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View Full Version : New Year's Honours List

31-Dec-05, 10:41
Well once again I wasn't on it. Diddums. Who would you nominate for an honour and why?

31-Dec-05, 12:39
Don't really understand how they award these things. England cricket team get awards except, apparently, the one man who turned things around. Show biz. types get OBEs, CBEs, knighthoods. People who risked their lives going back down into stations after the July bomb to save others get MBEs. Funny old world.

31-Dec-05, 13:11
How do people actually get nominated for these things?

31-Dec-05, 14:34
Well once again I wasn't on it. Diddums. Who would you nominate for an honour and why?

I'd nominate the moderators of this forum. They put up with a lot.


whoever invented Special Fried Rice.

They deserve some sort of recognition.


31-Dec-05, 16:25
I would nominate a Caithnessian for an MBE from

Cat Protection league
The Campaign to keep Wick Maternity Unit
Balmore Animal Centre
Dare I say Dounreay for organising the schedule of decommissioning from 60 years to 36?
The Highland Council
The Post Office Bus Service

Dr Evil
31-Dec-05, 18:25
i would nominate santa he puts up with a fare bit. hoomer simspon might be in for a shout to

01-Jan-06, 02:17
the highland council???????

01-Jan-06, 02:22
Why not me, i made a walt disney film i made millions from it and never been honoured yet!

ice box
01-Jan-06, 02:32
I nominate all the british soldiers in iraq . just think some are from caithness i know of one good mate of mine .

ice box
01-Jan-06, 02:57
Why not me, i made a walt disney film i made millions from it and never been honoured yet!
You the one with the big ears ?

02-Jan-06, 03:12
I would nominate someone who does a lot for the community and helping others in need, giving up their time for free, certainly not to celebrities who get paid highly for what they do anyway, so why should they get mbe's.also what about our firemen and coastguards who have risked their lives this year, and the lifeboatmen, do we ever see them get awards in the new years honours list ....no. we should all nominate them, this is the only way they are selected. Its up to the public to nominate them.

02-Jan-06, 14:21
Why not me, i made a walt disney film i made millions from it and never been honoured yet!

Bad news Dumbo.....you're a fictional character.
Sorry to break it to you like that, but sometimes the truth hurts and only your real friends will tell you.

I suppose we could organize some sort of fictional honour for you.

Keep flapping! :)

02-Jan-06, 20:19
I headed off down the road to a very good friend of mine where I was to take the bells in with himself and his wife. When I got to his house I had the chance to read the paper (I hadn't had the time before I left or before I got there!...). I was dumb struck to see that he had just been listed in the New Years Honours List and received an OBE.

Needless to say I was delighted to be in their company at that time and to my mind he is fully justified in receiving it for the hard work he has put into serving the community AND for the benefits that the Highlands have received from his efforts.

He was first to say that he had been supported by many wonderful team players to which he paid tribute. They are both very wonderful friends and at the party that followed yesterday, there were many glasses of champagne raised to toast his "badge" :D

If all those listed in the New Years Honours List worked as hard and for as long as my friend has to the benefit of the community then to my mind, they will ALL be worthy of the honour.

I am just back today (after having a wonderful time) and since it is now common knowledge from the press release I am sure those who agree with me will not mind me using this forum to say Congratulations Bob MacLeod OBE!

WBG :cool:

Sideshow Shug
02-Jan-06, 21:38
Well done and well deserved to all those that got awarded in this years honours list, especially all those heroes who were involved in the London Bombings but dont you think the awards have been belittled a bit by the cricketers getting awarded for basically winning one match

Its not an anti English thing i think the timing is inappropriate and maybe they should section off the awards for sports and entertainments and announce them at an alternative time eg award the sports and entertainments at Xmas and the others like doctors, community, soldiers etc in the Queens Birthday Honours. It would stop them getting smothered in the press by the more tabloid friendly winners

02-Jan-06, 22:27
I couldn't agree more Sideshow Shug. At one time only very exceptional sports people got awards and that was usually towards the end of a long and distinguished career. Show Biz people got awards for their voluntary work outside their profession, usually for Charity Work or something similar.
Giving awards to a team or an individual because of a one off success is like giving everybody in a Regiment the VC because they won a minor skirmish.
I seem to remember the current system started after fuss that Awards were being given to "people nobody had heard of".
Politicians then decided to "popularise" the awards, and also gain some publicity, by lashing them out like confetti to "personalities" who were in the public spotlight.
As far as I am concerned all they are doing is detracting from the hard work put in by often "unsung heros" who have worked very hard to serve the community without seeking fame or reward.
Giving it to people just because they are famous or are successful is a disgrace.

03-Jan-06, 07:30
I might have big ears but who's Bob MacLeod when he's at home? as weeboyagee point's out.

03-Jan-06, 09:14
The thing about the cricketers getting gongs is quite interesting. Anyone who is into cricket was affected by the series of matches against Australia during the summer. It caught peoples attention. There was a feel-good factor buzzing around at the time and all you had to do was to tap into it to feel it. Maybe it was crayolas collective consciousness at work but I doubt it. Anyway, it was a special event and millions of people were effected by it. Thats why they got it.
If we are going to have an honours list at all, lets not be selective about the criteria for giving the awards out.

03-Jan-06, 12:42
The thing about the cricketers getting gongs is quite interesting. Anyone who is into cricket was affected by the series of matches against Australia during the summer. It caught peoples attention. There was a feel-good factor buzzing around at the time and all you had to do was to tap into it to feel it. Maybe it was crayolas collective consciousness at work but I doubt it. Anyway, it was a special event and millions of people were effected by it. Thats why they got it.
If we are going to have an honours list at all, lets not be selective about the criteria for giving the awards out.

Poor old Gary Pratt though.........

03-Jan-06, 17:10
Does anyone else feel a bit miffed that Tom Jones has been awarded a knighthood?

In the sixties he shipped out to America to avoid paying our high rates of tax.
Along with his co-crooner Humperdinck. The Beatles seemed happy to stay.

He has also reportedly had a string of low profile relationships and encounters, keeping his missus quiet by no doubt featherbedding her lifestyle. If she was happy to coalesce with this then that's up to her. If it were my wife she would have taken me to the cleaners years ago.

I just feel it's symptomatic of the age and a headline grabbing stunt to award coveted honours to people like this.

It discredits the entire system, which I'd like to see scrapped anyway and replaced with small cash payouts to people like the lollipop lady with 40 years service or workers who go a decade without sick leave. True heroes who deserve recognition by the state machine.


Sideshow Shug
03-Jan-06, 17:42
And why did Tom Jones deserve a knighthood and Bruce Forsythe only got a CBE (i think)

No problem with the England Cricket team getting it i just think its belittled the award for those that have for example won an award for serving in the gulf for a couple of years riking their lives or a lifetime of community work etc, compared with 2 or 3 weeks playing a sport gets the same award and the tabloid headlines - - -i just think it does demean the significance

Maybe they should have an award specifically for giving to great sports men/women, one for entertainment, one for politicians, one for civil servants, one for community spirit etc