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View Full Version : Does life go around in circles?

05-Sep-08, 11:47
[lol] [lol] Sorry couldnt help it. [lol]

05-Sep-08, 11:58
well mine certainly does anyway :L

05-Sep-08, 11:58

Yes it does. Ever decreasing circles and you'll never make it out alive. ;)

Bad Manners
05-Sep-08, 12:00
no I think it is in spirals some up some down hopefully more up than down

05-Sep-08, 12:06
You cant finish it like that I was looking forward to a disagreement over whats scientific.

Melancholy Man
05-Sep-08, 12:21
It does have a bright side, and they're the fires of hell.

Kevin Milkins
05-Sep-08, 12:25
A friend of mine drives a road sweeper on the M25, :roll: does that count ?:lol:

05-Sep-08, 13:02
[lol] [lol] Sorry couldnt help it. [lol]Courtesy of the Byrds, lifted from the book of ecclesiastes:

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

05-Sep-08, 13:47
Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, wait a minute yes, no, yes, no ;)

05-Sep-08, 13:48
Course it does. life is but a doughnut doh!!!!!!! ;)

05-Sep-08, 14:48
course it does, we come into this world naked and bald with no teeth,we have no ability to talk and have no sence of whats going on, we go out pretty much the same way.:lol:

05-Sep-08, 15:27
Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel....la,la,lalala....:confused

05-Sep-08, 16:48
Sorry guys, I'm putting the wet blanket on this one lol.

Yes, I'd say life goes round in circles, and sometimes in more than one. My friend and I discussed this a while ago, with her saying life DOES go full circle! She has found herself in pretty much the same position she was in as a teenager, and not entirely through choice!

But also, as some of you know, my brother died recently. Having 'joined' our family in a particualr town in Scotland, we couldn't think where to scatter his ashes, and eventually decided to 'bring him home' back to the town we first lived in - hence his life has gone in a full circle.

I'm not sure if that's what this thread intended to mean, but that's the mening I took from it, though I have no idea if there is anything scientific involved!! I'll leave that one to those over-paid and obviouly bored scientists who always manage to find out highly scientific data about the most boring of subjects!! (Not that I'm impying this subject is boring - but some aubjects scientifically investigated are! Off to find a shovel to dig a deeper hole now!) [lol]

05-Sep-08, 16:56
Its no problem at all.