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View Full Version : Rain and floods

Kevin Milkins
06-Sep-08, 09:57
Its hard to believe that Wick and the north of Scotland are enjoying very clemant sort of weather and down south the are having a nightmare with rain and floods.
The lovely little town of Tenbury Wells is flooded for the 4th time in 18 months. South Wales are having a right battering .:mad:
It must be a big worry to those that are just getting there lives and homes back together from the previous flooding and then are faced with the same problem.:~(
With all the talk on global warming I would have thought those with houses on high ground may be worth a premium.

06-Sep-08, 10:06
The insurance premiums must be staggering. Nothing worse than a flood it gets every where. We dont seem to get monsoon like rains up here for some reason. A few months ago I was in the south west, it started raining, we were about 200 yards from the car carrying shopping bags. At the car I dont think I had a stich of dry clothing anywhere even the shopping bags was half full of water, it was like standing under a very heavy shower trying to catch your breath. Later on the local weather forecast they said half an inches fell in two hours.

06-Sep-08, 12:23
It addles my brain why so many houses have been built on flood plains. Planners seem to be functioning with pea sized brains causing mysery to the folks who buy homes in the good faith that they are safe.:confused

06-Sep-08, 12:28
Do you think there's going to be an ark building boom? :D

Kevin Milkins
06-Sep-08, 12:44
Do you think there's going to be an ark building boom? :D

No/ er I dont :lol:

06-Sep-08, 12:52
Its hard to believe that Wick and the north of Scotland are enjoying very clemant sort of weather and down south the are having a nightmare with rain and floods.
The lovely little town of Tenbury Wells is flooded for the 4th time in 18 months. South Wales are having a right battering .:mad:
It must be a big worry to those that are just getting there lives and homes back together from the previous flooding and then are faced with the same problem.:~(
With all the talk on global warming I would have thought those with houses on high ground may be worth a premium.

Were alright where we live, its way above sea level so I think the only way my house would get flooded would be through a Tsunami or a tidal wave.

I think were quite safe:eek: Shame for the others who are not, it must be heart wrenching to find your house & possesions all ruined

06-Sep-08, 18:28
It must be terrible when they have not got insurance because the companies will not give them it, cant sell because they have to declare it will not get insurance.