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View Full Version : Spitfire the ultimate iconic aeroplane?

30-Aug-08, 18:53
Had five overfly today in formation on route to the local air show.
Is it the roar of the merlin engines,the unmistakable silhouette,the historic conection or some sort ot aura that makes people stop in their tracks and gaze skywards?
I can't put my finger on it but I do love the sight and sound of them despite the fact that they were invented long before I was a twinkle in my parent's eye!
How do they affect you ,or is there another aircraft that has even bigger charisma in your opinion?

percy toboggan
30-Aug-08, 19:01
You're right. Give me a print of a brace flying north over the white cliffs of Dover, and I'll hang it on any wall in my house.

There was a debate about sat-nav on the radio the other day...comparing them to maps. Someone e.mailed in to the show saying they had a map printed on silk, with the coast of North Africa on one side, and southern Europe on the other...it was worn as a scarf by the e.mailers Uncle who flew Spitfires out of Malta in WW2.

How can you compete with that ? the presenter asked...
..answer:You Don't....unless perhaps you have a Lancaster handy ... though given the fact that they killed civillians, intentionally or otherwise I'll stick with the Spit.

Anyone who is indiferrent toward Spits, or forgets 'the few' should be transported.

30-Aug-08, 19:23

Absolute icons, I'm sure someone will get sniffy about 'glamourising war' but frankly I don't give a monkeys.

Was at Detling in Kent a few years ago attending a boat jumble when a Spit came hammering over the pitch at zilch altitude.
He then gave an impromptu 5 minute display...during which absolutely nobody moved. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

There's something about the noise - same as Lancasters or the B17 that was in Wick - it prompts some memory at the back of my mind. Is it because of the years of WW2 documentaries and films? I'm too young to claim I heard them fly during the war.

Beautiful pieces of machinery.....

Bad Manners
30-Aug-08, 19:47
The spitfire is an iconic plane and the sleek looks and thunderous V12 is unmistakeable and is a beauty to behold.
the modern day fighter planes are excellent at their job but woun't hold the same vibe as the spitefire.
The only other iconic plane is the Concorde but alas she is no longer flying even as a demenstration plane(Pity).

30-Aug-08, 20:18
I also like the spitfire, not seen them often but remember the distinct noise of the engines.
the only other plane that i have fond memories of are the Vulcans, they where great flying over our flat quite low when they were coming in to land at Leconfield.

30-Aug-08, 21:06
For any of you nipping down to the RAF Leuchars airshow on 13th September, pop into the 'Scottish Fair' Hangar - my OH; 'Plane.Jane' is there on a stand with her original oil paintings of; Spits, Vulcan's, Lancs, Hurricane, B17, Tornado, Concorde etc - reasonably priced too!

30-Aug-08, 21:09
Vulcans, luvverly gurt things. Had one swoop down on us in the South Atlantic and the stand on it's tail and go straight up...amazing thing.

It looked like a giant bat-shaped...er....bat.

30-Aug-08, 21:38
The Spitfire, no other plane makes that iconic sound


30-Aug-08, 22:05
Fortunate enough to have them flying (plus many other types) over almost once a day doing air tests/photo shoots - gets me out of the armchair every time.

31-Aug-08, 00:27
There is something some unique about them.

31-Aug-08, 09:42
For a fighter it has to be the Spitfire ("First of the Few" a good b & w film about its development with David Niven as its creator)

As a workhorse but still iconic the Douglas DC3 Dakota; (I am sure a US military Dakota used to land (and take off, of course, or there would be lots still sitting there, at Wick in early 1960's) When I was really young flew from Wick-Aberdeen-Edinburgh in one with BEA and was airsick, was so poorly wouldn't take up the offer of a trip to the cockpit during the flight according to my Mam.

As a bomber has to be B-17 Flying Fortress.

31-Aug-08, 20:43
all airyiplanes without exception are iconic

31-Aug-08, 21:09
Vulcans, luvverly gurt things. Had one swoop down on us in the South Atlantic and the stand on it's tail and go straight up...amazing thing.

It looked like a giant bat-shaped...er....bat.
we lived near the base of vulcans coming in to land my wife used run outside with her 6 month old daughter . they were terrifing. our best plane was a dak a to. so called

31-Aug-08, 21:17
Vulcans, luvverly gurt things. Had one swoop down on us in the South Atlantic and the stand on it's tail and go straight up...amazing thing.

It looked like a giant bat-shaped...er....bat.
we lived near the base of vulcans coming in to land my wife used run outside with her 6 month old daughter . they were terrifing. our best plane was a dak a to. so called

31-Aug-08, 21:35
Arrived in Caithness on a Dakota when I was five and a half and was violently sick on landing (just to be different) at Wick.

31-Aug-08, 22:03
At last some thing very british.

31-Aug-08, 22:07
The Spitfire, no other plane makes that iconic sound


What a great video clip golach, I really enjoyed that, I've been a great Spitfire fan for as long as I can remember. However, my own personal favourite is the Tiger Moth from the 1st world war, how I would have loved to have flown one of them. Our modern day planes, great as they are, just don't have the same appeal.

Kevin Milkins
02-Sep-08, 13:23
I could be wrong with the breed , but I am sure a Spitfire just landed at Wick airport at about 13-00 hrs.
It flew north to south at height over the airport then went back up over Reiss ,turned and looked as if it was going to land and then pulled up sharp just short of the runway.
It circled again then landed.
I tried to get a photo on my phone and if succesfull I will post it later.:confused

02-Sep-08, 15:31
There has been a small plane flying about ...oh says it could be a spitfire or similar....so you may well be right Kevin...:D

Kevin Milkins
02-Sep-08, 16:53
Not the best photo ever ,but off a mobile. YES or NO ?:confused


02-Sep-08, 17:37
This plane flew over Scrabster this morning possibly the one that was in Wick http://www.raf.mod.uk/equipment/tucano.cfm

02-Sep-08, 18:25
Yes that`s a Tucano. Quite a modern advanced trainer. They come up from Church Fenton and practise circuits and bumps over the runway. It`s due to the low traffic and long runway at Wick I`m told.

Kevin Milkins
02-Sep-08, 18:54
This plane flew over Scrabster this morning possibly the one that was in Wick http://www.raf.mod.uk/equipment/tucano.cfm

Yep ,that looks like the one I saw .
Thanks and regards /KM

02-Sep-08, 19:00
Yes that`s a Tucano. Quite a modern advanced trainer. They come up from Church Fenton and practise circuits and bumps over the runway. It`s due to the low traffic and long runway at Wick I`m told.

I'm pretty certain it was an RAF Tucano that has been sat in the hangar at Wick up until quite recently. It had decided to boil its engine and was awaiting a very expensive new one. - Maybe that was the one?

03-Sep-08, 11:29
The Disposal Services Agency (http://www.edisposals.com) (posh title for scrappy?) had 17 Tucanos for sale as a job lot recently - wonder how much they went for?

03-Sep-08, 21:29
The Tucano was back today. It done a fast pass over Scrabster about 12.30. Tucano`s are a training aircraft for fast jet pilots,they have to start on something slower! Prefer it when the Tornado`s are about.