e weddin.
great night. but a tad pished :-)

13-Sep-08, 12:34
How are you feelin now Jings? ;)

13-Sep-08, 13:42
You lose complete sight of reality:eek:

13-Sep-08, 14:35
I certainly suffer from withdrawals when I can't get my daily org fix. Even worse it takes ages to catch up with everything if you miss a couple of days.

Not being allowed to come on here since Wednesday, due to having eye surgery, has been so frustrating. Worse than having no connection. I even tried offering bribes to family members to read me out some threads, but had no takers. No more org gossip or crack for them in the future.[disgust]

Well the medical ban has been lifted and there's no holding me back now. Come to think about it I'll be able to catch up twice as fast now with sight in two eyes instead of the usual one.:eek:

Now what have I missed while I've been away.......

13-Sep-08, 16:27
Well the medical ban has been lifted and there's no holding me back now. Come to think about it I'll be able to catch up twice as fast now with sight in two eyes instead of the usual one

.........oh dear! that means you will soon be at your 2K. More vision will increase speed. Glad to hear it is all over. Hope all goes well now.
Yes, I too check out the Org every day (maybe not post too much though)
part of being online I thought.:lol:

13-Sep-08, 19:55
[lol] Is that I get nothing done!!!!

When I was absent I was finished the house work and into the office by 9.30am, but now, here I am nothing done and I'm leisurely reading and having another cuppa!!! I think I will have to roster Org Days!
I can't let it take over my life again!!!

Go on, Lolabelle. You know you want to... just give in and sink into that comfy chair... feel the nice clicky sensation of the keys... mmmmm, nice! That's it, slip into the chair and sink into the org. The housework will do itself.... you know it will. :eek:

14-Sep-08, 06:03
This site is very addicting, it's true! Just as well I can't access it at work! I do enjoy it when I'm at home, though, and would be lost without my daily dose of the Org! Now if only I could wiggle my nose like Samantha on "Bewitched", so my housework would be done by magic......

14-Sep-08, 06:18
This site is very addicting, it's true! Just as well I can't access it at work! I do enjoy it when I'm at home, though, and would be lost without my daily dose of the Org! Now if only I could wiggle my nose like Samantha on "Bewitched", so my housework would be done by magic......
With you entirely, what else would would i be doing at this time of the day;)