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11-Sep-08, 08:50
Has anyone got any tips on cleaning windows? I'm using a duster and a bottle of Asda farmstores window cleaner and it just seems to move the greasy streaks around the window instead of picking them up.[disgust]

Thanks in advance.:D

11-Sep-08, 08:53
Rheggers get some white vinegar spray,works a treat!Great on shower doors as well x

11-Sep-08, 08:58
I agree wi Thumper - I just add some vinegar to a bucket of water and wash the windows with a cloth then dry them with a window scrim (linen cloth as used by window cleaners once upon a time - I got mine from Lakeland Ltd - you might know them [lol]). No streaks, a wee bit of effort and lovely clear windows!

Bad Manners
11-Sep-08, 09:04
I agree wi Thumper - I just add some vinegar to a bucket of water and wash the windows with a cloth then dry them with a window scrim (linen cloth as used by window cleaners once upon a time - I got mine from Lakeland Ltd - you might know them [lol]). No streaks, a wee bit of effort and lovely clear windows!

I agree with you the vinegar works great but we dont have fancy posh scrims us poor folks use newspaper it means ye can read and work at e same time.

11-Sep-08, 09:14
I agree with you the vinegar works great but we dont have fancy posh scrims us poor folks use newspaper it means ye can read and work at e same time.

LOL I sure ain't posh! I don't read newspapers so don't have any - but I have tried them and they do work really well but I find they make yer hands black - perhaps I am pernicketity then! [lol]

11-Sep-08, 09:17
i fill ma mop bucket wi hot soapy water then take a brush that i wid wash 'e floor wi.

i gie it a guid wash lek at then fill up 'e mop bucket wi' cowld water an vinager, do 'e same thing wi ma brush then gie them a wee dry wi newspaper.

works a treat ;)

Bad Manners
11-Sep-08, 09:26
LOL I sure ain't posh! I don't read newspapers so don't have any - but I have tried them and they do work really well but I find they make yer hands black - perhaps I am pernicketity then! [lol]
Mine you I must be posh I do use the Times better class of window cleaner dont you know

11-Sep-08, 09:28
Thanks everyone, the vinegar worked well with the newspaper. My duster was leaving lint all over the window as well. Now I can do housework and look after the bairn as well!:roll::lol:

11-Sep-08, 18:06
Rheghead, there are these window/glass clothes that work only with water. The best I have found for cleaning glass. No chemicals envolved and ecological: re-usable. Expensive though..... was it £4.00 for one cloth.

11-Sep-08, 18:15
Don't use a brick.

11-Sep-08, 18:38
warm soapy water, rubbed on with a micro fibre cloth to clean window, taken off with one of those things like a wiper blade - clean and no mess, done in half the time it used to take me.
Would not be without my wiper on/off for windows and big mirrors

11-Sep-08, 18:54
You can't beat Mr Muscle window cleaner, I've found it to work the best. Kim and Aggie also recommend using newspaper that's at least two days old so the ink is properly dry

11-Sep-08, 20:55
I agree wi Thumper - I just add some vinegar to a bucket of water and wash the windows with a cloth then dry them with a window scrim (linen cloth as used by window cleaners once upon a time - I got mine from Lakeland Ltd - you might know them [lol]). No streaks, a wee bit of effort and lovely clear windows!

I'm with you on the vinegar in the water Wifie and Thumper. I also have the scrims from Lakeland - they are very good cloths - I've had mine for years.

I keep a solution of half white vinegar/half water in an old spray bottle - great for cleaning mirrors and glass - especially where little dogs noses have been!! It's great for doing the inside of the car windows too - the smell goes away in no time at all.

11-Sep-08, 21:29
Make a decision which way round you do this and stick to it...
Clean one side with Vertical strokes and the other side Horizontal strokes...

If there is a mark you will know which side of the window it is on!


12-Sep-08, 00:22
Get the wife to do it. [lol] [lol]

12-Sep-08, 07:21
A trick I found that seems to work is-When you are washing the car and are using car cleaner, wash your windows with this as well(at the same time saves time!). Because the car cleaner has wax in it ,it prevents a build up of dirt and rain etc runs off leaving it less streaky. It means you dont have to clean them so often!!! :0

12-Sep-08, 09:20
A trick I found that seems to work is-When you are washing the car and are using car cleaner, wash your windows with this as well(at the same time saves time!). Because the car cleaner has wax in it ,it prevents a build up of dirt and rain etc runs off leaving it less streaky. It means you dont have to clean them so often!!! :0

I must be usin cheap stuff cos I find wax on the windows makes them worse - more streaky! I use the vinegar trick on the inside and outside of my car windows but make sure I don't get it on the paintwork. I also wipe the wipers wi soapy water cos they get manky too!

12-Sep-08, 09:25
Thanks for that Hotrod4, it seems like a good tip. Washing a car seems to me to be more psychological rather than have a tangible value as rain and wind washes off the dirt that I'm bothered about and it is totally natural as it can be. I can see the point of cleaning a car from a practical point of view and I've done that if mud has clung to lights and windscreen etc, but I'd never do it from an aesthetic point of view.

12-Sep-08, 09:31
Thanks for that Hotrod4, it seems like a good tip. Washing a car seems to me to be more psychological rather than have a tangible value as rain and wind washes off the dirt that I'm bothered about and it is totally natural as it can be. I can see the point of cleaning a car from a practical point of view and I've done that if mud has clung to lights and windscreen etc, but I'd never do it from an aesthetic point of view.
LOL Rheggers motorway driving renders car washing pointless round here but we give it a go now and again! Streaks when using the wipers tho drives me nuts! [disgust]

12-Sep-08, 21:30
Has anyone got any tips on cleaning windows? I'm using a duster and a bottle of Asda farmstores window cleaner and it just seems to move the greasy streaks around the window instead of picking them up.[disgust]

Thanks in advance.:D

Don't use a warm wash or spin cycle