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26-Aug-08, 13:38
The Panorama programme asked the question 'What is Britishness?' but the question seemed unanswerable as if it was some trick question that couldn't be answered.

So what is Scottishness?:confused

26-Aug-08, 13:47
I would says its how you feel about your country of birth. My grandfather was Polish and my grandmother is German so my background is a tad mixed up. (Paternal grandparents were Scottish)

I feel Scottish although I look more European. I do not regard myself as British as such as I do not feel that the the UK is actually united. If it was we would only have one parliament, one set of laws, one set of national beliefs etc.

I do not agree with us being vaguely governed by the SNP as I do not think they have a clue what they are doing.

26-Aug-08, 14:00
For me it's just a strong sense of familiarity and belonging and a feeling of homecoming when I've been away from Scotland. :)

I think you either feel that way or you don't. It's part of who you are.

No need for 'Scottishness' to be analysed, put under the microscope, made subject to definitions, labels or regulations! I don't think it can be bottled either....:lol:

26-Aug-08, 17:31
The Panorama programme asked the question 'What is Britishness?' but the question seemed unanswerable as if it was some trick question that couldn't be answered.

So what is Scottishness?:confused
love of the people. envy of others. scot by marriage. your humour your parties. how you hate so strongly . tough solid honest your whisky. after48 years living with you i am beging to like you.but i am an old english b. will mellow in time. t

26-Aug-08, 17:57
Unfortunately for many of the Braveheart brigade, Scottishness is being not English.

26-Aug-08, 18:01
The Panorama programme asked the question 'What is Britishness?' but the question seemed unanswerable as if it was some trick question that couldn't be answered.

So what is Scottishness?:confused

If you cant answer "what is britishness" how can you answer "what is scottishness":confused ??/ ;) Now I am even more confuddled!

26-Aug-08, 18:03
Unfortunately for many of the Braveheart brigade, Scottishness is being not English.

That would make all the world Scottish... except for the English of course :confused

26-Aug-08, 18:13
That would make all the world Scottish... except for the English of course :confused

:confused It certainly would,But doesnt the saying go that we "Are all jack tamsons bairns"? if thats the case the world is scottiemefudgiefied!!!! ;)

26-Aug-08, 18:14
I had an excellent picture in my mind of Innuits (sp) in kilts for a minute there :lol:

26-Aug-08, 18:23
That would make all the world Scottish... except for the English of course :confused

Yes, they are not very clever Sapphire.

26-Aug-08, 18:31
Unfortunately for many of the Braveheart brigade, Scottishness is being not English.

That would make all the world Scottish... except for the English of course :confused

Sorry, disagree, not my experience at all, it is a myth perpetuated by the Braveheart brigade.

26-Aug-08, 18:36
Being Scottish or rather being Caithneissian is about tolerance to other folks from other areas of the World. There comes a limit to this from both parties. Take for example that lovely place at Westerdale being terrorised by outside influences-You know who you are?

26-Aug-08, 18:37
Being Scottish or rather being Caithneissian is about tolerance to other folks from other areas of the World. There comes a limit to this from both parties. Take for example that lovely place at Westerdale being terrorised by outside influences-You know who you are?

David will you ever let it lie!!! The thread is about scottishness not your Halkirk agenda.
I though you were over this by now. :)

26-Aug-08, 18:52
Being Scottish is also about having a tenacious tendancy. BTW Hotrod you have completely mistaken windmills, the HHGC shed for something far more local. Sorry to have an opinion on things, I can asure you this will continue.

26-Aug-08, 19:03
Go on enlighten us, another two hundred building plots for Westerdale?

26-Aug-08, 19:22
Lets just say there are things going on at Westerdale which stretches the usual tolerance of Caithness and other folks living there. No Halkirk agenda (wot agenda?) no windfarms ( cos they are soo good for the community- and shed builders) nowt to do with 100 new builds.

Melancholy Man
26-Aug-08, 22:03
Scottishness is what I say it is, and anyone who disagrees is a self-hating Scot.

Unfortunately for many of the Braveheart brigade,

Not far off. I'm sure that dreadful film pushed the vote in favour of Devolution (not a bad thing).

Scottishness is being not English.

Next person who says they'd sooner endure a bit of financial hardship just to see if Scotland can stand on her own two feet - the worst of us is not better than the best of them.

26-Aug-08, 22:15
The Panorama programme asked the question 'What is Britishness?' but the question seemed unanswerable as if it was some trick question that couldn't be answered.

So what is Scottishness?:confused

Perhaps it is the ability to recognize the trick questions.

26-Aug-08, 22:21

So what is Scottishness?:confused

The ability to pronounce Loch with a real "och" and not a short, clipped "ock" as if it was sticking in the throat somehow?

Melancholy Man
26-Aug-08, 22:48
The ability to know that a punch in the face simply means, I believe there are some inconsistencies with your argument?

27-Aug-08, 12:20
So what is Scottishness?:confused

Being pragmatic, inventive, welcoming, slow to anger but quick to reply, inquisitive, careful (when needed), brave (when needed) and generally very friendly to all. I'm sure there are others.

Try reading "How the Scots Invented the Modern World" by Arthur Herman and you'll get a good taste of what being a Scot is all about.

27-Aug-08, 20:55
being able to wear a kilt in a peasoup fog of midgies without flinching:lol:

28-Aug-08, 00:29
Those who know Scotland and are connected with its untamed beauty don’t need to contemplate the answer to this question. They simply feel the magic that is Scotland and celebrate our precious lands uniqueness. Search the whole wide world, there is only one Scotland. :Razz

Melancholy Man
28-Aug-08, 00:44
Failing that, Stavro, there's always Switzerland.

28-Aug-08, 00:45
Those who know Scotland and are connected with its untamed beauty don’t need to contemplate the answer to this question. They simply feel the magic that is Scotland and celebrate our precious lands uniqueness. Search the whole wide world, there is only one Scotland. :Razz

You've hit the nail on the head there Stavro, I totally agree with you. There is only one Scotland and one people, both very unique. I love the feeling of Scottishness that comes over me when I hear the skurl of the pipes. There's no sound like it.:Razz

28-Aug-08, 07:44
You've hit the nail on the head there Stavro, I totally agree with you. There is only one Scotland and one people, both very unique. I love the feeling of Scottishness that comes over me when I hear the skurl of the pipes. There's no sound like it.:Razz

and you dont feel hot otherwise the pipes you are hearing might be in Portual, Spain, North Africa, to name a few.

28-Aug-08, 08:40
Failing that, Stavro, there's always Switzerland.
And so what Menancholy Man, the Swiss have Chocolate and Yodelling, the Scots have Haggis and Bagpipes ...no comparison :lol:

28-Aug-08, 10:15
You've hit the nail on the head there Stavro, I totally agree with you. There is only one Scotland and one people, both very unique. I love the feeling of Scottishness that comes over me when I hear the skurl of the pipes. There's no sound like it.:Razz

I love my country but confess to hating the sound of the pipes, akin to a cat being strangled. Cannot abide Irn Bru, please don't shoot me. Cannot stand Glasgow, found it to be a miserable place, found Edinburgh much friendlier and more upbeat. Find the anti-English feeling in this country upsetting as I take every person as an individual not as a race, creed or colour etc. I love porridge and eat it every day, not sure how Scottish that makes me but genuinely love it. With sugar naturally, like my blood pressure low.;) I feel that Tartan is lovely at a wedding but slightly twee when its worn on an every day basis. OK thats me....

28-Aug-08, 10:30
I love my country but confess to hating the sound of the pipes, akin to a cat being strangled. Cannot abide Irn Bru, please don't shoot me. Cannot stand Glasgow, found it to be a miserable place, found Edinburgh much friendlier and more upbeat. Find the anti-English feeling in this country upsetting as I take every person as an individual not as a race, creed or colour etc. I love porridge and eat it every day, not sure how Scottish that makes me but genuinely love it. With sugar naturally, like my blood pressure low.;) I feel that Tartan is lovely at a wedding but slightly twee when its worn on an every day basis. OK thats me....

Well according to this link mccaugm Edinburgh is the unhappiest place in Britain and the folk are dour and miserable. The happiest place is Powys in Wales. Im sure Kevin will be delighted to hear that.


28-Aug-08, 11:14

Can't believe Caithness & Sutherland come in at 231 out of 273 'happiest places to live' :eek:.

28-Aug-08, 11:22
Well according to this link mccaugm Edinburgh is the unhappiest place in Britain and the folk are dour and miserable. The happiest place is Powys in Wales. Im sure Kevin will be delighted to hear that.


Yeah but Glasgow came in even lower...case closed (unless I read the article wrong in which case I stand corrected)

Melancholy Man
28-Aug-08, 11:24
I feel that Tartan is lovely at a wedding but slightly twee when its worn on an every day basis.

Oh, I don't know (http://www.nls.uk/news/pop_ups/sikh_tartan.html)...

28-Aug-08, 20:04
Oh, I don't know (http://www.nls.uk/news/pop_ups/sikh_tartan.html)...

A Sikh tartan. Blimey........

In a spirit of reciprocation - turbans for the Wick Pipe band, maybe?