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View Full Version : Party Tricks

31-Dec-05, 00:23
What is everyone's favourite party trick...? - like trying to write your name whilst balancing on a bottle, its quite funny :)

31-Dec-05, 13:48
I like the drunk people trying to act sober!!! it cracks me up :)

31-Dec-05, 14:37
Don't think I really have a party trick. Now that Derren Brown is someone who you'd wanna invite to your party. He'd keep things ticking over.

01-Jan-06, 14:33
right ok this is a sick one but impressive. threading an item (usually a condom as this is the only flexible and slick enough item available in pubs) up my nose and pulling it out of my mouth. dont ask me how i discovered how to do this, but it won me a bottle of champagne when i did it on stage at uni.

01-Jan-06, 15:35
hmmmmmmmm I dont think my stomach could handle seeing that, the guy on guinness world records doing it with spaghetti was enough for me yeuch I have not looked at spaghetti the same way since...