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View Full Version : A Christmas Poem

30-Aug-08, 00:39
(Published in Diverse Reflections
ISBN 1 86161 592 2)

The Holly with its berries red,
The Christmas presents with their golden thread.
A tree that glitters, covered in lights,
Carol singers, harmonise the night.
Here now within the season of goodwill,
Spare a thought for those who are ill
Those in countries far away,
To those who Christmas is, just another day.
Also to children everywhere
For without them, would we care?
To make the effort, to see the joy,
A doll for a girl and a car for a boy.
Lets not sit back, fat with content,
But to all mankind, our greetings are sent.
For deep within ourselves, we may gain some
Just to see the joy, brought by one little action.