View Full Version : Are we all going to die next Wednesday?/Recreating the Big Bang

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07-Sep-08, 11:58
Some scientists say it will be a down the plughole day others say there's nothing to worry about. Hope it dosen't prevent my wheelie bin being uplifted. One Wednesday in the month is enough.;)


07-Sep-08, 12:03
Darn! I just renewed my TV license.:lol:

07-Sep-08, 12:07
Looks good, it is only a small risk and scientists are very rarely wrong.

07-Sep-08, 12:08
If we do all die next wednesday can you post on here just to let me know??? As I have things planned for then, Thusday is clear for me if they want to change the date ;)

07-Sep-08, 12:12
The simple answer to that question is NO.The black hole that they are going to do this with is miniscule in size and we wont even feel the effects of it.
If we believed we were going to die every time some idiot decides it, then we would not be having this conversation.We should have all gone up in 2000..

07-Sep-08, 12:19
what load of rubbish, they should really find these people something worthwhile to do.

07-Sep-08, 12:23
what load of rubbish, they should really find these people something worthwhile to do.

They could always post on the org!!! :)

Kevin Milkins
07-Sep-08, 12:24
Did they get proper planning permision for ?:roll:;)

07-Sep-08, 12:36
The simple answer to that question is NO.The black hole that they are going to do this with is miniscule in size and we wont even feel the effects of it.
If we believed we were going to die every time some idiot decides it, then we would not be having this conversation.We should have all gone up in 2000..

Thanks for the reassurance I can fill my diary up for Thursday now. You're wasted on the org Justine. These scientisits dont have a clue what they're talking about.[lol]

07-Sep-08, 12:38
what load of rubbish, they should really find these people something worthwhile to do.
totally agree.little wonder the country iis in the state its in when all you get is that rubbish tony

07-Sep-08, 12:48
if the world is to end on Wednesday ,who will empty my wheelie bin it will be the end of world if my rubbish is not empty on wednesday

07-Sep-08, 12:58
The black hole that they are going to do this with is miniscule in size and we wont even feel the effects of it.

Don't mini black holes suck stuff in then become not-so-mini black holes?:confused

07-Sep-08, 13:10
totally agree.little wonder the country iis in the state its in when all you get is that rubbish. tony

I really think a full stop after the word "rubbish" would look a bit better!!! ;)
Have put one in for you!!! :)

Melancholy Man
07-Sep-08, 13:15
I recall a short story from a few years ago which dealt with just this.

"Merciful Allah, turn off the machine," cried the lead scientist.

But it was too late. The earthquakes had started.

Kevin Milkins
07-Sep-08, 13:20
This thread is interesting.
We have just about wrapped up the thread Deep And Philsophical which attracted 146 posts.
Many interesting ideas on the meaning of life have resulted from these posts.
When our scientists want to conduct an experiment to give us a better understanding and to confirm the big bang theory the general opinion seems to be / What a waste of time and money.:confused

07-Sep-08, 14:02
Don't mini black holes suck stuff in then become not-so-mini black holes?:confused

yes but only if they are left to their own devices. The ones the scientists are intending on targeting is too far away and also it is not that big in relation to most black holes,.But if it does go wrong then I will say my goodbyes now.

07-Sep-08, 14:28
if the world is to end on Wednesday ,who will empty my wheelie bin it will be the end of world if my rubbish is not empty on wednesday
hey if they change the world ending to the 24th then we dont have to worry about the wheelie bins lol[lol]

07-Sep-08, 14:59
hey if they change the world ending to the 24th then we dont have to worry about the wheelie bins lol[lol]

:eek: Scientific equation - Possible End of World on Wednesday 10th September= Possible End of wheelie bin and 24th September.[lol]

lynne duncan
07-Sep-08, 15:07
hey if it is the end of the wheelie bin can someone find another job for my oh then!
is that them finally getting round to switching the LHC on, there'll be a lot of scientists keeping their fingers crossed, it should be interesting!!

07-Sep-08, 15:11
yes but only if they are left to their own devices. The ones the scientists are intending on targeting is too far away and also it is not that big in relation to most black holes,.But if it does go wrong then I will say my goodbyes now.

Too far away? Isn't the mini black hole created inside the Large Hadron collider just 300m below the French surface?

07-Sep-08, 15:29
hey if it is the end of the wheelie bin can someone find another job for my oh then!
is that them finally getting round to switching the LHC on, there'll be a lot of scientists keeping their fingers crossed, it should be interesting!!

Don't somehow think you'll need to be worrying about a job for the OH if the finger crossing dosen't work Lynne.;)

Seriously though your OH and his workmates do a great job. Tell them to keep up the fight till they get what they deserve.

07-Sep-08, 15:34
Some eight years ago, had guests staying, the wife was very excited that I had the book 'The God Particle' on our bookshelves, I looked quizzical; "my husband Peter wrote that book; he's Professor Higgs"! (this coming experiment at CERN with the LHC hopes to find the 'Higgs Besom' - be nice if he was right all along)

07-Sep-08, 15:36
Too far away? Isn't the mini black hole created inside the Large Hadron collider just 300m below the French surface?

Your quite right, but if they were to experiment with a genuine black hole then it would be too far away.
Heres the link from the new scientist about the experiment and as you can see we will all still be here on wednesday.


07-Sep-08, 15:38
the LHC hopes to find the 'Higgs Besom'

Isn't the "Higgs Besom" the Prof's wife? :lol:

The God Particle is the Higgs Boson.

07-Sep-08, 15:47
Your quite right, but if they were to experiment with a genuine black hole then it would be too far away.
Heres the link from the new scientist about the experiment and as you can see we will all still be here on wednesday.


But don't they do the high power experiments back in October?

07-Sep-08, 15:54
Gollach "Isn't the "Higgs Besom" the Prof's wife? :lol:

The God Particle is the Higgs Boson. "

ta; I stand corrected; typo error, his wife is Jody

07-Sep-08, 19:52
If a black hole is created, then we don't need wheelie bins any more - just chuck yer rubbish in the black hole.

07-Sep-08, 19:56

07-Sep-08, 20:02

Flee! Flee! All is lost!

Er...where should we flee to? Anyone got any ideas?


07-Sep-08, 20:14
Too far away? Isn't the mini black hole created inside the Large Hadron collider just 300m below the French surface?

The horse called Hadron Collider ran yesterday at Kempton Park. It ran like a watery fart. Perhaps that is an omen for what is to come.

07-Sep-08, 20:28
it may just be because im in a foul mood.. so peeps please dont take this the wrong way...
but does no one care that their is a smidgeon of a chance that things could go horribly wrong?
if their is even a 0.0001 chance it could destroy every living thing in the universe why would they even being doing it?
we all know what happens when you smash atoms right?
people do remember the thing called a nuclean bomb right?
i just dont want to even think about all the stupid and irrisponisible things the gov. and scientist of the world do every day just to see "why" and how can we use this for our gain?

of all the wonderful things that could create.. they go an make a possible doomsday machine just so they could see what happened at the big bang.. ohhh better turn on the video so that anyone that may find the remains 50 billion years from now may be a little more clever and say.. hmmm maybe we shouldnt fiddle with the fabric of reality... lets just observe without destroying everything.

im not saying that its gonna happen, but just that theres a chance it will, and they are willing to gamble the entire world for their curiosity.. hmmm i dont remember being asked wheter i minded a machine being built that could kill me and everyone else on the planet.
but hey , what do you know theve never asked us before..
tis better to ask forgivness than permission right?

07-Sep-08, 20:30
The horse called Hadron Collider ran yesterday at Kempton Park. It ran like a watery fart. Perhaps that is an omen for what is to come.

Horses with watery farts?

Flee! Flee! All is lost!

07-Sep-08, 20:42
Who says we are all gonna die this week? Perhaps we just get sucked into another reality of our choosing?:confused

07-Sep-08, 20:47
Who says we are all gonna die this week? Perhaps we just get sucked into another reality of our choosing?:confused

So how would we feel if after we got sucked into another dimension/reality we realised it was exactly the same as the one we had left?:eek:

Jeez..that would really hack me off.....realising that the 'truth out there' is just as crappy as 'the truth back here'.

07-Sep-08, 20:51
I personally think the reporting of it has been irresponsible, the first I heard about this was my 13 year old just a tad concerned coming home from school saying that everyone says we are all gonna die on Wednesday, we are not are we mum??? I had no idea what she was talking about but I would think if older kids are talking about it like this and being worried then younger kids will be hearing it also and many will be absolutely terrified by it. How many parents will be dealing with nightmares due to this? :mad:

Melancholy Man
07-Sep-08, 21:01
If this were December 2012, I'd be worried. Until then, pour me another Bushmills.

07-Sep-08, 21:17
I personally think the reporting of it has been irresponsible, the first I heard about this was my 13 year old just a tad concerned coming home from school saying that everyone says we are all gonna die on Wednesday, we are not are we mum??? I had no idea what she was talking about but I would think if older kids are talking about it like this and being worried then younger kids will be hearing it also and many will be absolutely terrified by it. How many parents will be dealing with nightmares due to this? :mad:

Totally agree with you there Unicorn!

We are old enough and ugly enough to laugh at 'yet another' End of the World Scenario and treat such reportage with the scorn it often deserves.

I was brought up in the shadow of the 'Bay of Pigs' and other cold war fears and I'd honestly say that my 'sense of permanence was affected by those events... like many of my peers.

Life is scary enough without the wee ones fearing such events...Also when such things that are predicted don't take place does that send a message of complacency?:confused

07-Sep-08, 21:57
The horse called Hadron Collider ran yesterday at Kempton Park. It ran like a watery fart. Perhaps that is an omen for what is to come.

Ah, but that was probably just the small Hadron Collider. :lol:

07-Sep-08, 22:02
The worst part is if we dont all get sucked into a black whole they plan to build a much bigger one so we can all look forward to the end of the world then .

07-Sep-08, 22:06
So how would we feel if after we got sucked into another dimension/reality we realised it was exactly the same as the one we had left?:eek:

Jeez..that would really hack me off.....realising that the 'truth out there' is just as crappy as 'the truth back here'.

You must be destined for different if not finer things ma friend!:)

07-Sep-08, 22:30
Over the last two weeks on another BB we have discussed this experiment in great detail in some very heated and emotive threads. On Wednesday night we will possible know more about the concept of life than we did on Tuesday.

The experiment should not have to be justified as it will benefit science, ok it might have a small risk but if it does not work the next step will be to push the experiment to the limit of risk. Man playing God?

But I am sure it will be safe scientist dont make mistakes.

07-Sep-08, 23:54
Ah, but that was probably just the small Hadron Collider. :lol:

Nah, he was one huge turd of a horse ;)

08-Sep-08, 02:13
We are all going to die, no doubt, they are messing with things they have only a small understanding of. The worst case scenario is that the earth will be dragged kicking and screaming into this black hole that will continue to grow exponentially. Failing that we may open a portal to another dimension, maybe hell. As Private Frazer said, "Wur All doomed".

08-Sep-08, 09:53

(aw naw - sorry)

The Angel Of Death
08-Sep-08, 10:14
If a black hole is created, then we don't need wheelie bins any more - just chuck yer rubbish in the black hole.

Recycling problems sorted just think of it as the cosmos answer to the compost heap instead of burying our waste just send someone to chuck it on the black hole

08-Sep-08, 10:37
Over the last two weeks on another BB we have discussed this experiment in great detail in some very heated and emotive threads. On Wednesday night we will possible know more about the concept of life than we did on Tuesday.

The experiment should not have to be justified as it will benefit science, ok it might have a small risk but if it does not work the next step will be to push the experiment to the limit of risk. Man playing God?

But I am sure it will be safe scientist dont make mistakes.

Man playing God does this not go to help prove there is no God ?

08-Sep-08, 16:01
I'm taking no chances, I have moved all my plans from Wednesday to Thursday, after breakfast.

08-Sep-08, 16:25
If we do all die on Wednesday how will we know?
after all cant post it on the org that your dead!! ;)

08-Sep-08, 16:36
If we do all die on Wednesday how will we know?
after all cant post it on the org that your dead!! ;)
Are you sure?

08-Sep-08, 17:33
The first high-energy collisions are planned to take place on 21 October 2008. A successful outcome of these events is crucial if we’re to learn anything from this project. It’s taken 14 years to get the facility to this stage and the effort of many thousands of people. 7000 physicists from 85 countries are hoping to have access to data produced by the LHC.

There team has been accessed to make sure that they can meet the physiological and cognitive challenges by a team of ergonomists, and all aspects of project safety has been paramount in all stages of design.

Lets look forward to the 21st.

08-Sep-08, 17:38
Are you sure?

If we're all dead on Wednesday will you be posting? if so let me know by mailing me on [email protected] ;)

08-Sep-08, 18:08
I personally think the reporting of it has been irresponsible, the first I heard about this was my 13 year old just a tad concerned coming home from school saying that everyone says we are all gonna die on Wednesday, we are not are we mum??? I had no idea what she was talking about but I would think if older kids are talking about it like this and being worried then younger kids will be hearing it also and many will be absolutely terrified by it. How many parents will be dealing with nightmares due to this? :mad:

Completely agree Unicorn. The first I heard of this was my daughters coming home and informing us we're all gonna die on Wednesday. :eek:
I've managed to turn it into a joke and half convince them that we'll still be here by Wednesday, but they ain't completely convinced.

I've read Nostradamus and all his end of world predictions that simply haven't materialized and find them oddly amusing now, but this one is different, it involves a man made device that is reported to have a slim chance of causing some kind of Black Hole that we know nothing about and would have no control over.
I understand those that have the opinion that the Black Hole would only be tiny and would do no damage and be no threat, but if it turns out that scientists get the whole danger scenario wrong and they do create some catastrophic force, how can we believe them when they claim that the force created will be of no danger to us!
Mind boggling!

Where's DrSzin????? He could alleviate our fears!

08-Sep-08, 18:15
Man playing God does this not go to help prove there is no God ?

Because man plays at some thing, it does not make him that thing in the same way that because someone can kick a ball around, it does not make him Beckham. This is not the thread to discuss God however any belief that I have, you can rest a sure that is based upon a theory of greater likelyhood. As a scientist, I have yet to create life or even come close to it, once some one does this then I might change my mind.

off to party now.

08-Sep-08, 18:42
But I am sure it will be safe scientist dont make mistakes.

What about Thalidomide?

I am certain we will be OK come Thursday morning though. Nothing exciting ever happens on Wednesdays ;)

08-Sep-08, 18:51
If we're all dead on Wednesday will you be posting? if so let me know by mailing me on [email protected] ;)

And me on northener@burninginthepitofeternalpainandsuffering .co.hell


08-Sep-08, 19:06
What about Thalidomide?

I am certain we will be OK come Thursday morning though. Nothing exciting ever happens on Wednesdays ;)But will they have to cancel the experiment if their bins don't get lifted?

08-Sep-08, 20:37
If we're all dead on Wednesday will you be posting? if so let me know by mailing me on [email protected] ;)
Are you sure about the heaven bit?

08-Sep-08, 20:55
I personally think the reporting of it has been irresponsible, the first I heard about this was my 13 year old just a tad concerned coming home from school saying that everyone says we are all gonna die on Wednesday, we are not are we mum??? I had no idea what she was talking about but I would think if older kids are talking about it like this and being worried then younger kids will be hearing it also and many will be absolutely terrified by it. How many parents will be dealing with nightmares due to this? :mad:
my 8 year old came home from school today very worried that she was going to die, tried to tell her just to ignore what people were saying but you know what kids are like.

08-Sep-08, 22:31
Because man plays at some thing, it does not make him that thing in the same way that because someone can kick a ball around, it does not make him Beckham. This is not the thread to discuss God however any belief that I have, you can rest a sure that is based upon a theory of greater likelyhood. As a scientist, I have yet to create life or even come close to it, once some one does this then I might change my mind.

off to party now.

Not saying man has become god . And not sure what kind of scientist you are but we create life all the time .
But really this is the thread to discuss god as we are about to try an experiment that created the universe . One that God is meant to of created.

08-Sep-08, 22:56
Not saying man has become god . And not sure what kind of scientist you are but we create life all the time .
But really this is the thread to discuss god as we are about to try an experiment that created the universe . One that God is meant to of created.
.Man is God in the sense that those aliens that visited us eons ago were gods.

08-Sep-08, 23:38
Man is God in the sense that those aliens that visited us eons ago were gods.
You may well be right TBH....An interesting book called The Spaceships of Ezekiel by J.F. Blumrich, published in 1974 is well worth a read, indicating the earth was visited by extraterrestrials and Ezekiels account can be read in The Bible.....definately food for thought.

08-Sep-08, 23:43
You may well be right TBH....An interesting book called by J.F. Blumrich, published in 1974 is well worth a read, indicating the earth was visited by extraterrestrials and Ezekiels account can be read in The Bible.....definately food for thought.I would say that it is improbable that the earth wasn't visited by extra terrestrials.

08-Sep-08, 23:52
You may well be right TBH....An interesting book called The Spaceships of Ezekiel by J.F. Blumrich, published in 1974 is well worth a read, indicating the earth was visited by extraterrestrials and Ezekiels account can be read in The Bible.....definately food for thought.

I remember reading Eric Von Danikens' "Chariot Of The Gods"...interesting read, though from what I can remember none of it was ever backed up by anyone else.

08-Sep-08, 23:55
[quote=Dali;429152]Not saying man has become god . And not sure what kind of scientist you are but we create life all the time .
But really this is the thread to discuss god as we are about to try an experiment that created the universe . One that God is meant to of created.

No we dont create life we manipulate it, up to now we have never been able to add even the basic chemicals in DNA to form a single cell let alone just basic chemicals to form DNA and then a single cell.

This is the creation of life.

09-Sep-08, 00:00
..........No we dont create life we manipulate it, up to now we have never been able to add even the basic chemicals in DNA to form a single cell let alone just basic chemicals to form DNA and then a single cell..........

Indeed, we are manipulators - not creators.

09-Sep-08, 00:02
As far as I can remember, at least some of Von Danekins' theories were exposed as false, though not all and JF Blumrich had originally set out to refute Vons allegations in relation to Ezekiel.......but couldn't.
It's an old book but worth a read.

09-Sep-08, 00:17
You may well be right TBH....An interesting book called The Spaceships of Ezekiel by J.F. Blumrich, published in 1974 is well worth a read, indicating the earth was visited by extraterrestrials and Ezekiels account can be read in The Bible.....definately food for thought.

Even this cannot be discounted, some how that first cell or cells got on the earth, or it was created by some method. How ever once we overcome this we have the question of Mitochondrial DNA which now produces figures of appox 50,000 yrs, down from the 200,000 in the early studies in 1980s. Many geneticist would not consider evolution possible within that time scale.

Another line of research also provides another stance and could be considered in the above, its hard reading but worth it.


09-Sep-08, 06:44
Even this cannot be discounted, some how that first cell or cells got on the earth, or it was created by some method. How ever once we overcome this we have the question of Mitochondrial DNA which now produces figures of appox 50,000 yrs, down from the 200,000 in the early studies in 1980s. Many geneticist would not consider evolution possible within that time scale.

Fred Hoyle wrote some interesting theories about this. He theororized that infections ( with genetic material such as viruses) made evolutionary jumps if they were favorable. And that theoretically genetic material could be coming from space (not from space craft, but a natural contamination from "comet dust", etc). It was a bit out there but a very interesting read.

09-Sep-08, 06:58
well Tuesday morning last day for us,try and make the most of today,spent all your money today ,as you would need any on Wednesday,silverfox57 over and out,

09-Sep-08, 08:41
So who do we believe then? The scientists who are conducting the experiment or the scientists who have gone to the European Court of Human Rights to try and stop the experiment?

Latest update:

09-Sep-08, 08:44
I wish someone would find out quick, I'm on a diet and if this is my last day I'd rather be eating fillet steak than lettuce....

09-Sep-08, 10:17
why are all these scientists wasting time and money on this when there are so much more worth while things they could be pitting their brains against?

09-Sep-08, 10:19
Indeed, we are manipulators - not creators.

Well i have a few children to prove i have created life :)

09-Sep-08, 10:57
Fred Hoyle wrote some interesting theories about this. He theororized that infections ( with genetic material such as viruses) made evolutionary jumps if they were favorable. And that theoretically genetic material could be coming from space (not from space craft, but a natural contamination from "comet dust", etc). It was a bit out there but a very interesting read.

Such a view only leads to further questions as to where it came from in the first place, science is full of many contradictions.
Dating analysis on rocks from St Helens suggested they were 100,000 of years old when in fact they were less than 20?
Footprints have been found in many rocks along with dinosaurs or in coal seams, both should be impossible.
How could human evolution happen over such a time scale.
Why is the brain far more complicated than it needs to be and why do we use such limited capacity of it.

Any experiment that helps us to understand that little more will help as something will have to be learnt, you cant spend all that money and not learn some thing. This is an experiment at the extreme of science.

What if it does not produce the results we want, it only indicates the universe is even more complex.

09-Sep-08, 11:06
Well i have a few children to prove i have created life :)

You have fused one of your living cells with a living cell from another person, that way you have only manipulated two cells.

09-Sep-08, 11:23
Are you sure about the heaven bit?

Of course!!!! ;) I won a free invite on Ebay just the other day, was going to sell it but decided that if what muslims say is true and all those women are waiting for me, No way will I sell it now!!

09-Sep-08, 12:56
does this rubbish mean i will be on here myself tomorrow [lol] tony

09-Sep-08, 13:25
does this rubbish mean i will be own here myself tomorrow [lol] tony
tony dont think you be own you on tomorrow,but cant say about rubbish.oh says I speak a lot of rubbish on here,but I never listen to oh,:lol::lol:

09-Sep-08, 13:27
does this rubbish mean i will be on here myself tomorrow [lol] tonyThere will be a hole cut in the space time continuum, we will all be dragged screaming into the void.

09-Sep-08, 14:31
does this rubbish mean i will be on here myself tomorrow [lol] tony
Tigh when did you get the space craft that will take you away from all this? ;)

09-Sep-08, 14:47
Of course!!!! ;) I won a free invite on Ebay just the other day, was going to sell it but decided that if what muslims say is true and all those women are waiting for me, No way will I sell it now!!

Beware hotrod - I draw your attention to approx 4mins 30secs! ;)

09-Sep-08, 14:50
How strange..all this talk of black holes and the end of Earth and the subject of rubbish/wheelie bins keeps mysteriously reappearing.

Maybe we originally came from the Mother Wheelie Bin (that would explain our obsession with binmen and waste management) and we will be transported back to her seconds before the planet's demise?

Maybe Eric Von Danikens 'Chariot of the Gods' was indeed a 5 kilometre long inter-galactic wheelie bin? I'm sure Chris Foss painted such a vehicle for the cover of one of Isaac Asimovs SF novels.....coincidence? I think not.

I will wrap myself in black binliners tomorrow morning and stand at the top of Morven to ensure I am the first one to greet the Mother Wheelie Bin.

"Behold, O Mother-Bin! Take me to your womb!"

(Blinding blue light and Northener disappears).

09-Sep-08, 15:47
How strange..all this talk of black holes and the end of Earth and the subject of rubbish/wheelie bins keeps mysteriously reappearing.

Maybe we originally came from the Mother Wheelie Bin (that would explain our obsession with binmen and waste management) and we will be transported back to her seconds before the planet's demise?

Maybe Eric Von Danikens 'Chariot of the Gods' was indeed a 5 kilometre long inter-galactic wheelie bin? I'm sure Chris Foss painted such a vehicle for the cover of one of Isaac Asimovs SF novels.....coincidence? I think not.

I will wrap myself in black binliners tomorrow morning and stand at the top of Morven to ensure I am the first one to greet the Mother Wheelie Bin.

"Behold, O Mother-Bin! Take me to your womb!"

(Blinding blue light and Northener disappears).

I think the only "Chariot" Eric Von Daniken knew about was the kind oft mentioned on Still Game ;)

09-Sep-08, 16:03
Has any one noticed just how the female engineer is so totally
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...end-world.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...end-world.html)

focus on the process of checking the equipment, she does not even release the camera pointing at her.

09-Sep-08, 17:17
why are all these scientists wasting time and money on this when there are so much more worth while things they could be pitting their brains against?

A cure for cancer and neutralising nuclear waste may be just some of the biggest spin offs to this research, so I read anyway today in the Scotsman.

09-Sep-08, 17:27
(Blinding blue light and Northener disappears).

Northener's gonna be very disappointed when he awakens to discover he's in a straight-jacket and padded cell. [lol]

09-Sep-08, 18:35
Found this rap video by a former CERN employee on you tube:


09-Sep-08, 19:28
Brillant, :lol::lol::lol:

09-Sep-08, 19:35

I understand now!

09-Sep-08, 19:48
If this were December 2012, I'd be worried. Until then, pour me another Bushmills.

A fine whiskey, and certainly the finest of the Irish whiskeys. In fact all of the Bushmills products are good - Bushmills, Black Bush, Bushmills 1608 and the malt...........I need a drink!!

Kevin Milkins
09-Sep-08, 19:55
I think we are going to be ok aren't we ?

I will put some clean underpants on just in case.:roll:

09-Sep-08, 20:00
I think we are going to be ok aren't we ?

I will put some clean underpants on just in case.:roll:

Await the Mother Bin, Kevin. Await the Mother Bin.
She will not desert her children.....

09-Sep-08, 20:11

I understand now!
is this where all the rubbush goes now:lol:in the bin:lol:

09-Sep-08, 20:24
well , if this is our last day in this world how did everyone spend it, hope you enjoyed yourselves whatever it was.[lol][lol][lol]

09-Sep-08, 20:43
I went to work just in case the merchants of doom are wrong, I don't want to collect my P45 on Thursday. :cool:

Kevin Milkins
09-Sep-08, 20:46
well , if this is our last day in this world how did everyone spend it, hope you enjoyed yourselves whatever it was.[lol]

I was hoping to ,but the wife has got one of her headaches coming on.:confused

And I only asked for a bacon sandwitch so we could use up the last of the bacon in the fridge.;)

09-Sep-08, 21:11
The Mother Ship is here!!!! I knew I would not be abandoned.

I leave you unbelievers to your doom! Weep, you heretics! I stood here alone on Morven all day...and no-one had faith in me!

I shall cruise the Universe in the Mother Wheelie Bin looking for a New Earth. Only a handful of True Believers are on board and await my arrival to proclaim me a New God!

Goodbye fools![lol][lol][lol]

09-Sep-08, 21:17
The Mother Ship is here!!!! I knew I would not be abandoned.

I leave you unbelievers to your doom! Weep, you heretics! I stood here alone on Morven all day...and no-one had faith in me!

I shall cruise the Universe in the Mother Wheelie Bin looking for a New Earth. Only a handful of True Believers are on board and await my arrival to proclaim me a New God!

Goodbye fools![lol][lol]Okay Mr Vorilhon, the games up, we know who you are.[lol]

09-Sep-08, 21:32
Here's your mother ship Northener-I don't think much of it's camouflage. At least it'll match your slingbacks. [lol]


09-Sep-08, 21:37
The Mother Ship is here!!!! I knew I would not be abandoned.

I leave you unbelievers to your doom! Weep, you heretics! I stood here alone on Morven all day...and no-one had faith in me!

I shall cruise the Universe in the Mother Wheelie Bin looking for a New Earth. Only a handful of True Believers are on board and await my arrival to proclaim me a New God!

Goodbye fools![lol][lol]

Speechless... Totally and absolutely speechless. :lol:

09-Sep-08, 21:40
time now that this was all in the bin where it belongs [lol] tony

09-Sep-08, 22:26
Can you believe the scientists have spent £5 BILLION pounds to set up an experiment to re create the big bang..... they are guaranted to fail if that's their aim - it just didn't happen!!!

No dout there will be some ground breaking and interesting results but they surely can't believe they are going to be able to prove that this is how the world began?

Don't think so!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear what happens though!!

09-Sep-08, 22:36
This is on another post, are we all going to die on Wednesday. It is a difficult question because if it does not work most people will never know as they are hardly going to say it was a failure.
It does give the opportunity for a hypothetical gilmse into the unknown so that must be a good thing however as many of the cutting edge technologies they generally led to many more questions and the need for a larger machine.

09-Sep-08, 22:43
Can you believe the scientists have spent £5 BILLION pounds to set up an experiment to re create the big bang..... they are guaranted to fail if that's their aim - it just didn't happen!!!!
Well Keep on Trucking, you have just destroyed all my faith in Edinburgh's Millennium Project Dynamic Earth.


09-Sep-08, 22:45
time now that this was all in the bin where it belongs [lol] tony

Can some of it not be recycled Tigh - some of it may be great for rose growing! ;)

09-Sep-08, 22:46
Or in a Padded Cell ;) The wheel come off this one.

09-Sep-08, 22:49
I just heard a wifie refer to the Hadron Collider, only she had transposed the third and fourth letters of the first word!!

If she is correct, there could indeed be a Big Bang tomorrow ;)

Thank God for owld wifies!!

09-Sep-08, 22:50
Sounds Painful.

Melancholy Man
09-Sep-08, 23:15
Has it destroyed (http://www.hasthelhcdestroyedtheearth.com) us yet?

10-Sep-08, 00:57
It's not switched on until 10 am Swiss time I think.

10-Sep-08, 06:19
Well its now 6:14 only 1 hour and 46 minutes left,got up early to cook my last meal.Not enough time to make it to Burger King so will have to make it myself(should've planned in advance!!!)

10-Sep-08, 07:27
well just incase - bye bye all, been nice knowin ya!!!!!;)

10-Sep-08, 07:29
Only an hour to go!
Bye bye cruel world ;)

10-Sep-08, 08:09
We're in orbit now with the camcorder running...cant wait to post 'The End Of The World' on YouTube.

Don't forget to smile for the camera.......

10-Sep-08, 08:42
Well I made it!! anyone else survive? Hope so I didnt like that film Omega man ;)

10-Sep-08, 08:44
Can I stop smiling yet? My jaw hurts :(

Seeing as it's all been a huge disappointment and we're still here, any chance you could pop by the shop in the Mother Bin on the way back and grab me a pint of milk?


10-Sep-08, 08:45
It was a bit of a let down,nothing happened(that we could see anyway)but It will take a few hours to complete so I wont count my chickens just yet :)

10-Sep-08, 08:46
I have 5 chickens :D and a packet of chocolate hobnob flapjack bars :D


Bad Manners
10-Sep-08, 09:34
It happened the big bang is here:

The cat jumped up to the top shelf of the airing cupboard and missed then landed in the empty coal bucket rattled arround to get out. this happend at 5.30 this morning so it must be true

10-Sep-08, 10:39
Well it happened all right, and Caithness was there right in the middle of it, as a family member from Scrabster has worked there for many years now, so the Org had a hand in it..........Lol the Org gets everywhere [lol]


10-Sep-08, 11:18
We have to wait a while longer but it has been worth it.

10-Sep-08, 11:25
Everything in tact......wheely bin down at the end of the lane, all in one piece, chickens mosying around pulling worms out of worm holes though.....is that a sign of anything??:confused

10-Sep-08, 11:49
Oh, come on ferchrissake......the batteries are going on my camcorder.

I bet it goes 'Bang' just as me batteries flatten completely.

10-Sep-08, 13:20
Oh, come on ferchrissake......the batteries are going on my camcorder.

I bet it goes 'Bang' just as me batteries flatten completely.

Come on man....get the charger on the go quickly..............:roll:

10-Sep-08, 13:44
Well we are all still here, so it seems that we are going to survive I can say though that this whole thing has been stupid in the sense that people may have been overly worried that this would cause the big bang. I had my 10 yr old who heard of it at school telling me we were all going to die, i explained to her what was happening but it seemed to make no difference to her until i said speak to me about it on friday, which she looked at me with a strange look on her face, until she realised what i meant, eg. we will still be here so stop worrying.......Talk about scaremongering those that have no understanding.

10-Sep-08, 14:04
Well, I never felt anything accelerating, particles or otherwise lol :)

10-Sep-08, 14:30
well that was a bit disapointing, never felt the earth move once lol.[lol]

10-Sep-08, 14:37
The experiment hasn't been completed yet. A beam of proton particles has completed a circuit round the tunnel but the next step is to have beams circulating in opposite directions cuasing collisions at various points.
Northerner's Wheelybin spaceship type thingy may be needed for evacuations after all.:lol:

10-Sep-08, 16:15
Well we are all still here, so it seems that we are going to survive I can say though that this whole thing has been stupid in the sense that people may have been overly worried that this would cause the big bang. I had my 10 yr old who heard of it at school telling me we were all going to die, i explained to her what was happening but it seemed to make no difference to her until i said speak to me about it on friday, which she looked at me with a strange look on her face, until she realised what i meant, eg. we will still be here so stop worrying.......Talk about scaremongering those that have no understanding.

Has only been switched on for testing full experiment not untill the 21st of october .

10-Sep-08, 17:16
Has only been switched on for testing full experiment not untill the 21st of october .

well then that gives the kids more time to worry about it. I think that its all a bit ridiculous that kids at primary school are all worrying themselves daft about an experiment that no scientist is gonna do if he thought for one minute it would be the end of the world.:eek:[disgust]

10-Sep-08, 17:34
well I am still here so doing my accounts now cos seems thet will need done after all :lol: roll on the 21st I will be in Turkey and couldn't think of a better place to rest for eternity :lol:

10-Sep-08, 18:05
well I am still here so doing my accounts now cos seems thet will need done after all :lol: roll on the 21st I will be in Turkey and couldn't think of a better place to rest for eternity :lol:

Unless you're a turkey and still have Christmas to worry about! [lol]

10-Sep-08, 20:27
well then that gives the kids more time to worry about it. I think that its all a bit ridiculous that kids at primary school are all worrying themselves daft about an experiment that no scientist is gonna do if he thought for one minute it would be the end of the world.:eek:[disgust]

I have to say that I was in contact with several primary school age children today and they were buzzing about this experiment and none of them was dwelling on dying or planning to have any nightmares! [disgust]

10-Sep-08, 20:45
Bang what bang I heard nothing. Mind you was a bit windy in Canisby.:lol:

10-Sep-08, 20:55
well then that gives the kids more time to worry about it. I think that its all a bit ridiculous that kids at primary school are all worrying themselves daft about an experiment that no scientist is gonna do if he thought for one minute it would be the end of the world.:eek:[disgust]

Why would they worry about it if their parents/carers had read up on it and taken the time to reassure them? :confused

10-Sep-08, 21:12
I have to say that I was in contact with several primary school age children today and they were buzzing about this experiment and none of them was dwelling on dying or planning to have any nightmares! [disgust]
All the kids I have spoken with on this subject, were all on a high, and sadly they were much more knowledgeable on this whole subject than I was, but none were concerned about dying or nightmares.

10-Sep-08, 21:29
Every adult I spoke with on the subject uttered the same two words.

'HOW much?':eek:

10-Sep-08, 21:34
Maybe it was expensive, but can you put a price on the org and our acess to it? CERN gave us the internet.

10-Sep-08, 21:48
Every adult I spoke with on the subject uttered the same two words.

'HOW much?':eek:

Can you put a price on the benefits they may uncover?

10-Sep-08, 21:50
I reckon I'm more likely to be terminated by a rogue Mother Wheelie Bin as it re-enters the atmosphere showering last weeks chargrilled chicken carcas!

10-Sep-08, 21:53
I reckon I'm more likely to be terminated by a rogue Mother Wheelie Bin as it re-enters the atmosphere showering last weeks chargrilled chicken carcas!

Could be worse! Northener could fall on yer heid! Would your insurance cover it do you think! "Collisions wi Unidentified Flyin Northeners!"

10-Sep-08, 21:56
Can you put a price on the benefits they may uncover?

Didn't say they were my views on the subject wifie!;)

10-Sep-08, 21:57
Didn't say they were my views on the subject wifie!;)

OK can any of the folk you spoke to put a price on the benefits? :roll: Sheesh!

10-Sep-08, 21:59
Maybe it was expensive, but can you put a price on the org and our acess to it? CERN gave us the internet.

The scientists have given us a whole lot besides _Ju_. I'd not put a price on it. :)

10-Sep-08, 22:04
It might seem like a lot of money but this is based over 10 years by many countries. The full power experiments will be early next year. CCD Design in London designed the various control rooms. In their design they had to make it PR friendly, I doubt if they ever imagined just how much public exposure it was going to have.

10-Sep-08, 22:04
Nah no chance wifie , with the prevailing wind and the jetstream influence I reckons some one in Bergen could be in for a big surprise!
Do you think northener remembered to take his passport?

10-Sep-08, 22:04
OK can any of the folk you spoke to put a price on the benefits? :roll: Sheesh!

No need for that....I was simply pointing out that I felt unable to defend folks views when they weren't necessarily my own.

But since you ask... the feeling I got was that many people thought £500million might be better used to feed the worlds poor.

10-Sep-08, 22:09
No need for that....I was simply pointing out that I felt unable to defend folks views when they weren't necessarily my own.

But since you ask... the feeling I got was that many people thought £500million might be better used to feed the worlds poor.

No need for what? I was simply amending my question - perhaps I should have just inserted "one" instead of "you". Actually don't answer the question at the start of this post as I do not wish to be dragged any further into a futile "discussion".

10-Sep-08, 22:18
Every adult I spoke with on the subject uttered the same two words.

'HOW much?':eek:

Really? That is interesting. Whereabouts in Scotland were you and how many adults did you speak to?

10-Sep-08, 22:46
I know a few who think its a complete waste of money and they felt its should have been put into Universities. They dont think the experiment will achieve much more than the Stanford Linear Collider. However we will see.

10-Sep-08, 22:55
I know a few who think its a complete waste of money and they felt its should have been put into Universities. They dont think the experiment will achieve much more than the Stanford Linear Collider. However we will see.

Do you have any idea of what you are talking about? Who are "they" btw ?

10-Sep-08, 22:57
Anything to do with Science involves huge sums of money. The majority of folk never hear about, or even give a thought to, the cost of other experiments, which probably amount to billions. Everyone is aware of the cost of today's experiment purely because of the amount of publicity surrounding it.

10-Sep-08, 22:59
No need for that....I was simply pointing out that I felt unable to defend folks views when they weren't necessarily my own.

But since you ask... the feeling I got was that many people thought £500million might be better used to feed the worlds poor.

I remember a University study costing £250,000, which concluded that, "If you drink alcohol to excess, you are more likely to suffer a blackout than someone who does not drink at all"

I spent about £10 in the 1980's proving that same point. They should simply have asked me.

I also recall £25,000 spent by a University to conclude that a Palette Knife was the best way of breaking an egg open.

Maybe there's a cure for Cancer in those two studies, but I doubt they could even help with Canker!!

Personally, I think the project in question should have been based in Scotland and called the "Haud Oan" Collider.

Anne x
10-Sep-08, 23:10
Ah well it came it went it happened although the results wont actually be know for years by the time all the data is digested will we actually care
the public today from top scientists to Joe Bloggs gave there opinion on every avaliable news channel top guys including top Cancer Consultants thinking the money should of been better spent the question is did it affect your life today or will it do in the future ? imop not mine maybe yours

great post though and I voted it so

10-Sep-08, 23:14
Ah well it came it went it happened although the results wont actually be know for years by the time all the data is digested will we actually care
the public today from top scientists to Joe Bloggs gave there opinion on every avaliable news channel top guys including top Cancer Consultants thinking the money should of been better spent the question is did it affect your life today or will it do in the future ? imop not mine maybe yours

great post though and I voted it soIt hasn't happened yet Annex.
The real experiment has yet to be attempted.

10-Sep-08, 23:15
No need for that....I was simply pointing out that I felt unable to defend folks views when they weren't necessarily my own.

But since you ask... the feeling I got was that many people thought £500million might be better used to feed the worlds poor.

I agree no need at all. Folks on here are usually capable of defending their own views.

The scientific view is rather more complicated however, as is the price tag of conducting these experiments with a view that all progress will benefit us all, eventually :)

10-Sep-08, 23:18
I've only just noticed the attachment joined to this thread.. If you havent checked it out, do it now. Its absolutely brilliant. It certainly made me laugh.[lol]

10-Sep-08, 23:33
This is the org at it's finest. I don't know how I managed to stay away so long!!! LOL [lol]

Not my opinion, but one I trust in
Matt 24 : 36

So we are pretty safe at the moment. :Razz

Anne x
10-Sep-08, 23:38
It hasn't happened yet Annex.
The real experiment has yet to be attempted.

yes I realise that October sometime isnt it but my question was will it actually affect your life

I personally have no or very little comprehension of the experiment Science always baffled me and have to resort to media coverage
to what end was this experiment carried out and why to discover what exactly
sorry being Naive and dumb and a bit blonde[lol]

10-Sep-08, 23:41
yes I realise that October sometime isnt it but my question was will it actually affect your life

I personally have no or very little comprehension of the experiment Science always baffled me and have to resort to media coverage
to what end was this experiment carried out and why to discover what exactly
sorry being Naive and dumb and a bit blonde[lol]If it kills me then it will definitely affect my life.;)

Anne x
10-Sep-08, 23:42
I've only just noticed the attachment joined to this thread.. If you havent checked it out, do it now. Its absolutely brilliant. It certainly made me laugh.[lol]

That be Northener then lol

Anne x
10-Sep-08, 23:44
If it kills me then it will definitely affect my life.;)

And you will be none the wiser for that cost x Billion

10-Sep-08, 23:44
yes I realise that October sometime isnt it but my question was will it actually affect your life

I personally have no or very little comprehension of the experiment Science always baffled me and have to resort to media coverage
to what end was this experiment carried out and why to discover what exactly
sorry being Naive and dumb and a bit blonde[lol]

I think it is to try and discover a particle called the God particle and in that particle they are hoping to find a particle of knoweledge as to how the earth was created. However, it appears they are not sure if the particle called the God particle exists and that will mean.........oh forget it I've confused myself now :confused

Anne x
10-Sep-08, 23:46
I think it is to try and discover a particle called the God particle and in that particle they are hoping to find a particle of knoweledge as to how the earth was created. However, it appears they are not sure if the particle called the God particle exists and that will mean.........oh forget it I've confused myself now :confused

Lol My sentiments exactly you stick with Father Ted lol and I will stick with Jack lol[lol]

10-Sep-08, 23:51
yes I realise that October sometime isnt it but my question was will it actually affect your life

I personally have no or very little comprehension of the experiment Science always baffled me and have to resort to media coverage
to what end was this experiment carried out and why to discover what exactly
sorry being Naive and dumb and a bit blonde[lol]I haven't got a clue either but if you can make sense of this, here it is.[lol]

At the most simplistic level possible, one of the reasons for attempting to recreate the circumstances of the plasma, or primordial soup, which sprang into being fractions of seconds after the Big Bang, is that the universe ought not to exist.
Were any of several factors (energy, momentum, quantity of matter, proportions of heavy elements) even slightly different, there would be nothing here now. Every visitor to CERN – I was lucky enough to go down into the tunnels last year – is overwhelmed by the sheer scale of this enterprise: millions of man hours, 17 miles of tunnel, 10,000 researchers and £4.4 billion.

Anne x
10-Sep-08, 23:52
I haven't got a clue either but if you can make sense of this, here it is.[lol]

Thank you good answer !!!

10-Sep-08, 23:54
Thank you good answer !!!You're welcome.:lol:

10-Sep-08, 23:59
I never thought for one moment when I started this thread that it would turn out to be one of the best on the org for some time. You're right Lolabelle it is the org at it's finest. There has been a serious side, a scientific one and a very funny one thanks to wheelie bins and Northerner & Co. This being post number 1000 has topped it for me.:D

11-Sep-08, 00:02
This being post number 1000 has topped it for me.:D

Congratulations on your thousandth.......did I spell that right ?:confused

Great post full of fun and a bit of the serious other...educational and all that....congrats again :Razz

11-Sep-08, 00:33
Too far away? Isn't the mini black hole created inside the Large Hadron collider just 300m below the French surface?

I think it's maybe a wee bit more complicated than that Rheghead so if you could explain it to Justine, that would be great :D

If you could then explain it to the rest of us, that would be immense :cool:

11-Sep-08, 00:51
What the hell was tha...................................

11-Sep-08, 01:07
What the hell was tha...................................

Sorry for the interruption MadPict but I just had to adjust something. It's all yours now :D

11-Sep-08, 09:50
It's all very well going on about the primordial soup and if they do achieve their aims will they get the right amount of pepper in the mix?

11-Sep-08, 10:02
Where is DrSzin? When you want a simply answer to an important issue such as this [lol]

11-Sep-08, 10:05
Sorry for the interruption MadPict but I just had to adjust something. It's all yours now :D

:eek: A wardrobe malfunction in the middle of a thread? Don't you just hate it when that happens ;)

11-Sep-08, 12:48
Do you have any idea of what you are talking about? Who are "they" btw ?

Was it not one of the objectives of Stanford convertion to its collider, to find what causes fundamental particles to have masses and the mechanism behind it? (the Higgs mechanism). They did not achieve it which was the point I was making, this experiment might not achieve it.

11-Sep-08, 13:16
Sorry, I've read that three times amd it still does n't make sense!
I think I know what you are referring to but some how the statement does n't seem quite correct. or may be I did die and am still suffering the effects of the after shock.

11-Sep-08, 14:29
Was it not one of the objectives of Stanford convertion to its collider, to find what causes fundamental particles to have masses and the mechanism behind it? (the Higgs mechanism). They did not achieve it which was the point I was making, this experiment might not achieve it.
But then again it might!

11-Sep-08, 14:58
But then again it might!

I hope it does, it will be agood for Scotland and Edinburgh University, and imagine the questions it will create if it does not find it.
However there are many scientists who would have like to have seen the money spent in other areas and they dont feel they will achieve its aim. Stephen Hawkings for one.

I sure if he had called it another name (something he says he was never comfortable with) there would be a lot less reaction

It is however a lot of money 17% of 3.5b

11-Sep-08, 15:12
I hope it does, it will be agood for Scotland and Edinburgh University, and imagine the questions it will create if it does not find it.
However there are many scientists who would have like to have seen the money spent in other areas and they dont feel they will achieve its aim. Stephen Hawkings for one.

I sure if he had called it another name (something he says he was never comfortable with) there would be a lot less reaction

It is however a lot of money 17% of 3.5b
Interesting article! I am remaining positive - don't think negativity helps anything - and hopeful that whatever is found or not found will be of benefit somewhere in the long run.

11-Sep-08, 15:58
I am sure it will be and what people have to remember is the point that these scientist involved take those skills on to other projects.
The other point is that this experiment has brought many different scientific groups together.

11-Sep-08, 16:16
I am sure it will be and what people have to remember is the point that these scientist involved take those skills on to other projects.
The other point is that this experiment has brought many different scientific groups together.
Exactly Wf - as usual the press have dwelt on the big bang and we could all die scenario! :roll:

11-Sep-08, 19:36
Many thanks for that link Welcomefamily I found it very interesting.

11-Sep-08, 19:44
As a scientist, I have yet to create life or even come close to it, once some one does this then I might change my mind.

Are you really?? That is interesting because I didn't take you for one, sorry.

Tell me, can you explain to me the scientific method please?

11-Sep-08, 21:10
Are you really?? That is interesting because I didn't take you for one, sorry.

Tell me, can you explain to me the scientific method please?

I am afraid I started life as a Biologist with interests in Biochemisty and Genetics followed by Neuro Physiology which led me in to Neuro Psychology, Psychology, Education and in recent times Ergonomics and Cognitive Modelling.
I have spent well over a decade at Uni's over the years.

11-Sep-08, 21:34
Of course!!!! ;) I won a free invite on Ebay just the other day, was going to sell it but decided that if what muslims say is true and all those women are waiting for me, No way will I sell it now!!
I Have to say, E bay may be the answer, as it is the day after Wednesday, and I think I am still here, however, it could be a mirage, or even worse, it could still be me!!:eek:

11-Sep-08, 21:41
Are you really?? That is interesting because I didn't take you for one, sorry.

Tell me, can you explain to me the scientific method please?

We should start with observation and formulation of an hypothesis, (some would argue that this should also include a null hypothesis at this point).

Then using the hypothesis to predict quantitively the results of the new experiement, (or the null hypothesis).

Performance of experimental tests of the prediction which allows for acceptance of the hypothesis, (or rejection of the null hypothesis)

Within the test as in all research methodology, you would measure systematic errors, monitoring of biases by open communication and peer reference and also the validity.
However there are many other research methods which can meet all of the above criteria, should you wish to discuss an individual method please advise and we will start a new thread on Research Methods. :lol:

11-Sep-08, 21:45
Really? That is interesting. Whereabouts in Scotland were you and how many adults did you speak to?

Quite a few actually Moira!

I work for BBC Scotland .. and we have been conducting lots of interviews this week.

Where money gets spent seems fairly paramount

I have no issue with 'Wifies' post either..just the 'rolly eyes and the 'sheesh' in what really should have been a civil question.

Do you want the stats for the Org when I get them?

11-Sep-08, 21:55
We should start with observation and formulation of an hypothesis, (some would argue that this should also include a null hypothesis at this point).

Then using the hypothesis to predict quantitively the results of the new experiement, (or the null hypothesis).

Performance of experimental tests of the prediction which allows for acceptance of the hypothesis, (or rejection of the null hypothesis)

Within the test as in all research methodology, you would measure systematic errors, monitoring of biases by open communication and peer reference and also the validity.
However there are many other research methods which can meet all of the above criteria, should you wish to discuss an individual method please advise and we will start a new thread on Research Methods. :lol:


11-Sep-08, 22:14
Are you really?? That is interesting because I didn't take you for one, sorry.

Tell me, can you explain to me the scientific method please?

Physics and Mathematics are just hobbies, I just scaped As at A level in them. :confused

11-Sep-08, 23:17
We should start with observation and formulation of an hypothesis, (some would argue that this should also include a null hypothesis at this point).

Then using the hypothesis to predict quantitively the results of the new experiement, (or the null hypothesis).

Performance of experimental tests of the prediction which allows for acceptance of the hypothesis, (or rejection of the null hypothesis)

Within the test as in all research methodology, you would measure systematic errors, monitoring of biases by open communication and peer reference and also the validity.
However there are many other research methods which can meet all of the above criteria, should you wish to discuss an individual method please advise and we will start a new thread on Research Methods. :lol:

Tell me more about the observation bit, what sort of characteristics of the things we would be looking for should possess to form the basis of a hypothesis?

11-Sep-08, 23:24
Tell me more about the observation bit, what sort of characteristics of the things we would be looking for should possess to form the basis of a hypothesis?Wind yer neck in Rheghead, there's a new Boffin in town, your days are numbered.[lol]

11-Sep-08, 23:46
Tell me more about the observation bit, what sort of characteristics of the things we would be looking for should possess to form the basis of a hypothesis?

The observations would be studied in detail in order to reveal each details characteristics. All of these would be taken and compared in order to discover if there were any shared linkage or common denominator.
If characteristics were then found to be comparable they then would form the basis of the hypothesis...... :p.... ;):roll:

11-Sep-08, 23:47
Having the skill to distinguist between causal observation, identification of independent and dependent variables, observation made under specified or controlled circumstances, observation usually specified in detail before research, Objectivity is emphasized.

11-Sep-08, 23:50
Hey I hope I am not doing your homework...;)

11-Sep-08, 23:51
Ground-breaking scientists think outside the box.

12-Sep-08, 00:04
Ground-breaking scientists think outside the box.

Probs best cos if they are creating black holes in said box then they might disappear! ;)

12-Sep-08, 00:07
Probs best cos if they are creating black holes in said box then they might disappear! ;)Most probably up their own sphincters.

12-Sep-08, 00:09
Most probably up their own sphincters.

Rather like the ooslum bird! [lol]

12-Sep-08, 00:09
Having the skill to distinguist between causal observation, identification of independent and dependent variables, observation made under specified or controlled circumstances, observation usually specified in detail before research, Objectivity is emphasized.

Those things are great but I would think they have secondary importance, you stated that we make observations then make a hypothesis. But isn't observing things more basic than those when forming a hypothesis? What attributes should these things have during the observation process to prevent a falsehood or be a 'trick of the light', etc etc?

12-Sep-08, 00:30
Most probably up their own sphincters.

I think I saw those in Egypt but, they looked a bit crumbly to go up........

12-Sep-08, 00:32
I must say the org is giving me a really good Friday Morning Giggle.
Thank you all!! [lol]

12-Sep-08, 00:34
Some of us aim to please Lolabelle! ;)
This is a good thread - great mix of science and amusement - bit like one of those interactive places for kids! [lol]

12-Sep-08, 00:45
I think I saw those in Egypt but, they looked a bit crumbly to go up........
Napoleon has a lot to answer for.[evil][lol]

12-Sep-08, 00:45
Those things are great but I would think they have secondary importance, you stated that we make observations then make a hypothesis. But isn't observing things more basic than those when forming a hypothesis? What attributes should these things have during the observation process to prevent a falsehood or be a 'trick of the light', etc etc?

Yes possibly the use of a hypothetical deductive method or some sort of deductive - inductive process which would then offer logical Alternative Solutions. The whole process should be systematic with various stages of evaluation prior to hypothesis forming.
Im off to bed but should you wish to discuss the Demarcation Problem as it appears to be where this thread is leading, we can do so on another thread.

12-Sep-08, 00:49
Napoleon has a lot to answer for.[evil][lol]

He sure has....did you ever wonder how he lost his arm![smirk]

12-Sep-08, 00:58
Ground-breaking scientists think outside the box.

Confectioners think INSIDE the box ;)

12-Sep-08, 01:01
Yes possibly the use of a hypothetical deductive method or some sort of deductive - inductive process which would then offer logical Alternative Solutions. The whole process should be systematic with various stages of evaluation prior to hypothesis forming.
Im off to bed but should you wish to discuss the Demarcation Problem as it appears to be where this thread is leading, we can do so on another thread.

Those things are great but you've remarked upon what I would say is the reasoning part of handling data or evidence, it is an important step but it is too complicated for what we need right now. Be more basic, what is it about data or 'scientific' evidence that we observe that qualifies it to form part of the scientific method? You are a scientist and I'm asking about really basic stuff here.

12-Sep-08, 01:03
He sure has....did you ever wonder how he lost his arm![smirk]

Did he really lose an arm?:confused

12-Sep-08, 01:25
I am afraid I started life as a Biologist with interests in Biochemisty and Genetics followed by Neuro Physiology which led me in to Neuro Psychology, Psychology, Education and in recent times Ergonomics and Cognitive Modelling.
I have spent well over a decade at Uni's over the years.

You lost me after Genetics, however, irrespective of the particular scientific disciplines, they should still be subject to the scientific method, yes?:confused

12-Sep-08, 07:06
So we survived the "Big bang" but did we?
We may now be in a different dimension. After all my CD player in the car wouldnt work on Wednesday until the afternoon as did my brother in laws. Both are now working as of later on wednesday.Maybe it was resetting itself to this "new" dimension? I know I am right because its impossible to prove me wrong on this!! ;)
So if anything goes wrong you can now say "it wasnt me, its this new dimension we're in!!" ;)

12-Sep-08, 07:23
You lost me after Genetics, however, irrespective of the particular scientific disciplines, they should still be subject to the scientic method, yes?:confused

You could question what is meant by a scientific method ? (I afraid it might be dictionary times for a few people). From the direction of your post I take it that you would not regard Research in an Idiographic and Qualitative format such as Hermeneutics or Phenomenology as meeting the Nomothetic and Quantitative standards of the scientific method?

Interpretation: A view held by some is that Science which is only totally black and white is science, any thing that cant be expressed in those terms is not science. For example: the study of human emotion which cant be studied with a black and white grading. My view would be you can study emotion and experience as a science just not with conventional methods.

12-Sep-08, 08:26
You could question what is meant by a scientific method ? (I afraid it might be dictionary times for a few people). From the direction of your post I take it that you would not regard Research in an Idiographic and Qualitative format such as Hermeneutics or Phenomenology as meeting the Nomothetic and Quantitative standards of the scientific method?

Interpretation: A view held by some is that Science which is only totally black and white is science, any thing that cant be expressed in those terms is not science. For example: the study of human emotion which cant be studied with a black and white grading. My view would be you can study emotion and experience as a science just not with conventional methods.

I AM questioning you about what is meant by a scientific method ! :)You seem to be dodging my question with some woolly answers and it really is basic stuff. I assume we can study human emotions in a scientific way, qualitatively or quantitatively but that is not what I'm asking. I'm asking you as a scientist what it is about scientific evidence that qualifies it to be part or the basis of the scientific method?:confused

12-Sep-08, 09:29
You could question what is meant by a scientific method ? (I afraid it might be dictionary times for a few people). From the direction of your post I take it that you would not regard Research in an Idiographic and Qualitative format such as Hermeneutics or Phenomenology as meeting the Nomothetic and Quantitative standards of the scientific method?

Interpretation: A view held by some is that Science which is only totally black and white is science, any thing that cant be expressed in those terms is not science. For example: the study of human emotion which cant be studied with a black and white grading. My view would be you can study emotion and experience as a science just not with conventional methods.

OK may be talkin total tosh here but surely some human emotion can be measured in that chemical processes within the body are responsible for the emotion/reaction?

12-Sep-08, 09:37
I AM questioning you about what is meant by a scientific method ! :)You seem to be dodging my question with some woolly answers and it really is basic stuff. I assume we can study human emotions in a scientific way, qualitatively or quantitatively but that is not what I'm asking. I'm asking you as a scientist what it is about scientific evidence that qualifies it to be part or the basis of the scientific method?:confused
Its repeatable, if not Regs put me out of my misery, I cant cope with not knowning an answer.

12-Sep-08, 09:49
OK may be talkin total tosh here but surely some human emotion can be measured in that chemical processes within the body are responsible for the emotion/reaction?

But why not just accept the emotion and look for a correlation for example: a comment made by Joxville suggested that certain members of certain sexes get tempermental once a month and need hugs.

You could look for a correlation in that behaviour across a subject sample, if it was found to be a common behaviour then it would correlate. There are plenty of other ways to measure physiological responses questionaries, and direct interview would be a couple.

12-Sep-08, 10:12
But why not just accept the emotion and look for a correlation for example: a comment made by Joxville suggested that certain members of certain sexes get tempermental once a month and need hugs.

You could look for a correlation in that behaviour across a subject sample, if it was found to be a common behaviour then it would correlate. There are plenty of other ways to measure physiological responses questionaries, and direct interview would be a couple.

You could do that and that is fine and that would be a scientific and qualitative approach if we took a large population and applied some statistical analysis to those figures. Emotions are real you know.

For example, we could put 1000 randomly selected people in a evangelical religious setting and then question them afterwards about what they felt and experienced in a quantitative way. And then we could repeat that again and again and we would probably get some form of correlation. That would be our control experiment.

Secondly, we do several experiments with 1000 people who have a specific socio-economic backgrounds or genetic patterns and then we can see how that comes out in comparison with our control experiment.

So yes repeatable is sort of one of the things that I'm looking for, there are others, can you think of any more?

12-Sep-08, 10:12
But why not just accept the emotion and look for a correlation for example: a comment made by Joxville suggested that certain members of certain sexes get tempermental once a month and need hugs.

You could look for a correlation in that behaviour across a subject sample, if it was found to be a common behaviour then it would correlate. There are plenty of other ways to measure physiological responses questionaries, and direct interview would be a couple.

Have to say tho yer sample size would have to be huge and there are just so many factors involved it would be impossible to quantify to the degree of a satisfactory/acceptable answer! :(

12-Sep-08, 11:17
Have to say tho yer sample size would have to be huge and there are just so many factors involved it would be impossible to quantify to the degree of a satisfactory/acceptable answer! :(

What was the question? joxs hypothesis is a certain member of the sexes gets tempermental once a month and needs hugs.

Those were my words but let say he means: females get tempermental once a month and then they needs hugs.

To define your hypothesis you will have to define and test the meaning of tempermental? is it a state of mind? or a displayed behaviour and then look for how it can be validated.

Nice and simple

12-Sep-08, 11:30
Once you have defined the behaviour and validated it, then you would look at a measurement method for monitoring the behaviour.

For example husbands / wifes questionaire or self assessment of daily mood measuring.

Then you would look at how you were going to analysis the data, it could be either qualititive or quantative and what method of stat test you would be using to predict the likely hood of the behaviour.

Once all of this has been done you would have the first part of your hypothesis however his statement indicates another variable (the need for hugs) which is a separate test with the two results being correlated.

12-Sep-08, 11:44
After going to the microwave for the milk this am and then finding the remote in the fridge how can we be sure that we are not already in an alternative universe?
With regard to the possible creation of black holes, they already exist,or if they do not, can any one explain where the other sock, buttons, teaspoons and various other household items vanish to never to be seen again.

12-Sep-08, 15:03
What was the question? joxs hypothesis is a certain member of the sexes gets tempermental once a month and needs hugs.

Those were my words but let say he means: females get tempermental once a month and then they needs hugs.

To define your hypothesis you will have to define and test the meaning of tempermental? is it a state of mind? or a displayed behaviour and then look for how it can be validated.

Nice and simple

Dear Wf I do hope that you realise that when it comes to women nothing is nice and simple! :)

12-Sep-08, 17:23
But why not just accept the emotion and look for a correlation for example: a comment made by Joxville suggested that certain members of certain sexes get tempermental once a month and need hugs.

You could look for a correlation in that behaviour across a subject sample, if it was found to be a common behaviour then it would correlate. There are plenty of other ways to measure physiological responses questionaries, and direct interview would be a couple.

Temperamental women once a month correlates with a male shrugging the shoulders/shaking head response.

12-Sep-08, 17:26
Dear Wf I do hope that you realise that when it comes to women nothing is nice and simple! :)

Don't we know it? Don't we just know it?

12-Sep-08, 17:39
Temperamental women once a month correlates with a male shrugging the shoulders/shaking head response.

I think the correlation is directly proportional.

12-Sep-08, 17:44
Dear Wf I do hope that you realise that when it comes to women nothing is nice and simple! :)

I have to agree with you there, :lol:

12-Sep-08, 17:48
I think the correlation is directly proportional.

I do that all the time, it seems to have increased in frequency over time along with a increasingly deaf ear

12-Sep-08, 20:12
:eek: A wardrobe malfunction in the middle of a thread? Don't you just hate it when that happens ;)

I hate malfunctions of any kind Sapphire. My wardrobe is fine and I ejected the Bank Manager years ago - he was taking up too much space. ;)

12-Sep-08, 20:22
Was it not one of the objectives of Stanford convertion to its collider, to find what causes fundamental particles to have masses and the mechanism behind it? (the Higgs mechanism). They did not achieve it which was the point I was making, this experiment might not achieve it.

Was it? You're the scientist. Are CERN a waste of space then?

12-Sep-08, 21:05
Quite a few actually Moira!
I work for BBC Scotland .. and we have been conducting lots of interviews this week.
Where money gets spent seems fairly paramount
I have no issue with 'Wifies' post either..just the 'rolly eyes and the 'sheesh' in what really should have been a civil question.
Do you want the stats for the Org when I get them?

Great stuff karia!
Were your interviews based on qualitative or quantative stats? In either case or a mixture of both, there is a difference.

I'm sure the Beeb have their own way of sending the results of their surveys out to the world but if you feel they are lacking somewhat, post it here. I'll read it, whatever.

12-Sep-08, 21:19
After going to the microwave for the milk this am and then finding the remote in the fridge how can we be sure that we are not already in an alternative universe?
With regard to the possible creation of black holes, they already exist,or if they do not, can any one explain where the other sock, buttons, teaspoons and various other household items vanish to never to be seen again.

I've placed dairy products in the dishwasher but never the microwave. I've often looked for the elusive sock but never buttons or teaspoons. I don't sew and I have plenty teaspoons :)

12-Sep-08, 21:29
No good me rifling your cupboards then Moira!
Dairy products in the dish washer, they could have come out a little battered!
It all just goes to prove that whatever is possible is juxtaposed by the impossible, now that beggars the question if as I firmly believe there are black holes, where are the white ones?

12-Sep-08, 21:39
You're welcome to rifle my cupboards anytime Lizz. I actually managed to retrieve the dairy products before I switched the dishwasher on :)

There are a few "expert" on this thread, as usual. I'd take it with a pinch of salt, which is not healthy ;)

12-Sep-08, 21:47
Great stuff karia!
Were your interviews based on qualitative or quantative stats? In either case or a mixture of both, there is a difference.

I'm sure the Beeb have their own way of sending the results of their surveys out to the world but if you feel they are lacking somewhat, post it here. I'll read it, whatever.

You're interest is noted Moira.

Of course there is a difference..otherwise stats could simply be made to prove anyones theorems....acht yer choost teasing me there!:)

Qualatitive /Quantative stats have been replaced by other terms and different ways of measuring trends these days.

I asked if you wished the stats for the North East so you could compare wi' the rest of the country. We gathered views from Central, Fife and Tayside..also Dumfies and Galloway.;

Many others collected stats from the west and Islands.

Ye may not trust me... but heaps o' Scots answered these Nation Wide questions educated enough tae have an opinion on their future but apparently no til hev there views respected by e' Org.

12-Sep-08, 21:54
That's a sweeping assumption that people who post here do not have their views respected and JUST what does that have to do with the thread?

12-Sep-08, 22:05
There are a few "expert" on this thread, as usual. I'd take it with a pinch of salt, which is not healthy ;)

This is light relief compare to the other two BB that I am on, one is about as lively as a disco in a morgue where you might get a weekly post if your lucky and I recently reply to a post where the last post was two years ago and it was still on the first page.
They send you an e-mail when you get a response to a posting. I just imagine some chap in an ivory tower of academia suddenly gets an e-mail that someone has responded to his post only to find its me asking if his interested in fishing. [evil]

the other one, half of them seem to be in a totally different dimension of prue logic.

12-Sep-08, 22:06
You're interest is noted Moira.

Of course there is a difference..otherwise stats could simply be made to prove anyones theorems....acht yer choost teasing me there!:)

Qualatitive /Quantative stats have been replaced by other terms and different ways of measuring trends these days.

I asked if you wished the stats for the North East so you could compare wi' the rest of the country. We gathered views from Central, Fife and Tayside..also Dumfies and Galloway.;

Many others collected stats from the west and Islands.

Ye may not trust me... but heaps o' Scots answered these Nation Wide questions educated enough tae have an opinion on their future but apparently no til hev there views respected by e' Org.

Did you mean "Your interest is noted, Moira?". Simple mistake to make karia.

You asked what? You asked nothing of the kind actually.
Go back read.

You're not trying to put words in my mouth are you ?

12-Sep-08, 22:20
You stumble over yer own lies too well!

12-Sep-08, 22:33
Could you quantify what that is for a mere simpleton?

12-Sep-08, 22:52
Could you quantify what that is for a mere simpleton?

All discussions end up with lots of mathematical equations or scientific formula. The Org has a nice varied selection of threads and variety even within threads.

12-Sep-08, 23:23
No good me rifling your cupboards then Moira!
Dairy products in the dish washer, they could have come out a little battered!
It all just goes to prove that whatever is possible is juxtaposed by the impossible, now that beggars the question if as I firmly believe there are black holes, where are the white ones?As the Great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would say, albeit through his greatest Character Sherlock holmes. "When you have eliminated the Impossible, whatever remains, however Improbable, Must be the truth."

12-Sep-08, 23:32
As the Great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would say, albeit through his greatest Character Sherlock holmes. "When you have eliminated the Impossible, whatever remains, however Improbable, Must be the truth."

So it's true then? Harrods are coming to Wick!

12-Sep-08, 23:36
So it's true then? Harrods are coming to Wick!
It is possible. Hell, Wick may even get that kilted, scary looking Madamme Tussaud's waxwork from Shin Falls into the bargain.

12-Sep-08, 23:40
It is possible. Hell, Wick may even get that kilted, scary looking Madamme Tussaud's waxwork from Shin Falls into the bargain.

Who? Don't tell me Karia's been stuffed already! I know some thought she was a dummy but thats taking it too far. [lol]

12-Sep-08, 23:43
Those things are real people Jox. HAve you never watched carry on Screaming.:eek:

13-Sep-08, 00:58
You stumble over yer own lies too well!

I don't tell lies. Do you?

13-Sep-08, 09:09



13-Sep-08, 09:35
:lol: Very clever; someone's been quick off the mark!

13-Sep-08, 10:02
Very good.

13-Sep-08, 16:49
I don't tell lies. Do you?

I think you're in for a long wait for an answer! [lol]